Things get personal
It was two weeks since Jack , Sam and Chuck were introduced into the team and joined. Jacks parents also know about our little team and Jack is known as Robo. It was after school and we were all hanging out at Oro's apartment. "Hey guys come look at this!" Oro said as we all looked at the TV and saw Humatrix with a two half human half spiders, one looked around my age while another looked younger and there was a little girl from Japan. "Apparently those three girls are Humatrix's daughters." Oro said. "Hey daddy. Cane I play with them?" Jelly asked as she was sitting on my shoulders. "If we ever meet them." I said putting Jelly down. Chuck looked a bit freaked out at the sight of Ara the older spider and Taranee the youngest. "Is Chuck okay?" Cat asked. "He has Arachnophobia. What happened was he fell in a spider pit at the zoo when we were 5, got covered in webs, and a tarantula ended up in his mouth." Jack said as he projected the images from his right eye. "He has gotten better but he just can't touch a spider or be touched by one, but it looks like Ara and Taranee might be scarier to him." I said. "Yup." Chuck said. Twist just kept on focusing on the picture of the other little girl Kuromi. "Why does she look so familiar?" Twist asked to her self. "You must have met her but because of your amnesia you forgot." Jack said. "We have to get going. See you guys tomorrow!" Chuck said as he gathered his stuff. "I can't." I said "Why not?" Sam asked. "My parents have a surprise for me after school. I also told them that Jack, Chuck and I met you guys at the mall and we all started to hang out here. I didn't tell hem about our powers." I said . "That's good." Oro said. "See you guys!" I said. Jack said "Bye guys!!" As all three of us left and entered the elevator. While we waited to reach the first floor from the 24th I said "I miss Stella." "We all do." Chuck said as all three of us looked down. Stella was a friend of ours that moved from Canada. She was very different, she had bright purple eyes, and light blue hair, she was always happy and she loved space. She only had Chuck, Jack and my self as friends but one summer my family ad hers went on a camp out when we were 6. One night Stella and I went out on a walk because it felt almost as if something was wrong with Stella. We ended up in a cave where a monster with the body of a bear, head of a lion , bat wings and a scorpions tail attacked Stella and disappeared. The monster killed her. After that her parents left and I never heard from them again. The day after the funeral there was a box from her parents but I never opened it.
When we arrived at the first floor we all started to walk home. "I think might tell my parents the truth tomorrow." I said. "Okay if you want to." Chuck said as all three of us then parted ways and went home. That night we ate dinner and I went to bed. When I was sleeping I saw two spheres that were connected. I then heard a voice say "Do not worry. I'm on my way Stephen." When I woke up I thought "What was that? That sounded like Stella." I then got dressed in tan cargo shorts and a red t-shirt and went to school.
For our last day we watched a movie. I started to look for Chuck and Jeff but I had a difficult time. I started to look around ad said to myself (A/N: There are some references here try and guess what I'm referencing but here is a hint my friend humatrix-X-24 wrote three books about these characters and the cover of all three of theses books has the same symbol) "Lets see over is that Chuck over there? No just a orange haired girl and her friends. Is Jack that way? Nope that's just some other brown haired kid that wears green with his girlfriend who is from Japan I believe. What about over there? Nah, its just some one with brown almost red hair. What about in front of me? Nope that's just Chuck..................................oh wait." I then sat down next to them as we watched the first ever Star Wars film.
After the film I headed home. When I got home no one was there. "Mom. Dad. Scott you guys home?" I repeatedly said throughout the house. But there was no answer. I then started walking around and said to myself "Scott got home before me because his school lets out at 2:15 and its 2:51. They couldn't have gone out because both cars are in the drive way. Wait what's this?" I then picked up a disk and decided to activate a small pocket flash light sized recorder that was in the tech case I got. I then played the disk and an image of my parents and brother unconscious was shown. "MOM DAD SCOTT!!!" I said. "Well hello their Stephen Fuoco or should I say FLAME WARRIOR!!!" A female voice said as some one in a smaller version of Seiesmos suit walked in front of my parents. "Oh by the way this is live." She then said. "WHO ARE YOU?!? HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PARNETS AND BROTHER?!?!" I yelled at her. "I am Gyra, Seismo's sister. I've been watching you ever since Speed and you took out my team that was trying to receive the Adaptooze but failed. If you want to see your famiy again meet me at the board walk alone in an hour and destroy the disk." Gyra said as the video cut. I then took the disk out and destroyed it. I sent the others the recording and I headed out.
