Chapter One
Early 1973
I found out I was a mutant when I was 11. And by the way, I don't recommend hitting puberty at 11. It sucks. But that's not the point.
I found out that I've been "gifted" with several really dangerous abilities that if they were to make a cure, I'd probably take it.
I have this thing called time reduction. I can basically stop Time or slow it down but still move at a normal pace. Comes in handy when you're late for school or want to have a free ice cream cone at Irene's Ice Cream. I can also have specific people along with myself move at a normal pace, but only if I'm touching them. I can even have myself move in slow motion but that takes a lot more energy for some reason.
That's about one of the least dangerous abilities I have next to telepathy. Other than the fact that I can read peoples minds and talk to them mentally, I can also control them. Though I'm still working on that and honestly, I don't think I want to learn how to.
But I have no choice about learning that since I have hyper-intelligence. I'm basically a walking encyclopedia.
I also have telekinesis. We all know what that is. But that basically it. I refuse to use one of these other powers that I have, considering that it's the one that made me discover I was a mutant.
It's my most dangerous power. And I haven't used it in the 6 years I've been a mutant. The more I think about that power, the more I grow to hate it.
And no matter how hard I truly tried to be normal, I always had an excuse to use my powers.
Waking up in the morning was hard enough. But when it was a Monday, and you had to deal with school for an entire week, you really just wanted to dig yourself a grave in your bed and die.
Not to mention that in almost all of my classes, Peter Maximoff was in them.
Now I'm sure you'd be thinking 'oh but he's such a dream Boat!'
I pray everyday that the 'dream boat' hits an icebergs and sinks.
It's not the fact that I hate him. Because I do. I have actual reason to hate him. And he has no reasons to hate me, yet he does.
Number one. He constantly asks the same question over and over again until you answer. He's been doing that since we could all talk.
He's fast. Like, 'finishes a test in 3 seconds and fails it because he didn't study' fast. And I hate that kind of fast. I like going slow, not just because I had a time reduction power—
Actually that's a lie. It's exactly why I like slow things. Unless it's driving.
He's got the IQ of driftwood. I have no clue how he got into AP chemistry.
His entire life purpose is to annoy the ever living shit out of me. And he truly enjoys seeing me angry. Especially when he gets a question right before I can. Which is rare. But it happens.
But I'm constantly outsmarting him, and I can tell it annoys him a lot, so it brightens my day just a little bit more.
I also hate him for the simple fact that two years ago, we were at a mutual friends party. Specifically, a pool party. And no one knew that I couldn't swim.
And Peter. Oh so "dream boat' loving Peter, thought it would be funny to throw me into the deep end.
Well, needless to say, I now have a huge fear of any body of water because I was legally dead for about 5 minutes. My parents didn't press charges but I still hold a grudge on him.
And, I still don't know how to swim.
My alarm clock blared into my ears, jolting me awake from a not-so-exciting-dream. I groaned quickly, tapping the clock, silence quickly filling my bedroom.
I sat up slowly, my reflection in the mirror telling me I had been tossing and turning all night once again. Another groan escaped me as I hopped off of my bed, trudging over to my vanity.
I took my time with my hair, mostly because I wasn't one to style it. It ruined your hair and gave you split ends.
"Jeyda, hurry up and get dressed breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled from upstairs. I set my brush down, quickly changing into a Pink Floyd T-shirt and black jeans, slipping on a pair of high tops before rubbing upstairs.
The fresh aroma of French toast wafted up into my nose, a smile crushing my face as I saw the meal laid out on the table.
"There's my graduating girl!" My mom grinned as I chuckled, shaking my head.
"I'm graduating next month, mom. Then you can make an amazing meal like this." I said, sitting down at the two-person table, grabbing a fork and shoveling in as much food as I could.
"Well don't choke!" my mom joked as I swallowed the lump of food, looking up at the clock.
"Language!" My mom snapped as I winced apologetically, hiding my hand underneath the table, watching as the world around me started to slow down. My mom had her eyes half closed, mouth wide open as her fork full of food stood in place.
I ran over to the window and looked outside, seeing the bus on the road. I tried to hurry myself and eat as much as I could, sitting back down at the table and resuming the world around me.
My mom opened her eyes, which widened as they saw my plate. "Where did all your food go?" She asked in confusion, knowing it was a full plate only seconds ago to her.
"Uh... vacuum?" I smiled awkwardly, hearing the bus honk. "Gotta go!" I yelled, grabbing my cassette player and headphones, wrapping them around my neck and shoving the player in my pocket, yanking my backpack off the handle and running outside.
Okay so yeah, my mom wasn't aware I was a mutant. But she also never told me anything about my dad, so I think it's fair enough we both hide two very big secrets.
Also, did I forget to mention I don't know my dad?
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