MIDNIGHT felt like he had been in and out of consciousness. He felt like he was falling into an abyss, struggling to breathe while being enclosed by flashing lights and disordered background, confused by the ever-changing chaotic scenery around him and the numbing silence screaming into his ears. However, just before he would drown, his consciousness would come back, fiercely pulled back from that chaotic memory.
It felt like he was having a very long, chaotic dream that he couldn't remember every time his consciousness comes back.
Different memories flash through his mind. Some were crystal clear, and a lot were blurred, as if a veil was deliberately put over it so he wouldn't see it. And that veil became thicker and thicker until he couldn't see those memories again, slowly forgotten in his sea of consciousness.
Other memories covered the forgotten once. They weren't happy memories. Some were horrible and heartbreaking, but he was able to bear it because of the happy memories that would resurface from time to time.
Many times, Midnight felt like he was talking to someone he was remarkably familiar with. It felt therapeutic in a way, baring his thoughts and showing his vulnerable self.
Outside, Silvanus let out a breath of relief when he saw a smile forming on Midnight's lips. It was a good indication that the treatment had a positive effect on Midnight. But he couldn't let his guard down yet.
After two and a half weeks of treatment, this was the first time Midnight reacted physically. Yes, Midnight would speak to him—it was due to this that the treatment was able to push through after the controlled chemical slowly entered his body. However, Midnight never showed any sign of relief or happiness, until today. It seems that it was finally working.
Finally, after exhausting his voice to the point of becoming hoarse and his throat becoming sore, the result was finally showing.
Silvanus reached for the folder containing Midnight's recent brain scan and test results. The results were very promising. But he couldn't be sure if the treatment was indeed a success until Midnight wakes up.
He had done his best to treat Midnight to the point of losing his voice. Silvanus had to talk to Midnight every day for hours to tweak Midnight's bad memories, put a veil over them and plant 'normal' memories that coincide with Midnight's real memories, so he wouldn't question them.
This was the most challenging part for Silvanus. He had to listen to Midnight's psychotherapy records again and again to figure out which memory to tweak, which part of his memory needed to be hidden, and which part of his memory has gaps so he could plant false memories in them to help the whole narrative of the changed memories.
It wasn't an easy to fate. He had to be careful over every little memory because of how delicate and vulnerable Midnight's mind was.
"How is he?" From behind, Silvanus heard Dominick's voice.
Dominick hadn't gone home since they started the treatment. He stayed, looking out for Midnight and checking on Midnight a few times every day.
"The results are all positive." He handed the medical documents to Dominick. "I think you can go home and rest now. I'll immediately call you if something came up."
"No. I'm staying." Dominick promised to himself that as long as Midnight hadn't opened his eyes, he would not leave. "I always video chat with my princess, so it's okay. And Klaus is with her. He'll keep her safe for the time being."
"Alright." Silvanus sighed. "But go to sleep, at least. You lack sleep more than I do and I am Midnight's doctor."
Dominick just shrugged and went back to his seat at the corner of the room.
Silvanus just let out a heavy breath and turn his attention to the medical devices hooked on Midnight.
ANOTHER WEEK passed. Midnight was still unconscious, but every time Silvanus starts the treatment, he would become responsive. It was such a fascinating experience.
Silvanus now had so many records of Midnight's condition. When Midnight wakes up, he would ask his permission if he could use Midnight's medical records and brain scan results for research purposes.
He felt like he would be able to breakthrough with his research with the help of Midnight's medical records.
"Still unconscious?" Dominick entered the isolated room to check on Midnight today.
Silvanus shook his head. "But the results of his brain scan and tests showed improvement." He explained his findings to Dominick. "Based on his brain activity, we can assume that he might wake up soon."
A flash of relief crossed Dominick's face. "That's good. If this continues, I'm going to die of stress because of this kid."
Silvanus gave out a short laugh, then stared at Midnight with a hint of concern in his eyes. "I hope he wakes up soon."
Dominick stared at Midnight for a short while before turning to Silvanus. "How can we tell if the treatment was a success?"
Silvanus put his forefinger over his lips. "He's unconscious, but he can hear us."
Silvanus handed a document to Dominick detailing of what to expect when Midnight woke up.
Dominick read it word by word, digesting and understanding it before giving it back to Silvanus.
"So," Dominick recalled what he just read. "He would still remember about the experiment?"
Silvanus nodded. "It took three quarters of his life. Without that memory, he might question what really happened and once he started questioning, the treatment would fail miserably."
Dominick sighed and then looked at Midnight again, recalling the false memories planted on Midnight.
After putting a veil on some of the terrible memories and tweaking most of his memories of Kelleon, Silvanus focuses on planting memories about Knight before he slowly guided Midnight to identify and understand emotions, and how to express them. But these were just basic understanding. Midnight needed more time and therapy to fully grasp, understand, and express his emotions freely.
Although they will never know if all these works until Midnight wakes up. All they could do was theories and anticipate.
