In the same way there was a place for Judy to stay within the world she had gone to, just waiting for her upon arrival and in the same way there were also belongings waiting for her, so too waiting was a schedule. Yeah, a schedule was waiting not just for class but for activities in general both extracurricular and domestic.
It is indeed as if she was always in this place or was always meant to come to this world, almost as if she had been written into that book of hers, a book as she had been reading it which did not come with any kind of character like her finding a way into this place. Perhaps she just had not read that far yet. Then again reading, about her own arrival would only have her skipping ahead, wouldn't it?
There may also be a bit of a downside to her arrival, that being the class schedule itself, though this is something she was and is more than willing to accept. She would like to do whatever she likes when she would like to do it, though school is school whether that be in the real world or this one, not that this one in any way is not real. Despite all that is happening, life goes on and so does class, no matter how unfortunate she may believe that to be.
One thing she could not be aware of prior to any arrival is the fact that the teacher of the first class she takes, is not from this world. Well, not being aware may be a given as long as she had never previously taken a class of his back prior to coming into Ellie's world. He, this particular teacher, has come to be part of this place and there may be any number of reasons for that. Despite of where it is the two, teacher and student, come from, they have not had cause to come together in any way before this point, and their coming together may just be something inevitable.
Another thing that Judy could not be aware of, if the fact that this teacher person may have seriously aged in the world in which they both hail from but he, though in the right here and right now, he looks as young and strong as any person with a position such as his, can. In this world he goes by a different name, and he too also teaches more than just once class.
'Good morning' he speaks upon his own entry into a classroom of students which of course includes Judy and he more than just knows exactly who Judy is, as to her knowledge of him ... well, it's not quite the same. 'My name is Mister Perkins. I know things outside of class are quite serious at the moment. In here we take things serious too. As long as you all play your part, we can definitely have a lighter moment or two within our indoor environment. Everyone understand?'
A weak reply of 'yes sir' sounds out.
'I did ask, does everyone understand?'
A much stronger reply of 'yes sir' is returned.
'Good, so let's get down to it ...'
In another place this Mister Perkins goes by the name Mister Kennedy. His simultaneous existence in two worlds is quite possibly having an adverse effect on at least one of those existences. Is this the same for Judy? An accident in one sends her to another and in both she exists, one conscious and the other unconscious. If she ceases to exist in one, would she then cease to exist in the other?
Still, as in right now, no matter whom you are or where you are, school is part of growing up. It is part of life. Feeling not so invisible is a nice thing; a big improvement from what came before, so being stuck in school may not be such a bad thing. In some ways you do not know what you have until it's gone and in other ways it is difficult to see what it is or was that you actually did have. Judy may only be where she is a matter of days, and she may much rather be here than anywhere else though at the same time this is the longest that she has ever been away from her mum.
Back in the dorm room she shares with Ellie and being on lunch break, staring out a window Judy realizes just how much she really does miss her mother and is soon overcome by a number of feelings. The trigger for a sudden wave of emotion which hits her more all of a sudden than anything else, is something small and simple. Outside that window a single sparrow has come to rest, and Judy is reminded of a question?
'Are you as lonely as I am?'
In this moment, no second sparrow arrives as one did in a previous moment like this. The lone bird moves along the ground as if it is in search of another and soon takes to the skies in a kind of retreat, a kind of defeat as if it itself is invisible. For this lone bird, life goes on as it will for Judy.
'Don't worry little sparrow, you are not invisible. I see you.'
Distraction soon comes in the form of none other than Ellie.
'There you are' Ellie says to Judy, 'been looking for you.'
'Everything alright?'
'Yeah, definitely. Activities are being arranged for after school and teams are being put together for it.'
'What kind of activities?'
'Not too sure to be honest but you in?'
'Of course, just you and I as a team?'
'We may have a third member ...'
'Not Steve, is it?'
'No, not Steve.'
'Alright, sounds good.'
'We will make it good.'
Judy would at this time want to talk more about Steve and to what kind of relationship he may or may not have with Queen Bee. It is clear that such a conversation would dampen the good mood that they have got going at this time. It is also unclear as to what, if anything, is going on between Steve and that cheerleader so any conversation Judy would like to strike up with Ellie on the subject may be best left for another time.
Sure, Judy does not know the extent of the relationship between Steve and Queen Bee, so Judy doesn't really have any information to hide. What she had seen was not very much at all, but still. There is no point bringing up such a thing if no wrongdoing is or was taking place. She can only hope that whatever is happening, it doesn't come back to hurt Ellie. Leaving those thoughts aside, it is indeed time to go and have some fun.
And just who is this third team member that Ellie has in mind for the upcoming fun and games? Well that so happens to be the girl Ellie stopped from unintentionally stepping out in front of a car, the girl from the coffee shop, Alison.
Fun and games, they may have been set up to lighten the mood around the school though at that they have come at a perfect time. These games began slowly at first and did look as if it may not get going at all. Get going they did.
