"Eyes Open"
The Eternal council of Immortality held five chairs. Five clans with a respective animal as their official sigil: The Fox, The Rabbit, The Bear, The Cat, & The Penguin.
The fox took the highest chair among the others. In fact, each of the council members had specific abilities to their clans. The Rabbit clans' ability is flight. The Bear clan' ability is power containment. The Penguin clan' ability is cryokinesis. The Cat clan' ability is possession. Finally, the Fox clan' ability is cloning.
Each clan was loyal to the council, but they ultimately look out for themselves. All with their own orders... However, they weren't always the powerful immortals of legend they were told as...
"This council was made under the guise of maintaining peace. I know we all have orders in our legions..." Fox continued urging something of the other clan leaders, "Eventually we'll have descendants who will truly have our abilities rather than basic magic. What I want to know is if your loyalties are true in our insistence in making sure the magical dimension will flourish..."
"좋네요. 당신이 요구하는 것에 동의합니다," (Very well. I agree to what you are asking,) Rabbit insisted from where they're seated. Penguin sighed as they issued their answer, "You know I agree. This is for the magical dimension."
Bear nodded in agreement as he glanced over at Cat . Cat simply smirked naturally as they gave their response, "우리의 생각은 일치한다. 완전히 동감입니다." (Our ideas align. I completely agree.)
The Institute Of Tomorrow (TIOT)
Headmaster Bae sat with their staff. The year has begun. "Our job is to watch over all who attend this year. The faith of the five' temple is open to all who seek it."
The staff all were in agreement. This was meant to be a wonderful place for all who came.
It wasn't long before people began filling the front courtyard of the institute. Five boys each crossed the threshold. Only for them, time seemed to be moving much slower. This was new...
Headmaster Bae greeted everyone warmly, "환영합니다! 이 연구소는 안전한 피난처가 될 것입니다. 여학생은 안마당 왼쪽에서 숙식한다. 남학생들이 권리를 가져야 한다. 올 한해도 번창하기를!" (Welcome ! This institute is meant to be a safe haven. Female students shall dorm on the left of the courtyard. Male students shall take the right. May this year be prosperous !)
Everyone began dispersing to pick dorms & make friends. A decently big dorm was claimed by five who seemed a bit out of it. Each only regarding the others with their names.
The temple of five was to worship the old gods; The Eternal council of Immortality. A statue for each god was kept in high condition.
One by one the boys stood before a statue like they were in a trance. A child stepped forward almost dispelling the trance, "I am Jin-Su. I am a guardian spirit for this temple. The five of you feel different from any of my past visitors..."
Beomgyu spoke first as he looked at Jin-Su from beside the bear statue. "What do you mean by that ? We feel different ?" Jin-Su nodded as they gestured to the temple. "You all were lead here not because you pay respect, but because you know this is your true home."
Yeonjun was the next to speak, "우리의 진정한 고향? 이 텐플이요? 넌 뭐야?" (Our true home ? This temple ? What are you ?) Jin-Su' eyes shifted into a fox like shape. "I am a fox spirit--" Jin-Su pointed directly at Yeonjun while the statue next to him had a faint glow, "You are my lord fox. The Eternal council of Immortality foresaw members of their clans of which will inherit their power..."
Almost like in a trance once more, each of the five put a hand on the statue closest to them. Jin-Su sighed as he bowed before disappearing once again by running off into the woods surrounding the temple as a fox.
The state between life & death is called limbo. There is a small section of limbo that holds those who aren't under the rules of life & death; Immortal. This section is called Eternity.
Eternity is where the five' minds enter briefly where they meet the council...
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