"What if he started questioning about those memories you hid?" Dominick was concerned about this.
Silvanus looked at Dominick. His eyes were telling Dominick that he didn't need to answer that to know what would happen to Midnight.
"So that's the dangerous part you were talking about?" It was not the treatment itself that was dangerous, but the consequences if Midnight started questioning his memories.
Silvanus let out a sigh. "Let's pray that that time would never come."
Dominick felt his worries just keep piling up. "It seems I won't stop worrying about this kid. I feel like I have another child."
Silvanus smiled. "You did this to yourself, remember?"
Dominick let out a dry chuckle and then shrugged. "Living under the same roof always breeds affection and, honestly, I don't regret it." Then he gave Silvanus a pointed look. "You like this kid, too, don't you? You never worry about your patients this much."
Silvanus nonchalantly shrugged. "Maybe because we're both pitiful souls saved by the same person."
Dominick just smiled and patted Silvanus head. "You're a few years older than him. Take good care of him for me, okay?"
"Hmm. I will." It was a promise. "I will make sure that he will be someone who can enjoy life like everybody else."
Dominick nodded, and they both observed Midnight for a short while before they left the room.
THESE past few days, Silvanus was nearly camping inside the isolation room where Midnight was. Based on Midnight's brain activity, today was the day he would wake up. After the massage therapy for the day to help stimulate Midnight's blood circulation, maintain muscle tone, and also prevent bed sores, Silvanus personally fed Midnight nutrients and fluids through the feeding tube.
After all that was done, Silvanus sat on the chair beside Midnight's bed and patiently waited.
One hour... two hours... three hours... Silvanus checked Midnight's vitals before going back to his chair and continued waiting patiently.
Just as the sun fell on the horizon and the sky was painted with a red hue, Midnight finally opened his eyes. He couldn't move his body and only his eyes move to look at his side where Silvanus was sitting.
Silvanus showed a relieve, sunny smile before he stood up to assess Midnight's condition and awareness.
Midnight couldn't move his body or speak. Silvanus expected that much, so he patiently explained to Midnight what was happening—just the basic idea of what was going on.
"Blink twice if you understand what I'm saying." Silvanus instructed Midnight.
Midnight blinked twice.
"Alright." Silvanus was relieved to see that. "Do you remember me?"
Midnight blinked twice.
"That's great." Silvanus said with a wide smile, then did a pupillary light reflex test before placing his hand on Midnight's open and face-up palm. "Try squeezing my hand."
Midnight tried, but he could only curl his finger and couldn't squeeze. The panic in Midnight's eyes was so palpable that Silvanus immediately reassured him.
"It's okay. You've been in a coma for nearly a month. It's normal that you can't move your body yet. A physical therapist will come here once we're certain that you can eat and swallow normally with no need of a feeding tube. Okay?"
Midnight calmed down and blinked twice.
"Great." Silvanus smiled. "For now, we will do some neurological assessment and a few brain scans and tests to make sure that you are okay." Silvanus explained. "And once you can speak again, we will proceed to assessing your cognitive response such as your memory and awareness. Would that be okay?"
Midnight blinked twice.
Silvanus nodded. Just based on how Midnight responds, he was certain that there was no problem in his awareness. His primary concern was Midnight's memory—if the treatment was successful or not.
I guess we'll find out in a few days, Silvanus thought. For now, it'll be best to focus on Midnight's physical condition.
At that moment, Dominick walked in. A smile instantly spread across his lips when he saw a conscious Midnight. But seeing that there were a lot of researchers and doctors around Midnight, he took his usual seat in the corner. Just observing.
It looks like he could finally go home. Ah. I missed my princess.
Meters away from Dominick, Midnight underwent a lot of tests and then he was taken to another room for a thorough brain scan and test.
Shortly after, Midnight was sent back to the isolation room while Silvanus worked on Midnight's brain scans and tests.
Seeing that Midnight was finally alone, that was the time Dominick approach the kid and sat on the chair Silvanus was occupying earlier.
"How are you feeling, kiddo?" Dominick asked. Knowing Midnight still couldn't answer him, he continued speaking. "You made a lot of people worry; you know. Me in particular." He smiled. "I hope there will be no next time, kiddo."
Dominick knew Midnight was listening because he was looking at him so intently, so he continued talking. "By the way, your cat, Loki, is being taken care of by Happy." He shook his head with a wry smile. "That damn cat doesn't seem to miss you even after you spoil it so much. Heartless little cat."
Dominick continued talking and Midnight just listened to everything Dominick was saying, as if it were the most interesting words he had ever heard.
Midnight's eyes brimming with curiosity while listening made Dominick feel a strong hope that the treatment works. Those were not the eyes of someone who didn't know emotions.
"Get well soon, kiddo." Dominick said with a pleased smile. "I think you'll see the world differently once you're out of here, so be a good patient and listen to the doctors. I'll take you to a lot of places once you're better."
Midnight adjusted his head slightly, as if to nod.
