~ Chapter 5 ~
Yun is the first to snap from his shock, after noticing Eyre shift uncomfortably. "Sorry, we're foreign. And actually, we're looking for our friend and she looks exactly like you. Has the same name too." Yun says hastily and Eyre cautiously nods her head.
"If you're foreign, that means you're renting out a hotel, correct?" Eyre questions the group of people.
Most hotels have a dress code though... And two of them are carrying gigantic swords... I don't know where they're cosplaying, or if they're just terrorists...
"H-Hotel?" Yona wonders. "Do you mean an inn?"
Eyre nods her head. Though no one calls it an inn anymore..
"Mmm... Nope!" She smiles, as if not having an room to stay at is fine. Eyre's eyes widen in shock.
"L-let me help!" Eyre proclaims, hand above her chest. Her eyes cloud with confusion, a seemingly endless battle waging inside her.
Eyre understands the countless dangers, but something is screaming, tearing, pleading to let these strangers into her life.
When Eyre blinks once, twice, three times, her eyes have cleared and she wears her usual smile. "Why don't you guys stay at my apartment for a while?"
Everyone looks at Eyre, both filled with immense happiness and confusion. It doesn't matter though. Making Eyre remember them would be easier if they were close to her anyways.
"W-we'll take you up on that offer!" Yona smiles, and forces back the tears.
Eyre's shoulders visibly relax. The whole atmosphere had changed, unlike the weird and tense feeling in the air before.
"E-Eyre-tan!" Reiji huffs behind the said female, and he practically collapses. Eyre laughs awkwardly.
"S-sorry..." Reiji seems on guard with the strangers behind Eyre. Said female recognizes his distress before gesturing to them.
"Oh! These guys are..." She trails off.
"I'm Yona." The red haired girl smiles.
"Yun, a genius bishounen." The strawberry blonde kid says rather cockily, and everyone lets out a dry laugh.
"Jea-ha, at your service."
"Zeno's name is Zeno, miss!"
Kija takes a moment to answer, the shock coursing through him still strong. Eyre glances at him with patience, but Reiji can sense the strange longing. He can't understand, but he knows that there's something off with this little group. Despite their strange hair and clothing. Not to mention their weapons.
"Kija.. My name is Kija..." He smiles softly
As soon as Eyre's eyes droop and she tips forward, Reiji and Kija step forward to catch the girl. Reiji, faster than Kija, catches her first before picking her up bridal style.
"I've got her." He says before gesturing them to follow him. Reluctantly, they do.
"Hey.. Um.." Yun starts off, still not knowing the brunette's name.
"Kotobuki Reji! Yoroshiku-ma-cha-chan!" He smiles like the five year old he is and everyone behind him sweat drops.
"Right.. Reiji, what are you to Eyre?" Yun asks. "You two seem awfully close. A childhood friend?"
Reiji grins. "Nope! She's my girlfriend!" Everyone stops and silence eerily hangs above them all.
"Y-your girlfriend..?" Yona questions and he nods.
"And you're absolutely sure?" Kija asks. His voice is pained, choked out and forced. It doesn't take a genius to know what he must be feeling.
"Mhm! Well, uhm, not exactly... I was going to ask her out today. Y'see it's this lucky girl's birthday!" Finally, they arrive in front of Eyre's apartment. Reiji digs within his pocket before fishing out his phone, which, has a key attached to it like a keychain.
"I never let this outta my sight. I was really happy when she said she'd give me a copy of her apartment key." True to his word, even now Reiji looks ever so happy. His eyes beamed just at the sight of the plain copper metal.
Once unlocking the door he steps inside and gently lays Eyre onto the couch, Eyre's arm slung over her stomach. The group awkwardly shuffles inside the apartment before looking in awe at the sight of all the technology and simple furniture.
No one moves, no one breathes; they just watch.
Then, softly, Yun mutters a rapid, "Ik-su, your god has blessed us."
Next thing you know, they're opening knife cabinets and pressing random buttons on the TV. Yun immediately makes his way to what he thinks is a kitchen while Yona rushes around the apartment in search for Eyre's room. Shin-ah and Zeno were beyond fascinated with the bathroom, where Hak and Jea-ha's eyes were glued to the TV with Bubble Guppies playing.
"Will she be okay?" Kija asks Reiji, kneeling down to get a good look at Eyre's soft breathing face.
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Although that was the first time that's ever happened, Eyre's strong in her own way, so I'm sure she'll be up before we know it!" Reiji's comment seemed to calm Kija down the slightest bit.
For a couple minutes, only with everyone else's yells of fascination to kill the silence, Reiji stays quiet. Then, he suddenly speaks.
"You.. seem awfully close to Eyre." He says and the light grip Kija has on Eyre's hand tightens.
"I.. My friends and I came here in search of my wife.. Her name is also Eyre, and they look the same... Your Eyre was kind enough to let us stay with her and her friend until we find my wife." Kija clarifies, but the look of longing he give to Eyre doesn't fade away.
Reiji hums in acknowledgement with his arms folded. Silence reigns again, and the sounds of excitement had died down.
