Chapter 8
"Hey, wake up. It's morning." Louis woke up to someone murmuring to him. The closet door was open and the light that shone in blinded him. A tall figure loomed over him.
"Harry?" Louis mumbled as he began to stir. He pushed himself up to sitting position.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine. You need to be more careful. You've hurt someone before. It could happen again." Louis warned.
"I'm sorry." Harry apologised, biting his lip. His eyes were on the floor.
"You almost hurt Danielle!" Louis exclaimed.
"Danielle, as in Princess Danielle?" Harry clarified.
"No, Danielle, as in my beard." Louis said sarcastically, rubbing the hair on his face. "Of course, Danielle the princess! Do you know how much trouble we could get into?" Louis exploded.
"I'm sorry. I- I can't help it."
"Yes, I know. You can't control your monster- Blah blah blah!" Louis shot back. "However, you can prevent it from coming out by sleeping on time." Louis stabbed Harry with his finger accusingly.
Harry pressed his lips together and stared at the ground.
"Get out of my room." Louis ordered.
"I'm sorry-" Harry did not get to finish his apology.
"I'm mad at you." Louis snapped. "Get out of my room."
Harry left promptly.
"Cut the boy some slack. He didn't hurt anyone." Larry told Louis.
"Yeah, but he could have." Louis reminded.
"Yeah, but he didn't." Larry said. "Do we judge people for what they did or what they could have done? If it is the latter, then I'd be in jail because I could have spiked Niall's tea."
"You did what?"
"I 'could have'." Larry quoted her own words. Louis gave her the 'Don't lie to me, Little Missy!' stare. Larry confessed, "Fine, I did spike his drink but that was one time and it was months ago so let's just let bygones be bygones, shall we?"
"You tried to kill my dad?" Louis gasped in horror.
"No, I peed in his cup without realising it was his cup. It was an honest mistake. I tried to stop him from drinking but he shooed me away so technically, it's his fault." Larry justified. "Besides, he is still alive and well so... No harm done?"
"You're terrible."
"No, I'm Larry."
"You better not have peed in my cup too."
"Only once or twice but it was an accident, I swear." Larry blurted and plastered a smile on her face. Louis cringed, feeling disgusted.
"Why you little!" Louis scolded. "I take you in and raise you and you repay me by urinating in my drink! You could have said something."
"Yeah but you gave me a bath in the morning and I was very upset about that." Larry said.
"How is that reason to let me drink your piss?" Louis questioned.
"If you want, I could pee in Danielle's drink." Larry tried to appease Louis.
"No, Larry." Louis said. "But if you do pee in her drink, don't get me in trouble."
"Hint taken." Larry winked.
"Anyways, Harry is still a hazard."
"Hazza-rd." Larry made a pun on Louis' nickname for Harry.
"How did you know I called him that?" Louis asked.
"I heard him mention it to his dad this one time." Larry answered. "You know, he used to talk to his parents a lot about you. I wonder why he stopped." Larry remarked sarcastically.
"Larry, I hate you!" Louis shouted.
"That's not what you said that night when you were scared out of your skin by that thunderstorm." Larry taunted. Louis muttered indistinctly. Larry continued to defend Harry, "Harry wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone. You know he has no control over what he does at night."
"Yeah, which is why he should be careful. This should not be an excuse to put people in danger." Louis asserted. "You know what? You can sit here and believe what you want. I'm going for breakfast."
With that, Louis pulled on his clothes and left the room. He headed down the hallway and stopped outside Danielle's door. Before he could even knock, the door was opened.
"Oh, Louis!" Danielle exclaimed. "I was just going to wake you up. Um... Good morning!" She wore a smile.
"Good morning, Princess." Louis greeted. He made small talk as they walked to the dining room. "Did you sleep well last night?"
"Oh, yes but I had an awful dream about a horrendous monster that entered my room. It stared at me with saliva foaming in its mouth. It was disgusting and terrifying, all at once." Danielle said as Louis listened even though he knew what came next. "But then, you came in and told me to go back to sleep. After you left, I opened my eyes and the monster was gone too."
"Really?" Louis pretended to be interested in her 'dream'.
"Yes. I was so frightened when I saw the monster. You know, they said that there was a monster spotted in the kingdom less than a year ago. The monster I saw in my dream fit the description exactly."
"Is that so?" Louis was suddenly curious about the monster Danielle spoke of.
"Oh yes! It had ugly green skin and unusually long legs." Danielle described.
"Where was the monster spotted?" Louis questioned.
"In the mines. It was there one night when the miners were working a late shift. The monster appeared and all the miners fled immediately. After that incident, nobody dared to go into any of the mines in Vaelle." Danielle elaborated. "Rumour has it, the monster still lurks in the mines, waiting for some fool to walk in and become its next prey." Danielle said.
However, Louis knew better. He knew that the monster had long left the mines and began to stay in the palace, disguised in the body of a human boy.
After breakfast, Louis returned to the room he was staying in. He slammed the door shut. He grunted in frustration. His eyes were filled with rage. Wrinkles formed on his forehead as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"What is wrong with you?" Larry asked.
"It's all his fault." Louis blurted.
"Who are you talking about?"
"Harry! The monster was in Vaelle's mines. Nobody dares to enter the mines because they are too scared of the monster. He is the reason nobody does mining here. He is the reason Vaelle wants my kingdom. He is the reason I have to marry the princess." Louis cried. He screamed and punched the pillows on the bed. "I hate him so much. He ruined my fucking life."
Larry decided it was best that she held her tongue as Louis let his anger surge out of him.
"I wish he were dead!" Louis shouted. "You know what?" Louis huffed. He grabbed his sword, which was tucked into it scabbard, and stormed out of the room.
"Louis, no!" Larry yelled. She bit the fabric of his pants, trying to prevent him from leaving. Louis kicked his leg in the air. Larry lost hold of Louis. The door was closed in her face as Louis headed into the corridor.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter <3
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