Chapter 1: Sad Faces
Craig's Pov:
I walked down the hall staring at my phone. I looked up from my phone and Clyde waved at me, "Dude! Over here!" He shouted which made everyone look at us. I sighed and quickly walked over to him. He was with Tweek and Token. They all smiled and Clyde hugged me. "Sooooo?" He asked. "Sooooo what?" I replied. He giggled, "Aw man! Cut the shit, you know what!" He laughed. I flipped him off and gave him my famous death stare. "No I really don't Clyde..." I grunted. Tweek giggled, "Someone in our grade l-likes you!" He whisper shouted. I rolled my eyes, who the hell could that be?! "Come on guys, we're in 9th grade. We don't have 'crushes' anymore!" I sighed and walked away flipping them off. Btw, I'm 16. I looked down at my phone again. As I walked I bumped into somebody. My phone fell to the ground and I heard a 'CRACK!' Strange though, I didn't hit the hard floor... I landed on something squishy and soft. "Hey, you ok?" I heard the voice ask. "Hey watch where yo-!" I looked up to see a set of light blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair. I fell right on top of him, and the soft and squishy thing was his arm. "Again sorry Craig" he smiled... Which for some reason just made me blush. "Um... Craig... Not that I'm complaining, but your laying on my junk..." He smirked. I blushed even harder, "Sorry!" I backed up. I fell again causing me to fall back. I looked up and Kenny had tiny tears in his eyes. "Kenny?" I asked confused. I looked down at where my hand was and paused. My hand was on his crotch, balled up in a fist. He let out a tiny but cute screech. I backed up and grabbed my phone. I blushed Fifty Shades Of Red, and scurried off. I hated to leave him like that, but I didn't know what to say. I looked back and he was crawled up in a little blonde ball. I didn't know why I blushed at him so much. He's the poorest kid in town, a total playboy, and I'm not GAY! It screamed in my mind, IM NOT FUCKIN GAY!! I heard the bell ring and hurried to class. I opened the door and quickly sat in my seat. For once, I was actually looking forward to class. Maybe it would help me forget the Kenny thing. Class begun and our teacher waddled to the front of the room. "Ok, what is-!" The door barged open... To reveal a small tan boy with his face decorated with freckles. "Sup! Sorry I'm late teach, I was helping my science teacher..." I blushed. When was McCormick in my class?! I had never noticed him! The teacher looked like he was about to blow a fuse, "YOU LITTLE SHIT! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BEING LATE FOR CLASS!! NOW HAVE A SEAT BEFORE I SEND YOUR ASS TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE! AGAIN!!" The teacher screamed. Kenny rolled his eyes, sighed, and took a seat by me. I blushed, he even sits by me? I feel like Tweek right now, Too much pressure! He smiled, his smile was so sexy-! God Dammit! IM NOT GAY!! "Craig, MR. TUCKER!" The teacher shouted snapping me back to real life. Everyone stared at me.. "What?" I asked him blankly. He looked like he was about to blow a fuse again, "THATS IT I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! ALL OF YOU ARE DUMMER THAN SHIT! I QUIT!!" He screamed while walking out of the room. I giggled, this wasn't the first time... Someone patted me on the back, "Nice job Tucker!" There was only one person who called me Tucker, Mccormick! I turned and blushed. His dirty but dead sexy face had a smile plastered on it. "Uh... Y-yeah whatever..." I managed to stutter. "Hey since we have no class, Wanna go hang out?" He asked with a toothy smile. Before I could say anything he grabbed my sleeve and dragged me out the door. "Mccormick wait!" I shouted but he ignored me...
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