"My Eyre.. She woke up from a coma a year ago, this exact day. They said she was screaming for a person she loved in a different world. If, perhaps, your Eyre is also my Eyre.. I hope you know I won't let her go." His voice rings loud and clear and everyone had stopped to listen by then. They all look to Kija, awaiting his response.
"Guess who's back!" An over than average yell sounds and the front door slams open. Everyone jumps and Eyre's eyes snap open, a tab bit startled.
"H-Harper..?" Eyre asks weakly and her ginger friend gasps.
"I'm sorry, were you asleep?!" Harper whispers violently and Eyre shakes her head.
"I don't think so.. I thought we were at the park." She says, her eyes searching for Reiji. That's when she notices the fact that some "random strangers" are currently in her house.
"...Right, we have guests. I nearly forgot." Eyre smiles weakly before taking a shaky stand from the couch, right next to Kija and Reiji.
"I can make some tea." She states, then walk to the kitchen.
"Hey, I don't think you should be up." Harper says with a slight dash of concern. Eyre brushes the remark off and turns the knob for the stove, a nice heat emitting from it as soon as it's been turned on.
The rest of the gang take a seat on the couch where Eyre had formerly sat. Since there are more people than couch seats available, a few had to sit on the floor. The awkward tension between everyone was felt all around, besides Eyre of course. As soon as the water began to whistle, the stove was turned off and cups of different assortments had tea bags tossed into them.
"So where exactly did you come from?" Eyre asks the group, her chest length hair falling into her face as she sets cups of piping tea onto the coffee table.
"Canada." Hak says immediately, covering up Yona's answer. Eyre looks at the group, slightly confused, but nods anyhow. Jea-ha takes a sip of his tea, and his eyes light up.
"This is a rather new tea. What leaf?" He questions and Eyre sits down upon the ground after rejecting the seat Reiji offered her.
"Oolong." She states plainly and they all ''Ooh~".
"Doesn't Canada have tea?" Harper asks, then downs the whole cup of tea in one gulp.
"Harper, you could've burnt your tongue." Eyre scolds lightly as small beads of tears well in Harper's eyes.
"Yeah, that was dumb of me.."
"On another note, we're going to have to talk about sleeping plans." Yun then says and everyone nods.
"Well, my apartment can hold a little less than half of you... Room wise, I mean. I don't really stay there anyways, you can even take my room. I'm more on trips now. And even if I am home, I'm more at Eyre's house." Harper says with a large smile and Eyre rolls her eyes. "If you guys want to, you can share some rooms or something."
"How very coordinated." Eyre says sarcastically and Yona giggles softly.
Then, Eyre nonchalantly says, "However you guys want to sleep, I'm going to have to ask that no one rooms with me. It's cluttered." Everyone nods their head, knowing to respect her space.
"I just want to ask one thing..." Harper says out of the blue and the group turns to the ginger.
Harper sucks in a small breath, "How..." Suddenly, she stands and slams her right hand on the coffee table, pointing at Jea-ha with her left. "IS HIS HAIR LONGER THAN MINE?!" She shouts, very much angry.
Jea-ha blinks absentmindedly for a second, and an awkward silence reigns over the living room. That's when Hak snickers, and everyone begins laughing. Harper blushes in embarrassment, her mouth agape as she silently wishes to die. Even Eyre and Yun are chuckling softly, Eyre holding a hand to her mouth. Reiji is just plain laughing, equally as loud as Hak as they hold a hand to their stomachs.
"Are you jealous, Harper dear?" Jea-ha questions slyly and the only response the green dragon receives is Harper merely sitting back down.
It takes a few minutes, but they were all able to settle down.
"Now, and I'm doing this based off of sight and analysis, I'm guessing by your apparent ages.." Eyre looks at Zeno, Yona, and Yun.
"I think you three should go to school.. I mean, you can't skip out on your schooling while you're here, even if you're searching for your friend." She says, and Hak stiffens.
Of course, back in Kouka, Eyre told Hak about her horrible days in high school. Drama here, football there, confessions all around. It sounded like a living Hell to Hak. And what's worse?
Weapons aren't allowed on campus.
How could he protect Yona?
He won't even be near the princess!
"I don't think so."
"Why? It sounds like fun, Hak!" Yona immediately complains and Yun nods his head eagerly.
"Whoa, kids that actually want to go to high school. Now that's a first." Harper laughs after her dialogue.
"Well, I can't exactly force you to go.." Eyre mutters to herself, looking down with a hand on her chin.
"Zeno and Yun will stay with the miss and protect her!" The ball of sunshine says with a smile, looking at Hak.
Everyone looks to Hak, awaiting his answer. Really, if Hak, Yona, or Yun said no, then it's no. In a situation such as this, though, they all had to agree or no go.
"..." Hak sighs in defeat. "Fine.. The three of you can go..."
Eyre claps her hands together with a smile. "That's great to hear! I'll go to a near by school to enroll you guys and get the registration papers. By the end of this summer, you can go to school." She exclaims and Yona gives Yun a hug in delight.