When I arrived at the board walk Gyra was already there. She had a drone with her a glass container and a person being held hostage. "Get in the container." Gyra said. "Let that person go then I'll come." I said. "Okay. Let him go." Gyra said as thee drone let the hostage go only to reveal it was a camo-drone as was everyone else. "GET HIM!!!!" Gyra commanded as all the camo-drones said "MUST CAPTURE FLAME WARRIOR" I was then tackled and locked in the container. "Nighty Night." Gyra said as gas came form the container and I passed out.
When I came to I saw my mom and dad in an energy field and Scott was in some sort of suit above a vat of Adaptooze. "What have you done to him?" I asked. "Oh nothing.........yet" Gyra said. "LET MY FAMILY GO!!!!!" I yelled as I turned back. "Wait. Stephen your Flame Warrior?" My dad asked. "Why didn't you tell us?" my mom then asked. "I didn't want you guys to worry about me." I said. "Wait, my brother is Flame? AWESOME!!!." Scott said. "Stephen we would have supported you not matter what." my mom said. "Really?" I asked. "Of course." My dad said. "Aw this is all very touching but I'm afraid I must end this." Gyra said. I then smirked an said "Oh yeah I forgot the crazy lady was here. What are your plans any way?" "Well I injected nano-bots into your younger brothers blood stream, next I'll-" Gyra said before Scott cut her off and said "So you made me generator Rex? Cool!!!!" "Ahem Next I'll dump him into the Adaptooze and he'll become my robot. Drop him" Gyra said as Scott fell into the Adaptooze. I saw a silhouette of Scott slowly disappear. Both of my parents gasped. I yelled "SCOTT NO!!!!!!!" but I also heard a small crack of glass breaking. "Drat!" Grya said "The Adaptooze isn't quite ready." "Let my parents go!!" I demanded. "Alright then. Guard send his parents back up in an escape pod." Gyra commanded. Two drones did as she said. "Stephen wait. What about our son?" my dad asked. "Oh he'll be fine." Grya said as I saw my parents get taken away and were sent back home.
"Now tell me how did you get you powers?" Gyra asked. "I'll never tell." I said. "Fine then have it your way. Take him to the cells." Grya said as I was taken away to a cell and thrown in. "What are you in for?" I heard someone asked. I looked across the hallway and saw a girl in a Japanese school girl like uniform who looked around my age. She had long bright red hair and looked a foot taller than me. She also had freckles on her checks. "I can shoot fire balls. You?" I asked her. "This." She then turned her hand into a crab claw and her skin became armor. "Whoa who and what are you?" I asked. She then turned back "My name is Kani, I'm from another dimension that was under attack by these weird bio robotic things. My sisters and I escaped here while everyone else was sent to another dimension, but I got separated from them and now I got captured. I'm the captain of the royal guard since I can't really be royalty." Kani explained. "Why's that?" I asked. "Because I'm adopted. You see I never had parents, and I was considered a bottom feader but my sister's Corventia and Dorien helped me out. Whats your name any way?" Kani asked. "Stephen, but call me Flame." I said. "What about bro?" I heared a fimaliar voice say as Scott ran through a wall wearing the suit he was in but it was blue with white lining. "Scott!! How why?" I asked. "I got powers look." Scott said as he turned invisible and made weapons from his hands. "I'll free you two." Scott said. "No go find Chuck and Jack, tell them I'm Flame and then bring them and the rest of the team here." I said "Kani and I will take care of things here." I said. "Got it." Scott said as he disappeared.