Dominick patted his head. "Don't force it. No need to respond. I'll come talk to you until you're better, then we'll go home together. Happy is waiting for us with her unpalatable cookie. We have to suffer together, you hear me?"
The way Midnight's eyes glistened with interest; Dominick had high hopes about the treatment. So, he kept talking to Midnight until Silvanus arrived and told Midnight to rest.
The next day, a speech-language pathologist came to assess Midnight's ability to swallow different food textures, observe his swallowing mechanics and also teach Midnight some swallowing exercises to improve his swallowing technique before removing the feeding tube. This was to make sure that there wouldn't be a problem after oral feeding was resumed.
The next to see Midnight was a physical therapist to help Midnight regain his muscle strength and mobility.
It was very painful, but Midnight was calm about it, following the physical therapist instruction as if he felt no pain at all.
Days like these continued. The first Midnight recovered was his speech and thus start Silvanus and Midnight therapy session.
"What do you remember?" This was the first question Silvanus asked to ascertain whether or not the treatment worked.
"Um," Midnight's voice was still a little hoarse. "I remember us having psychotherapy."
"Hmm. And then?"
"Then nothing."
"Do you remember why we were having psychotherapy?"
Midnight nodded. "Yes. It's because of what my father did to me."
"Go on." Silvanus urged.
"I remember my father taking me to an island to train me to be like my big brother." Midnight paused, then he frowned after a short while. "But I don't exactly remember the details."
"No need to force it. Just tell me what you remember."
Midnight's frown slowly disappeared, and he felt relieved that he didn't have to remember the little details, because it makes him really uncomfortable. He couldn't place this feeling, but he'd rather not remember it.
"I remember training and fighting a lot." Midnight recalled then he stared at the ceiling. "My father and a bunch of people experimented on me. They were trying to create a perfect soldier, and I had to kill a lot when I'm training. They did more than that, actually, but I don't remember." He returned his attention to Silvanus and offered him an apologetic smile. "Maybe because it has been a long time, so I don't recall much."
Seeing that apologetic smile, Silvanus smiled back. He had to assess Midnight's memory more, but for now, it seems that it's safe to assume that the treatment worked well.
"That's okay." Silvanus comforted Midnight. "No need to remember those unpleasant memories."
Midnight nodded. He didn't want to recall it, too. He felt an aversion to it, actually. As if there was something in his past memories that makes his skin crawl.
Silvanus was right. It's best not to recall unpleasant things.
"Anyway," Silvanus finally broached a topic that would make or break Midnight. "How do you feel about your father? Do you want to see him?"
Disgust and anger were vividly displayed on Midnight's face. "Why would I want to see him?"
"Because you are his son and you've been here for a month now. I'm pretty sure he's looking for you."
Midnight sneered. "He can keep looking. I don't care."
Silvanus knew that Midnight was now able to express little emotions, but it still surprised him to see Midnight sneering.
That emotionless face that didn't seem to understand otherworldly emotions before was now showing anger and disdain. It was so fascinating to Silvanus how a person could change due to changes in his memories.
"Are you afraid of your father?"
Midnight immediately recalled his father's face, and he was hit by an inexplicable fear. He confessed. "Yes."
Silvanus smiled reassuringly. "That's okay. Don't be concerned about it. That is why we are having a therapy session, to address your fear towards your father and you can stand up for yourself when the time comes."
Midnight nodded and then his attention went to the door when it suddenly opened.
"Hey, kiddo." Dominick greeted Midnight before nodding at Silvanus.
"Hi, old man."
Dominick immediately lost his smile. "Not cute, kid."
Midnight chuckled, and both Silvanus and Dominick were taken aback. They were used to the emotionless Midnight, so to all of the sudden see this, who wouldn't be surprised?
"What?" Midnight inquired when he saw the surprise expression of the two.
Dominick shook his head. "Nothing." He smiled again. "I'm here to say goodbye for a bit. I'm going home for a few days to get Happy." He looked at Midnight. "She had been wanting to see you when she learned that you finally woke up. She was worried." He reached out and patted Midnight's head. "Be a good patient and listen to your doctors, okay?"
Midnight nodded.
"Alright. I'm leaving now."
After Dominick left, Midnight and Silvanus resumed their session. Silvanus continued assessing Midnight's memory.
"How do you feel about your brother?" Except for planting false, pleasant memories about Knight, Silvanus did nothing else.
"My big brother?" Anyone could see how Midnight's expression lit up. "I want to see him."
"Yes. But only after I'm better and can stand beside him confidently." Midnight clenched his fist. "I don't want to hold my brother back, so I have to improve myself."
"That's amazing. I'm sure your brother will be very proud of you."
Midnight nodded, pleased. He never had a goal in life because of his father, but now he had one.
To be able to proudly stand beside his brother, he had to work hard and reach the same position as him.
The Orgánosi's boss of North America selection — he'll take it.
Then and only then he would show himself to his big brother.
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