"We're going to learn so much stuff! Think of what Ik-su will do when he finds out how much you've experienced!" She cheers and Zeno joins in on the hug. The only one that seems hesitant on the idea is Hak of course.
That's when Reiji's phone goes off, and Eyre looks at him. The ringtone to Quartet Night's Poison Kiss plays for a couple more seconds before Reiji actually decides to answer the call.
"Hai hai?" He answers happily. Everyone goes silent, besides Harper who drinks Jea-ha's tea loudly in order to lightly annoy the brunette.
''Eh?! She's coming tomorrow? No way! Mmm.. Well, Eyre-tan will be next door to her so I guess it's fine.." He says before bringing the phone away from his ear and ending the call.
"What was that about? And why did I hear my name?"
"Well... A new idol from the agency decided to debut in America, not Japan. Shining-san decided to let her live next to you.. She's also going to go to a local high school at the end of the summer."
"You mean..."
"Most likely, she's going to go to school with Yona-chan and the rest of her little group." Nobody seems to mind that fact. Actually, Yona looks even happier.
"When do I get to meet her?!"
"Tomorrow!" Yona cheers again; Eyre looks at her with softened eyes and a small smile.
"Wait.. I think..." Reiji looks down, a hand on his chin, and Eyre sighs in defeat.
"Were you at all listening to Shining?" She questions and he holds his hands up in mock surrender.
"I did! Although he said that the girl might have some photo shoots here, so her schedule might be booked.." Again, Reiji trails off. And again, Eyre sighs in defeat.
With one glance out her window, Eyre can see that the sun had set and the night was as pitch black as a raven. Unfortunately, since she's living in the city, San Francisco no less, there are practically little to no stars out.
A shame...
"Well!" She says with a smile, clapping her hands together and successfully catching the attention of everyone in her living room. "I think it's about time for us to sleep." Eyre finalizes.
A series of nods go around the room and Eyre looks down at their attire and the bags they have by their side.
"You have clothes, then?" She asks them all and they nod their head hesitantly.
"M-more or less.." Yun says, looking away. Eyre nods her head, deciding to let the issue drop.
"Well, if you ever need clothes, I can take you out shopping and Harper can pay for it." She says, gesturing to the ginger. Harper face plants the coffee table with a small groan.
"Eyre, I swear, my parents are going to cut me off..."
"Just tell them that I took in people. They're kind, I think they'll be fine with it." Eyre says and Harper shrugs.
"Well, I've been doing good with my photography.. Even if I have a hell lot more to learn..." Harper trails off and Eyre nods her head. Yona looks at Harper.
"You take pictures?" She questions and Harper nods her head with a proud smile.
"Yeah! Here, I took some this past week.." She trails off and the two scoot together, Harper beginning to share her stories.
Eyre sighs, "Harper, take this to your apartment. I think a little more than half you guys should go with her for the night. The rest can stay with me. If you need anything, there's a key to my apartment in Harper's wallet."
Hak, Jea-ha, and Shin-ah reluctantly leave and move to next door, muttering a few "good night"s as they left. All that was left was Yun, Reiji, Zeno, and Eyre, who were still drinking their tea in relative peace.
"I have lectures tomorrow, so I'm going to study a bit more before sleeping. You guys do whatever, just don't burn down the place." Eyre jokes before standing from the couch and placing her cup in the sink. From there, she walks to her room.
Zeno, Yun, and Kija share a small glance.
What now?
This chapter was complete bullshit, I'm out. G'bai. Call me when someone finally decides to burn this.
also, a very important note id like to make, point out, and carve into stone. im sorry, but this has seriously been bugging me since the beginning of Is This Real.
despite the fact that i asked people not to comment comments that beg me to update, someone sent me one. everyone is waiting patiently for the next chapter, so it peeves me to see when people outright beg me for the next chapter (this person called me out for not publishing the prewritten 10 chapters) and expect me to give it to them. it doesnt do the community any good, and it certainly does not do Me any good. im pressured enough as is to write this story, seeing as it has been two years since the end of the first book, but i havent even finalized an ending for this story. so i hope you can see why i have a set update schedule. and i used to keep updates at once every two weeks, so the fact that im finally updating twice a week like before should be something youre happy about. i know a bunch of you are ecstatic, but am i really not doing enough?
to end this, i will delete comments that beg or demand i publish the next chapter. if the demands become constant from the same person, i Will mute that person and block them. ive been dealing with someone for 2 yeard already, and they sent me a PM just now. i muted them. i dont mind you guys saying, "cant wait for the next update!" or "update please!" but you guys saying "give the next update!!" really peeves me.
here are the drabbles! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
-eyre's favorite flowers are tuberose flowers. coincidentally, they're the very flowers eyre took with her down the aisle
-when harper took yona out for shopping (just the two of them, because they're good gal pals) she had to explain the function of a bra; harper can definitely say that she has never experienced anything funnier than that moment
-thank god it was reiji that took the boys shopping because harper would have made them look like a mess (unintentionally) so now the gang looks like your every day, aesthetically pleasing young lads
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