~ Chapter 4 ~
Eyre and Harper are fans unlike any other. Quartet Night quickly grew attached to the two, as did Starish.
Reiji in particular grew an attachment to the two females. Though his feelings for Eyre seemed questionable, it's more than obvious that he has a family bond with Harper.
When the world tour was all sang and done; the first thing Reiji decided to do was fly over to San Francisco and meet up with Harper. It was surprising to Eyre to see the brunette in front of her door.
Eyre's world slowly colored. Harper- although Eyre's childhood friend- could only paint so much thus far. Reiji's bright personality bled bright ink and soft touches of pastel into her life. Though she may not be used to the little amount of support she's received thus far, it's enough to keep her standing on an easel.
By the time the seasons have rotated a full cycle, Harper felt more comfortable with leaving Eyre behind as she left for trips. More often than not, Reiji would stay by to make sure Eyre kept herself from reverting back to her terrible habits.
This day in particular is special to our dear heroine.
"Eyre-tan it's your birthday!" Reiji shouts as he bursts through the front door.
Eyre flips her omelette onto her plate. She places a hand on her hip soon after, spatula in hand.
"Your birthday! It's today!" Reiji pulls out a box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, and a small box of something from behind his back. Eyre takes the items questionably, but says nothing about the gifts.
She does, however, says something about the current situation, "Reiji. Today isn't my birthday."
Silence over comes the two. Eyre brushes his spontaneous burst and grabs a fork from the drawer.
"...Eh..?" Reiji absentmindedly wonders aloud.
"Harper most likely told you that today is my birthday. Today is the day I woke up from my coma. She says it's my birthday, considering I cut ties, and that I might as well have been 'reborn'." Eyre quotes with a roll of her eyes. "I appreciate the thought though." Quickly finishing her breakfast, Eyre places her plate into the dishwasher.
"When's your birthday then?" He asks.
Eyre pauses, her own birthday fleeting from her memory. "March 13th."
"EH?! That was 3 months ago!" He begins to comically cry; Eyre shrugs.
"No big deal. I guess it technically is my birthday." Reiji seats himself on one of the counter seats.
"Then let's go out!" He smiles.
It's only early June, meaning that it's not particularly hot yet. Eyre currently lives on the bay side of San Francisco. Quickly dressing herself into something more suited for the weather. Eyre grabs her brown sling bag and the two are out of the apartment.
The two walk around the city for a couple minutes, Reiji pointing out buildings and reciting their history from Wikipedia. Eyre appreciates the effort he puts into knowing her, be it the amount of murders in the building next door to what flower sells best at the florist's down the street.
"Your English has gotten better." Eyre points out. Reiji flushes with bashful pride.
"Why don't we take a walk around Golden Gate Park? I've been studying too much."
Golden Gate Park is relatively large. It's over 1,000 acres and has botanical gardens as well as museums.
That isn't it though.
The whole park is a lively green and they are some street vendors selling some food and joggers on the sidewalks. There's a park with children climbing all over the playground and squealing with laughter.
Couples lovingly seated on blankets, sharing conversations or eating together. A small few even have guitars to strum for their girlfriends. Mothers and fathers walk around with their children, holding hands and laughing together.
Our heroine might've been living near the Golden Gate Park for a year now, but it doesn't mean she actually visited the place.
Sure, Harper would try and convince Eyre to go every month or so, but she never really wanted to visit every little crevice of Golden Gate Park. Now that Reiji's here, and Harper is not, Eyre can walk around at her own, slow, snail-like, pace.
They have just walked out of a small cafe near the edge of the park. Their first stop of the day, so to speak. Eyre has a warm cappuccino in her hands, while Reiji bought himself a small donut. They walk across the street upon seeing the crosswalk light switch green.
"Hey, Harper should be coming home from Cancun at the moment, right?" A certain purple eyed girl asks Reiji and he nods his head. They have just walked out of a small cafe near the edge of the park. Their first stop of the day, so to speak. Eyre has a warm cappuccino in her hands, while Reiji bought himself a small donut.
Though still studying, Harper hit her big break just last winter. Just before, Harper continuously spent picture after picture to different magazines, newspapers, etc. A major company chose a photo of her's, and by major luck another major company saw the picture before employing her for a very short amount of time. Since then, Harper would hop around from company to company, travelling for whatever insane project they would offer her.
