No one pov
Its morning and everyone was still asleep until..
Lilac: roar!!
Lilac:good now your awake , come on let's move
Everyone then got up and continue walking to look for Bryan and mean while with Bryan he is still at the waterfall hoping to be back home then felt something was watching behind him so he turned around and see red glowing eyes he steps back as the eyes come closer then sees it's a black wolf
???:hello there
Bryan:hello..who are you?
Dark:my name is dark eyes glow and your coming with me~
Bryan: feeling scared and scream as he tries to run but gets hit in the head and fell unconscious
Dark:hehe this is going to be fun~
Dark pick up Bryan and put him on his back and then demonic wings appear then flaps wings and flying away to the castle and leaves a note behind and mean while with the others they made it to where Bryan was and see he is not there anymore and see feathers and and a note,lilac walks over to the note and picks it up and reads it.
Lilac pov
As i was ready the note i was filled with rage and i crumble the paper and threw it to the ground and turn into my 4 legged kitsune form and have my demonic wings out
Lilac:everyone get on now !
They get on my back and i flap my wings and flying up high and to a broken castle and land on the ground and everyone got off my back
Lilac mind:don't worry Bryan were coming to save you..
(Heys guys so what do you think is going happen next and will they be able to save Bryan or will it be to late also hope you enjoy this chapter and comment below what you think about this and see y'all later bye x3)
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