An Unhappy Visitor
Polaris paced in Oak's office. He did find his weapons and he was armed. It was just in case he had to defend his mate. Vibe, Verb and Storm insisted on being there. Storm smiled. "I think this will be fine, Sir." He watched Polaris worry with his usual annoying optimism.
"Storm, thanks but...I don't know. I mean... He will never understand this. He will insist that I go with him and I don't want to. I can't. He will try to talk me out of being mated because he doesn't understand that it's not a choice." Polaris was in a panic.
Origin leaned into Dare. "Just relax and wait until he gets here. You don't know for sure what he'll say."
Polaris nodded. "I do because it's what I would say if this were reversed. I would have never grasped the concept either, Origin."
Vibe smiled. "I agree with Storm. I think this will work out. What can he do anyway? You are an adult, Polaris."
Polaris covered his face and sighed as Oak walked in and wrapped around his mate. Polaris instantly relaxed. The change was visible. "Alanis and Gideon are staying in case. Please, don't worry. We are inviting him to stay for dinner too."
"I know." Polaris took a deep breath and leaned into Oak. "I love you and he couldn't change that if he killed me, Okeanos." He looked into Oak's eyes.
Origin sighed. "Damn, that is so sweet."
Dare bit Origin's ear. "We are fighting later, Lover. I know what you like." He growled a warning to Origin.
Origin moaned louder than he wanted. He laughed. "Yes, you do!"
Oak laughed. "Not in my office or I will get the hose!"
Polaris laughed. "This is our area to have hot sex in!" He blushed as he pointed at the floor by the desk. Oak just laughed and kissed his man again.
They got quiet and still as they felt the stranger arrive. Alanis was getting the door. Polaris knew that Lukas was a stranger which was weird because that was his uncle that he knew his whole life. He didn't feel familiar with him right now.
Alanis knocked on the office door. She stood with the stranger. Oak sat at his desk. "Come in. Please."
Alanis opened the door and walked through with the stranger and Gideon. "Sir, your guest." She backed to the wall with Gideon.
"You must be Uncle Lukas." Oak watched the tall man. He was older with silver streaks in his hair. "I'm Oak Sandoval."
Lukas nodded and walked to greet him. "Sir, I believe that we have talked on the phone several times. Good to meet you in person." He shook the Alpha's hand. He was tall and well built. He was nice looking, more so than Lukas pictured.
Oak was more elegant and high class than he imagined. When he thought of werewolves, he thought untamed animals not a man in a nice four piece suit. Even his blonde hair was immaculate. Nothing about him was wild or out of place and he looked closer to thirty not some old man that Lukas pictured.
Oak studied Lukas. He was older and fit. He was tall and reminded him of Polaris. They stood the same way. Lukas' smile wasn't as nice though. Polaris had a great smile. "Please, sit."
Lukas sat and was still and silent. He was waiting for an explanation. "Fabian." He looked at his nephew.
Polaris sighed. "First, my name is Polaris. I don't know where to start, Lukas. This wasn't planned but it is final. I'm mated to a werewolf and that isn't changing. We are married."
Lukas stared. "Married?" He looked around and wondered which wolf it was. "To whom? Which one? Is he here? He, right? You married a man, a male werewolf?"
Polaris sighed. "I did and I don't want to tell you yet. I want to protect him until I know for sure that you won't try to kill him. I don't want to see you die for a silly mistake. I don't want to fight."
Lukas inhaled. He was going to try to be patient because he loved Fabian, Polaris. That was going to take some getting used to. Polaris. "Okay, explain."
"Well, being mated isn't what we thought. It's... a mating of their souls, Lukas. We become one with the other person. It started off small. I felt comfortable, immediately and you know me. I have never been comfortable with anyone." Lukas nodded. "I felt like I had met him before. Well, more like he was a long lost friend. It was strange. I came here to talk about the rogue and we just talked." Polaris sighed.
"I felt relaxed and turned on. We talked about personal things instead of the rogue and I trusted his opinion. It was very unprofessional of me. It's never happened before. I was planning on leaving right after the meeting with Oak but I stayed for dinner and freaked out. Dinner was amazing. I felt like I belonged there. I rushed to my room and my mate was at the door. He was worried. I haven't left his side since." Polaris blushed.
Oak wanted to help. "Just to save questions, a mate...when it begins. It's subtle. There is an option at first. The other can leave. If they do, the bond will break because it's weak. The longer the couple spends together and touch each other, the harder it becomes to leave. Sex seals the bond. The longer they touch the faster the bond is made." He watched Lukas.