"Yeah! I heard a few more magazines are offering for her to become their official photographer! It would be really cool if Harper took my pictures in the studios!" Reiji says happily. They finally arrive to the park, and Eyre nods her head in agreement to Reiji's exclamation. Soon, Eyre seems to erupt in happiness.
To herself, Eyre merely thinks that the small bit of excitement is shown on her face ever so slightly.
To Reiji, though, Eyre looks as if she's a six year old girl who's just been given a golden star.
Eyre's eyes light up with the face Reiji never gets to see. "Hey, the professors taught us something absolutely amazing! Here, let me find it.." Eyre stops walking and hands Reiji her cappuccino to dig through the many papers in her already cluttered bag.
She can't find her own phone even if she tried.
Reiji carefully watches his friend with a soft smile before she finally pulls out the torn out notebook paper, scribbled with surprisingly neat handwriting. Eyre hands it to Reiji to read with a small smile.
Today's the day! The obvious tell of eagerness bounces around the group. Yun is checking everyone's bags for the nth time, making sure they have the right necessities and clothes. Jea-ha can't seem to stop flirting with Yona and Hak is more than happy to punch Jea-ha in the face. Even Shin-ah is talking more out of excitement.
Yet everyone knows that the happiest one out of the group is Kija. His eyes always glance out the window and he continuously twists the engagement ring on his left hand. Kija's sky blue eyes twinkle with a silent happiness and you can tell that he's back to his old self. Not an eye bag in sight, and looking perfectly healthy like before. He decided to clean himself up before seeing Eyre again, and his efforts paid off.
"So I tore it out of my notebook and then left it in here." Eyre explain as Reiji's eyes scan over the paper.
"You don't know some of the words, do you?" Eyre questions blandly and he hesitantly laughs. The raven haired girl sighs before Reiji hands her the paper back. Eyre's long fingers take the wrinkled up paper and her eyes scan the paper for the nth time.
"Ne, Eyre-" Before Reiji could finish, the wind suddenly picks up. They both shut their eyes at the surprisingly strong wind. Eyre's out grown, raven black hair whips around her face and the paper flaps wildly in her hand. The wind calms down ever so slightly, just enough so that Reiji could open his eyes.
"Is everyone ready?" Ik-su asks and Yona jumps up from the couch, smiling widely.
"Will we see her?!" She questions and Ik-su purses his lips.
"Now that's the subject I do not know the answer to.. Her world is big. Bigger than we can think. Finding her may or may not be difficult.. But I have full confidence that you'll see her!" Ik-su smiles and the slight tension eases up. Everyone looks to each other before smiling softly and nodding their heads.
"Eyre-tan!" Reiji shouts and Eyre forces her eyes open with slight trouble. Her eyes trail behind her. Reiji's arm is pointing at a single sheet of paper flying through the air. Eyre's eyes widen in shock and she adverts her gaze to her hands, only to find out that her eyes are indeed telling the truth.
"My notes!" Eyre shouts and runs down the direction they had just come from. Eyre can faintly hear Reiji call after her as Eyre's legs carry her off towards her paper.
"Ready?" Ik-su asks and Hak grins, gripping his spear. Zeno throws his arms into the air, cheering and Shin-ha nods his head. Yun nods with a determined face, although spilling happy tears. Yona cheers with Zeno and Jea-ha smiles genuinely. Everyone stops, and look to the Hakuryuu.
Kija looks down at his engagement ring, then nods and faces the group with a soft smile.
"Yes.. Let's see Eyre." He declares, confident. Yona and the others cheer loudly, beyond ecstatic.
That's when her body feels different.
It's a familiar different, and a small jog doesn't feel like it's going to kill her.
Instead, Eyre's feet feel sore; but her mind gives her a clear message that although fatigued, she could travel endlessly.
The strong sense to sleep seeps away from her.
A new overwhelming feel to smile fills within her. Eyre's body becomes light yet strong.
She's invincible.
"As soon as you pass through the door, you'll be in Eyre's world. If I remember correctly.. When Eyre entered Kouka she opened a door and ended up in the forest? That may come as the same to you all." Ik-su clarifies, just as serious as the time he told Yun to see the world.
Now, Yun is seeing two worlds.
Kija nods his head before Hak takes both a bag of his clothes and Kija's. Shin-ah is assigned to Eyre' guitar. Ik-su isn't going with the group. In fact, he's to stay in Kouka. He is the priest after all.