Games to play within allotted groups do begin, games like Treasure Hunt which came with clues to follow, games like Dodgeball and even Conkers, all games with points systems for teams to collect and build upon. Judy can't remember ever having so much fun, she can't remember ever laughing as much as she has been during these games, and she can't remember ever feeling so visible. The bowling from before forgotten, being a part of something, a proper part of something without being spoken of derogatorily, it's nice, it really is. As a matter of fact, it's fantastic.
As the final game is announced and its rules explained, Ellie has a suggestion. Their team may be doing well on points gained from these games up to this point and Judy might just like to see the fun out to the end, though as Ellie sees it, there is an opportunity to be had.
'Wanna get outta here?' asks Ellie of her teammates.
'What? Now? But the final game is about to begin' says Judy.
'Ah, we will not be missed, besides ... we may not get to have another opportunity like this.'
'Like what?'
'Come with me and you'll see.'
Alison remained quiet while also being intrigued as the other two spoke. She is kinda like an outsider of this little grouping but as the other two see it, Alison is a welcome part of the trio. An odd kind of reversal there as Ellie was more the outsider when they first met just as Judy has been an outsider most of her life. No harm was intended, just the opposite in actuality though Alison may feel to a degree that Ellie might see a friendship as a kind of debt she wants to repay.
The time for fun and games has come and gone, now it is time to let that intrigue to take over and who is to say that this can't be fun too? Alison could just slip away but she would like to see where things might go from here.
'C'mon' says Ellie. 'Let's go.'
'To where?' asks Judy.
'You'll see.'
As that final game does begin, both Judy and Alison follow Ellie's lead, that lead takes the three friends outside and then underground, to a cavern that few apparently know about, a cavern not all so far from the dorm that houses many of the school's students. With this place being underground and so rarely visited, one can imagine that lighting would be an issue though as Ellie has been to this place already, she has come now well equipped.
Three friends move carefully with two torches each, batteries are fresh and just exactly what it is that is happening is more than a little bit confusing to Judy and Alison. For the time being at least, they both are indeed happy enough to go with it.
'Where are we going?' asks Judy.
'Somewhere special.'
'Where might that be?' asks Alison.
'Somewhere not so far away, we are almost there.'
This place they have come to is indeed dark and even with that darkness it is clear to see that the place the three have come to is a place where few come, if any come at all. The orange-coloured rock walls that surround them are dripping with water in places and the stony ground mixes gravel with soft ground which crunch a little with each step taken.
Ellie's determination is clear. She knows where she is going and she is so going to get there. Judy trusts her friend and Alison cannot help but look behind her as if she expects something bad to happen.
Once having passed the entrance of the cavern, which they already have done, it takes about seven minutes to get to the point Ellie wishes to arrive to and once this arrival has been made, excitement begins to take over.
'Are you guys ready to see something amazing?'
Judy and Alison look at each other. Their confusion is evident as is their interest. They both look to Ellie and nod.
'Uh-huh, yeah.'
'We are ready; at least I think we are. Where are we?'
'In an underground cavern' says Ellie pointing out the obvious.
Again, confusion hits the other two girls. Still, they are willing to go forward to see what it is they have been brought to see. Judy trusts Ellie, at that though she isn't sure as to if Ellie would totally keep them away from any and all danger, and if there is an element of danger then surely Ellie has some sort of contingency plan. Going forward may also be something a little difficult for it appears that all three girls have come to a dead end.
The three girls stand in a small circular room and the only place it appears they can go is back the way they came. That statement is not necessarily true. Straight opposite to the entrance to this round cavern room is a curtain, a curtain six feet wide and ten feet high. How such a thing came to be where it is, may be something unknown to Ellie as it would be to the other two though any curiosity directed at the curtain would soon be forgotten.
'Before we do this, are you sure you both are ready?' asks Ellie.
'To do what?' asks Judy.
'Ready for what?' asks Alison still unsure about it all. She is just as concerned as to what mey be behind them as to what may be ahead of them.
If Judy and Alison weren't confused before, they sure are confused now. Ellie smiles and her excitement grows. She moves forward to that curtain and pulls it over to one side. Initially all that is reveal by the pulling back of this curtain is more stone wall, stone wall just like what fills the rest of the cavern, except it is more grey here than orange.
Judy and Alison were not quite sure of what it was or is they expected to see though being brought out to where they are, they kind of expected to see something more than brick wall. Maybe they are missing something.
'So, what now?' asks Judy.
Alison, feeling an ever growing nervousness, is torn between wanting to see what may transpire and watching back from where it is they came for whatever it is she feels may be there. To her, something doesn't feel quite right and of course, she more than hopes that this feeling of hers is just her own imagination having its way with her, it is completely dark back the way they came. It is getting a little too ominous for her.
'Any second now' says Ellie as she watches the piece of wall, she revealed by pulling back that curtain.
Seconds pass before it starts to show. A very small circular blue and white light begins to emanate. It spins for a moment or so then quickly begins to grow.
'What the hell is that?' asks Judy.
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