Words That Sit in a Corner 2
Okay, I had to come back and do more of these, as I enjoyed myself last time, and quite frankly why not find some joy in words? That's the whole point of writing and reading...
dumbsize - to reduce the staff numbers of a company to such low levels that work can no longer be carried out effectively (something I've experienced in previous jobs, not fun, but a great word)
edacious - having to do with eating or fond of eating (it's so much nicer than saying you're stuffing your face too. I'm proud to announce that I'm thoroughly edacious, I wonder what the drink version is...)
empasm - a perfumed powder sprinkled on the body to prevent sweating or for medicinal purposes (great word, but I'm still none the wiser)
eucatastrophe - a happy ending to a story (nothing to do with joining the negative perception of joining Europe)
extramundane - outside or beyond the physical world (personally I'd've thought that being outside or beyond the physical world would be anything but mundane, but each to their own I guess)
fankle - Scottish to tangle or entangle something (I love Scottish words, "that's well and truly fankled". Gonna be using that one)
fipple - the mouthpiece of a recorder or similar wind instrument (and some words are just cool)
floccinaucinihilipilification - the action or habit of estimating something as worthless, a word generally only quoted as a curiosity (point proven. A word so pointless you have to look up how to spell it every time you want to show off the fact that you know it)
fugacious - transient or fleeting (anyone else think this sounds like a fart in a lift?)
furuncle - a boil (but where?
"I've got a boil?"
"It's you know (whispers) down on my uncle..."
fuscous - dark and sombre in colour (now this is a great word I'd never heard of before. I need to read the dictionary more)
futhark - the Scandinavian runic alphabet (never heard of this one before either, I'm striking gold today!"
futz - to waste time or busy oneself aimlessly (now I've been accused of many things in my life, but futzing about isn't one of them. But it should be. Now if we combine that with the fankle...)
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