A few hour later
A group of seven Siesmo-Drones came and brought me and Kani as well as a water slime boy named Slick and a boy named Rick who can transform into an armored rhino with a drill for a horn to Gyra."Alright now talk. How do your four have your powers?" Gyra said. "We will never talk" I said. "Just tell me. You see all I want what all of you want, to protect the world." Gyra said lying through her teeth. I smirked and said "I doubt that lady. Craziness runs in your family. GUYS NOW!!!!" I yelled as the drones were destroyed revealing my team. A mouse then jumoed out of Chucks shirt and transformed into his big sister Cassidy. "Chuck why is she here?" I asked Chuck. "I found out after I smelled him. I fell in to some adaptooze and now" Cassidy said as she grew gorilla fists "I have the powers of the animal kingdom in my DNA!!!!" "Don't forget about me!!!" Scot said as he got ready as well. "Jelly?" Slick said. "Slick?" Jelly asked as the two then hugged. "It's good to see you." Slick said. "Same thing here cousin." Jelly said. Apparently Jelly and Slick are from another dimension and they are royalty.
Gyra then said "DRONES ATTACK!!!!!" She then flew away. "Chuck, Twist, Scott, Sam, Jelly and Kani come with me. Everyone else fight those drones." I said as Twist, Scott, Sam, Jelly, Kani and I chased Gyra into lab. In the lab we saw a lot of weird stuff. "Daddy look at this plant" Jelly said "It's from my home, if I eat it I can change colors." Jelly said as she did."Aww the poor little guy." Kani said as she was looking at a jar with something in it. Inside was a black and purple creature that looked like Upgrade from Ben 10 but the size of an action figure. "Here we go" Kani said as she took it out. He then woke up and said "Hello." He said. "Hi I'm Kani" Kani said. "Hello Kani my name is Interface. I am a Galvanic Maecamorph but there was a problem with me and I'm stuck at this size even after Azimuth did tests on me. When I arrived here throught a dimensional portal I wanted to stay and meet with Flame Warrior." Interface said "Don't worry bud," Kani said as she put Iterface on her shoulder "I'll protect ya and Flame is my friend." "Thanks that Gyra woman was very rude. But you seem much nicer" Interface said. "Thanks my little shoulder buddy." Kani said. Interface then said "That nick name needs work."
"Flame look at this. Eggs" Twist said pointing at three different eggs. Two big ones the size of two Wii U's and a bird egg. "Lets take them." I said. "On it." Chuck then ran with the eggs and came back. I saw a hover board. It was blue with an orange stripe down the middle with two orange and red circles on it.
(A/N: That's what it looks like)
"Hey guys look, more adaptooze" Scott said "What's this stuff for?" Chuck said pointing at various things on a table. On the table there was a roll of bandages labeled 'super stretch bandages' two metal blades labeled 'self repair nano blades' metal rods labeled 'electro spikes' a jar of pink dust labeled 'sleep powder' and magma rocks. I picked up the magma rocks and said "I don't know" Scott picked up the bandages, Chuck grabbed the electro spikes, Twist took the dust and Sam took the two blades.
"Perfect" We heard Gyra said as she was above the adaptooze. "Your done for Gyra" I said. "No your done for. Say hello to my crystal beast." Gyra said as a giant crystal monster fell down. "Its made from the same stuff the container you were in is made of. Which is indestructible." We then started fighting the monster still holing the items we took. I then yelled "I WON'T LOOSE!!!" And the monster cracked a bit. "Do that again." Chuck said. "I'll do one even better. Stand back and cover your ears guys." I said as the other stood behind me. "BOOM DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled causing the monster to shatter and break but also causing some adaptooze to spill on Scott, Twist, Chuck, Sam and my self. We were mutated again. When I opened my eyes I had magma shoulder pads, Chuck had the spikes sticking out of his arms, legs and back, Twist grew fairy wings, Sam had the swords sticking out of her hands and Scott could turn his hands into bandages. "MAGMA CHARGE!!!" I yelled running toward Gyra but she escaped.
The base son was about to blow up "Lets get out of here!!!" I said as we all left. When we arrived at shore Scott was introduced as our newest member Tech. After that we all headed to my home and I told my parents every thing and Cassidy told us how she got her powers.