"It's not just a bond with the mate, it's a bond with the pack. The pack will know the instant the mate's bond is sealed. Wolves are instinctual creatures, Lukas. None of this was done on purpose or to anger anyone." Oak hoped this explained it.
Lukas was silent for awhile. "So... I thought it was just.... What are you called when you are married?"
"Husband or wife. They are still a mate but we are married when we introduce our mate to the pack, officially." Oak was watching for understanding.
"Lukas? This is complicated and I tried to tell you that. I had no idea but... I love him too. Okay?" Polaris sighed.
"So, you changed your name?" Lukas stared.
"Yes. My mate, my husband, changed it. That is how it's done. I'm Polaris Fabian Sandoval."
Lukas looked up at Polaris. "Sandoval?" He knew that was this pack's name and most of the pack was made up of Sandovals."
"Yes. Sandoval. I will tell you if you want to know." Polaris was waiting on Lukas.
"Will it anger me?" Lukas was curious. "Are you happy?"
"Yes! I have never been happy. I never dreamed or hoped to find anyone, Lukas. I am very happy. He is good to me. I loved him the second I laid eyes on him. I love him more every second. I want this to work out with you. I don't want to lose you, you are family also. If you can accept this as it is right now, I will tell you who it is." Polaris sighed. "I have to protect him too."
Lukas sighed. "Do you think I would hurt him?"
"I don't know. Maybe. I know how you are. You still think this was a corersion or a potion or something. It's nothing but love, Lukas. I love him." Polaris sighed. He felt Oak smile. He was afraid to look at his mate because Lukas would know.
"So, you are protecting a Werewolf?"
"With my life." Polaris nodded.
Origin smiled. "That is so sweet!" He cleared his throat. "Sorry!"
Lukas turned to Origin. "You are a vampire?" He stood. He was ready to jump up and kill him.
Dare stood in front of him. "He is and he is my mate." He growled and flashed his wolf fangs. No one was ever touching his mate. Dare would die to protect Origin. He just found him.
Oak stood. "Enough. This is my office. There will be no killing here. Understand. We are talking. Sit down." He watched Dare back down and turned his eyes to the floor.
"I apologize, Father." Dare looked at his shoes. "I'm sorry." Origin pulled him to the wall.
Origin looked down as well. "I'm sorry too, Grandfather."
Lukas turned to Oak, who looked like an Alpha. "I apologize as well. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. He is your grandson." He nodded. "I forgot myself."
"Origin, take Verb and Storm and wait outside. Gideon, you and Alanis as well. Thanks and I will talk to you later. Please." Oak knew there were too many people in this office. He looked at Lukas as the door closed. "Dare is my student and Vibe belongs with him. Polaris is my mate." He wanted to see what Lukas would do with that information.
Lukas laughed. "No way! You're not even his type if he was into men! He doesn't like being told what to do. He is always in charge. I can't see him being submissive to anyone! Are you joking? You must be joking!" He looked at Polaris. "You are mated to the Alpha!"
Polaris sighed. "He's not joking. Oak is my husband. He's my mate. The second I walked into this office, I was his. There is nothing I can do to change it and if you have to fight with me, so be it. It won't change things. Lukas."
"I need to think about this. Is there a place I can change and think?" Lukas took a breath.
"Yes, We have a room for you and we will get you for dinner." Polaris didn't even think it was weird that he said we.
"We?" Lukas stared.
"Yes. Oak and I are we. I know this is crazy. I know that but I love Oak." Polaris shrugged. "He is my mate and my husband, my name is Polaris Sandoval and I am staying here with him."
"Non-negotiable." Lukas knew it wasn't.
"Non-negotiable." Polaris watched him.
"Dare." Oak watched his student.
"Father?" Dare watched his mentor.
"Take Lukas to his room, show him around. Take Origin with you. Yes?" Oak watched Dare.
Dare wanted to smile because this was his first real assignment and it was a challenge. He had to be nice to a hunter that already threatened his mate. "Sir." He stood. "Lukas, Sir. This way." He opened the office door and Origin stood. He heard. They took Lukas to his room.
Polaris took a deep breath. "I want this over with!"
Oak stood. "Lover, you are fine. He looked okay. Give him time." He wrapped around Polaris. "Meanwhile..." He smiled as Vibe closed his door and left them alone. Oak took Polaris to the floor. "I am taking your mind off of it." He kissed him.
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