Chapter Thirteen
2 weeks later
So long story short, things got a bit awkward between Peter and I for a few days. You shouldn't be surprised, I did accuse him of... I don't even want to say it anymore.
I discovered that I sleepwalk. Found myself waking up as I was falling into the pool. So thanks Peter, for not letting me drown.
I keep getting the feeling that the robot should be here at any moment. But it's been eerily quiet. And I hate eerily quiet.
But, I just hope it stays that way.
"I think we should start heading to the X-mansion." I spoke while digging into my plate of pancakes and sausages. The perk of messing with the owners mind is that you also get free room service.
Peter almost choked on his orange juice. "What?! But it's so nice here!"
"I'm starting to feel guilty." I replied, pushing away my plate of food. That was partially true. I was starting to feel guilty that the owner was the only one that wasn't aware what we were doing was illegal. Well... I hoped he wasn't.
"But we have nice, comfortable beds to sleep on every night. And we— we have a pool! And a hot tubbbb." Peter mused, standing up and gesturing outside as if to emphasize his point. "We haven't even stayed her that long! And we don't know if that robot is still after us."
"And that's why we should leave now before this place gets destroyed! We can't stay here forever." I argued as his hands dropped. Peter ran up to me with his speed, gently grabbing my arms.
"I think we should stay. It's safe here. That robot can't spot us unless we look over the edge. Not to mention this is a luxury suite we are living in right now." Peter scoffed out a laugh as I just stared ahead, and shook my head.
"I only ran to find the x-mansion. And.. well because my mom disowned me. But if I'm still running, then I'm not going to stop until I find my dad." I brushed myself off of Peter as we watched me walk into the living room, frowning in disapproval.
"Are you kidding me? Going out there, we will be targets again!" Peter yelled as I froze up for a moment, shutting my eyes slowly as I took in a sharp breath.
"Then maybe I should start learning how to use my powers." I muttered to myself, looking at the TV. I tilted my head slightly, watching as it flickered on, the channels changing at a fast pace as it started to form a sentence.
"We.. le-Ave... now."
Peter's eyes widened as he slowly pointed at the tv. "That was freaky." He whispered as I grabbed his duffel bag, which had been emptied since he ate all of the Twinkie's. "I'm gonna go... get myself some clothes." Peter disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving me alone.
I started packing everything I brought including the things I took from here, listening to news play.
"Tragedy has struck in Antelope, California today. In just 30 minutes, 2 bombs have gone off, and over 100 buildings have already been destroyed. Officials including the S.W.A.T. Team are currently working on finding any more bombs and—"
I shut the TV off quickly, closing my eyes.
They don't need help. They don't need it. I have things to do.
I felt a huge gust of wind that nearly knocked me down, turning to see Peter in new clothes, holding a duffel bag full of clothes.
"Did you— you didn't!"
"Steal a bunch of clothes? No one saw me." He shrugged with a smirk as I glared at him, throwing a plastic fork into his chest with my telekinesis. "Ow! Watch it those prongs hurt!"
"You probably just stole $200 worth of clothes, Peter! You can't go around doing that!"
"I stole $500 worth of Twinkies a week before this all happened." He admitted as my eyes widened in shock.
"You're a thief!" I snapped, causing the lights around me to flicker as the TV turned back on.
Peter started to argue back before his attention turned to the tv, and his eyes widened. "Jeyda—"
"What could it possibly be this time?!" I asked, spinning to face the tv, my own eyes widening.
"In other news, officials are now searching for these two mutants, who only a few weeks ago ran away as a giant robot attacked a local Waffle House in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The teens were spotted around a week ago, roaming Last Vegas, Nevada, as seen in this photo."
A picture of Peter and I popped up onto the screen and I gasped quietly, dropping the glass I had in my hand, which fell and shattered to the ground.
"Jeyda that's us — we're on the news!"peter yelled in a not-so-enthusiastic way, fear very clear in his voice.
"Holy shit. They think— see this is why I don't watch the news!" I yelled, flailing my arms around and spun to Peter.
Before I could finish whatever I was going to say, there was a loud banging on the door. "We know you're in there, freaks! Come out or we're calling the police!"
I went to take a step and yelled, holding my foot up as a glass shard stuck out of it. Peter yelled at the sight, his head snapping back and forth between the door and me.
"Think we should leave now?!" I yelled, yanking out the glass as I cried out in pain, to which Peter picked me up and proceeded to grab anything he could carry.
"I'd make sure your head won't fly off, if I were you." Peter warned as I heard the door smash open, and everything slowed down.
My eyes widened as I quickly hid my face into the crook of Peter's neck, shutting them tightly as we started running at a very fast speed.
My heart thundered in my ears as I couldn't move from the speed we were going. Car horns rang in my ears as we zoomed past highways. For split seconds, thoughts buzzed in my ears as we ran through towns and cities.
And then, silence.
"You can open your eyes now." There was a smirk in Peter's voice as it rang in one ear and out the other.
Reluctantly, I began to open my eyes, looking around to see we were at our high school.
"School ended over two hours ago. Also, why are we here?" I asked as Peter just dropped our belongings as soon as we got inside, thanks to him moving at such a fast pace that we phased right through the locked doors.
"Seriously where are we—" Peter quickly shushed me and I frowned, allowing him to take me to wherever we were going.
I found myself standing in front of Peter's locker, the frown still on my face as he put in his combination, unlocking it.
Before Peter could take out whatever he wanted to show me, there was a loud rumbling that shook the floor beneath us. "Earthquake?!" He asked as I shook my head. New York was prone to earthquakes, but those were rare.
My eyes suddenly widened at the realization of what it was. "We shouldn't have come here." I whispered, just as the robot... who Peter still wanted to name 'Amazo.'
The robot turned to the two, Peter forcing me to stand behind him.
"Jeyda and Peter. Welcome back." Before I could do anything to help, 'Amazo' threw a ball of energy at Peter and I, to which he quickly dodged as I grabbed the ball of energy, turning to him.
"Seriously?! Next time, remember to grab me!" I yelled, hurling the energy ball at Amazo. Apparently, he's gotten rusty since last time, since he wasn't able to dodge the ball.
"Sorry!" He apologized, running us into the gym.
"We have to get out of here." I whispered to Peter has he nodded. The two of us jumped at the sound of something crashing, and Peter once again pushed me behind him.
"Hey! I can protect myself." I glared at Peter who just scoffed.
"Yeah, okay." He grumbled as I stepped out from behind him.
The noises kept getting louder. My nerves growing and causing the lights around to flicker with a loud buzzing noise.
We waited. Jumping at every large bang.
And then finally, Amazo burst through the gym doors, my arms enveloped in a rainbow cloud of fire. And Peter just stared at the robot like he was about to be a true hero.
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