"Eyre-tan!!" Reiji calls out again, his voice a bit fainter, but you could tell he's desperately running after his girlfriend. There's no doubt he's both shocked and surprised she could run at such a pace.
At the moment, all Eyre cares about is her paper.
"Ready?" Kija asks aloud and they all nod. Everyone is clearly nervous. They don't have much information on what Eyre's world looks like. They only know the fun 'cultural' things.
Kija takes the front door's handle, twisting it and lightly pushing the door open. It isn't what anybody has ever thought of. People are bustling around, but none pay attention to the odd group. Kija looks down at a strange grey walkway. Just a few meters ahead is a black walkway, but bigger; they carry strange moving transport systems. Kija steps onto the walkway, cautious at first. That is, until Hak shoves him out the door.
One by one; Yona, Hak, Yun, Jea-ha, Shin-ah, and Zeno trail out of the door and see the exact same scenery as Kija. As Jea-ha glances behind him to wave off Ik-su, the priest is no longer there. It's a small restaurant, though they can primarily smell coffee.
"K-Kija! Your hand!" Yona cries out and point to the Hakuryuu's dragon hand. Or, what's supposed to be the dragon's hand. The scales on his right arm fly into the wind, breaking like glass before disappearing. Kija lifts his regular arm with a sorrowful face, but it soon turns to determination.
"If this is what it takes to see Eyre, then I don't mind." He says and the shock in everyone melts away.
She pushes herself to pump her legs faster, and her breaths become short and quick. Eyre's unique purple eyes stay trained on the single piece of paper flying high in the sky at at remarkable pace.
That is, until cars honk their horns at the girl. The crosswalk light is lit red, and Eyre nearly ran into a street of fast moving cars. She jumps back immediately, just before a car can actually hit her. People behind and around her gather, asking if she's either okay or insane.
But Eyre pays the attention no mind, crounching over for a few seconds before lifting her face to check where the paper has flown to.
After what seems like forever, the wrinkled paper finally slows down in speed and begins to descend. The energy in Eyre's body slowly leaves and she sighs in relief.
That's when Kija hears a slightly rustling in the air. His attention drifts up to a small, rectangular, white paper- although wrinkled. He jumps up ever so slightly and takes the paper in his hand.
Eyre notices that the paper is snatched from the air, and she thanks what ever god is listening to her. The light to the crosswalk flashes green; Eyre rushes past the mob of people only to approach a strange looking group.
"Sorry, but that's mine. Thank you so much for catching it." She says in exasperation.
Kija's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of the raven haired, purple eyed girl. His breath catches in his throat. Both shock and happiness course through his veins. The urge to cry is irresistible.
"E-Eyre?" He asks and said female's body freezes.
His voice... It sounds familiar...?
The unknown- to Eyre- man surges forward. He embraces her tightly, just about ready to sob. The feeling sends a painful course of nostalgia through Eyre. Her knees feel weak but she wills herself to stay standing.
They stay put for a eerily long moment. It's when Eyre feels uncomfortable does she pull away from the male.
"I-I'm sorry.. But who might you be?"
Pain. That's all Kija feels. Yona gasps in shock and everyone could remember what Ik-su said. There's a task they must complete at first to be able to go back to Kouka with Eyre.
This must be it.
Making her remember.
tbh this ending was so thrown together but hey theyve reunited (kinda...?)
-reiji actually took eyre out on a date the day after his concert the year before. however, eyre decided to remain friends and the feelings were mutual(?)
-reiji was hoping to ask eyre to be his girlfriend just moments before kija and the others entered eyre's world
-because kija no longer has his dragon arm, jea-ha no longer has his dragon leg, shin-ah can not use his dragon eyes, and zeno is unable to come out of a war unscathed as he used to. although, the four do have abilities that are similar to their dragon powers, though they would only be considered as out of the ordinary. ex. kija can lift heavy objects with his arm but not elongate claws, jea-ha has a very strong leg be can not fly, zeno heals faster than normal people, and shin-ah can see further than the normal human
i dont think you guys couldve noticed, but i stopped the POV breaks (these -> ~*~ ) when they finally began to share worlds. i thought it would be a nice touch UvU
also, i changed the update schedule (again...) and updates are now wednesdays and saturdays! just like the good ol times
please vote, comment, and all that jazz~
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