"So what are you going to do?" my day asked. "What I told the new." I said "We're going to New York." "We should call Jeff and tell him to pack his bags" Scott said in his normal clothes. "Already a head of you." My mom said. "Why is Jeff coming?" Chuck asked. "He has magic powers." My dad said. "Cool" Chuck said. "He lives in Seattle though." My mom then said. "I'll go get him" Cat said "I always wanted to go there." "I'll go with her." Jack said. "Oh and I guess getting powers is Scotts birthday gift." I said. Scott then said "Best birth day ever!!!"
The next day we all said our good byes as Jack and Cat took Jacks families special mobile laboratory to Seattle while me and the others took a jet Jacks parents made. "See you soon Humatrix" I said
Scott Fuoco Age: 11 height: 50.4" Other Information: Scott is Stephen's younger brother and he acts a bit like Stephen when he was 10. Scott's a bit more calm though. He loves to draw and hang out with Stephen. While Stephen is half lazy half active Scott is more active and sometimes tries to get Stephen to do stuff even though Stephen is to tired. Scott looks up to Stephen because one day Scott was being picked on by some middle scholars but Stephen who was a grade older than the two showed up. This was also at a Halloween party and Stephen had a very real looking sword. He scared the two fifth graders away. Scott now is in fifth grade as well. Scott adores super hero's. Scott is one of the few people the tolerate Stephen's bad puns. Scott has blue eyes and dark brown hair. His powers are invisibility, intangibility(going through walls) energy absorption ,super elastic bandages and he can make weapons like generator Rex.
Twist Age:15 Height: Five foot six inches. Other Information: Not much is really known about Twist. Her past to everyone and her self is covered in mystery. What is known is that Twist got her fan the Storm Fan in a similar way Flame obtained the Flame Blade but the Storm Fan was on a pedestal. Twist is a funny person and is very kind to others. She can speak, read, write and understand Japanese. She can also read, speak and understand English but her writhing needs improvement. Her power is known as weather manipulation. Twist loves sweets but she cant have to many or else she'll be on a super powered sugar rush. She loves to cook. She specializes in mostly dessert foods but she can make other things. Never mess with her when she's eating cake though. She has a crush on Flame because of how different he is when ever he's either fighting bad guys or when ever he is just relaxing. Her outfit is a standard Kunoichi or female ninja outfit that is mainly white with red and blue accents on it. Her eyes are brown like Stephen/Flame's but she always has them sky blue. Also when ever Flame/Stephen and Twist are near each other their eyes are either orange for Flame/Stephen and sky blue for Twist. Twist also loves anime. Now can also grow fairy wings to put people to sleep or to fly
Sam Arma. Age:17.Height Five foot nine inches. Other Information: From the age of 4 Sam was trained to be the ultimate fighter. She has been trained in all fighting styles, can use any weapon, is good at stealth and espionage. She started a job being known as Weapon Master to try and scare fighters. She used the money for her college funds. Weather it's to have a boxer/wrestler give up on a fight or to have some one quit a fighting tournament completely she use to be responsible. After joining Flame she stopped though.She made the mask of her suit to disguise her voice and her suit is some what based off of DeadPool. Her favorite weapons are her katana and a custom magnum 92 that can hold more ammo and fire faster. Last name means weapon in Latin. She now can grow two sword from her hands.
Jelly Age:10. Height: Small: 3 inches. Medium: 54 inches Large: 64.6 inches. Other Information: Jelly is a slime from another world. One day when Flame/Stephen was home alone and he thought Jelly came out of his Minecraft game. Jelly is able to grow, stretch, detach and reattach her body parts and regrow body parts. Also if she eats a certain amount of food she grows. Her age doubles and so does her mental maturity. She acts like an energetic always happy five year old girl in her small size. In her medium/normal height she's is a bit more calm but still tends to get to energetic. In her large height she is more calm and less energetic. Jelly also has an extra small size, she is around the size of a mouse and she takes the form of a cube. Her extra large form is as tall as three large Jelly's but she acts like five year old Jelly. Also at each age/size she calls Flame/Stephen something different. Small/Five years old she calls Flame/Stephen daddy, at medium/10 years old she calls Flame/Stephen papa and at large/20 years old she calls Flame/Stephen dad. She can turn different colors and they will have different effects. Red is combustion, pink is healing, black is tar which also gives her a mean personality, blue she makes a rope of some sorts, with white she can make nets, indigo makes people tell the truth, lime green is acid, purple can poison a person having them pass out for 1 hour and orange increases her strength. She's also a princess.
