We meet again
( y/n) POV
Once I had gotten home my mom was waiting for me. " you gotten into another fight." She stated. I looked at her then said. " Well he should have never messed with Raf, you know I'm protective over him" I took off my shoes and coat. " Next time sweetie don't break there nose." She said then walked away into the kitchen. I sighed the layered down on the couch one leg on back thing and my arm behind my head.
I was on my phone for a while then my mom called me into the kitchen to eat. Then after that I just put on a crop shirt that said Savage in red and some shorts then I went to sleep.
Optimus POV
I figured out where (y/n) lives thanks to Raf. I finished up some work then took off towards her house. I waited for a few minutes for her to come out.
( Y/n) POV
After I had gotten dressed ( picture above) I put on my shoes and grabbed my skateboard then left. As soon as I closed the door I saw him. I just went the other way and skated towards the park since it was Saturday . Optimus just stopped in front of me. " what your finding out my locations now. Following just wasn't enough was it." I said with venom I'm my tone. Just then Raf called me. " Hey lil cous, what's up?" I asked. " if you see a semi truck get in his name is Optimus" he said.
" Oh I know his name but I am not getting inside." I replied. " Please (y/n) for me?" He said. I just sighed " Your lucky I can't say no to you." He just thanked me. I rolled my eyes and smiled then hung up. I grabbed the handle and opened the door and gotten it. " Your lucky I can't say no to Raf." I said as I gotten in and we took off.
I decided to text Raf.
(Y/n) : hey how to do know Optimus
Raf: I'll tell you once you reach the base.
" what base?" I said to myself. " It's our place that we use ever since we arrived on earth." Optimus said. " Thanks." I said with a bit annoyance. If Raf trusted them then I guess there ok.
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