Chuck Luas. Age:14 Height :Five foot six inches. Other Information: Chuck is Stephen/Flames best friend ever since they were preschoolers. Chuck and Stephen watched the same shows and movies and when they found anime they watched they would watch the same anime. Chucks grades are okay as well. Chuck is faster than Stephen without his powers. With his powers he's the fastest thing alive. He has an older sister named Cassidy and they live with their parents. Chuck is from Irish decent and his parents moved from New York to LA. For Chucks powers he can control electricity and he can run very fast. His last name means speed in Irish. His super hero name is Speedster but he likes to be called Speed. He also wants anyone that knows of his powers to call him Speed but it doesn't work. Chuck also has electric spikes that can grow out of his arms back and legs making him run so fast time stands still.
Stephen Fuoco Age:15 Height: five foot six inches. Other info: Lives with his parents and his 10 year old brother Scott. In high school and in 10th grade. Ok grades, passing in some classes, not passing in others. Very imaginative but daydreams sometimes. Very adventurous, likes to makes jokes and puns. Loves bad puns. Watches TV shows and Animes. No girlfriends. Because of how curious he is he tends to cause messes or get in trouble. He loves to find trouble and trouble loves to find him sometimes. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Last name means fire in Italian. Very energetic but also lazy sometimes. Super hero Identity: Flame Warrior but most people call him Flame. Powers: Pyrokinesis. Side note on powers: What ever music he thinks of plays in his head phones. He's normal strength, speed and agility have also increased by fifty percent. He also knows how to use his Flame Blade very well. He now can also create many thins with he newly acquired magma morph power and he has a sonic shout called the 'Boom Doom'
Cassidy Luas. Age:17 height: Five foot eight inches. Other Info: Cassidy is Chucks older sister who loves anime. Her favorite is Fairy Tale. One day Cassidy fell into Adaptooze and gained many different powers based off of animals. She can combine different animal powers or become one animal. She found out Chuck is Speed when she smelled that Chuck and Speed both have the same sent.
Rick. Age:12 height:54 inches. Other info: His home was attacked by these weird bio robotic creatures and he was sent to another world. He has the ability to transform into an armored rhino. He has a cousin but doesn't know if he's alive. Rick can be a bit of a rock head but he's fascinated with rocks because he's a digger.
Slick. Age:10. Height:54 inches. Other info: Like Rick his home was attacked by the same monsters. He's a water slime and Jelly's cousin. He can't grow but has can stretch. He loves sea life and is fascinated with mythology especially the story of the four elemental weapons. He's a prince.
Kani. Age:16 height: Seven foot six inches. Other info: Kani comes from another dimension where she was an orphan her whole life until she was adopted by the royal family at the age of 4. She was always ridiculed because her people were considerd bottom feeders. After Kani saved her new sisters her people were more socially accepted. Kani has amazing crab based powers.
Interface. Age: Unknown Height: 12 inches Other Inofrmation: Interface is from a Ben 1o tie line. In this timeline Interface was a galvanicmecaporh (upgrade) who was stuck at 12 inches tall. Nothing worked to change him back . One day he was transported to Flame's dimension. Instead of wanting go home he stayed. Gyra captured him and he was tested on. Kani now protects him
A/N: He guys!!!! So yeah this book is kind almost over. Also Interface is actually one of Humatrix's characters we made for this book. So yeah next time more characters in new York city. And rember to check out humatrix-X-24 on wattpad. BYE!!!!!!!!
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