Chapter Nine
I picked at my waffles, staring at the single strawberry left on top of it that was coated in whipped cream.
"Earth to JJ." Peter said as I frowned, looking up at him.
"JJ?" I asked with a frown, and Peter nodded.
"Yeah. Your middle name is Jackson, right? Pretty cool middle name, if you ask me." he shrugged as I stared at him for a moment.
Did he really just say my middle name was cool?
"How did you—"
"Yearbook. And its on your backpack." Peter shoved a forkful of waffles into his mouth, staring outside for a moment.
At first, I was fearful to look outside, praying it wasn't the robot, but then I just realized he was staring at a stray whit kitten.
"I'm gonna get that cat... and name that cat Snowy the Fifth." He smiled as my eyes widened.
"We do not have time for a cat." I said as Peter frowned.
"But look at how cute it is! We can't leave it outside."
"Then we'll take it to a shelter. That cat will be put in too much danger if it goes with us. And we don't even have the money for a cat." I argued as Peter sighed in disappointment, shoving the rest of his waffles into his mouth.
"Would you two like anything else today?" Mary asked as she walked over, and I quickly shook my head.
"No I think we'd just like the check, please." I smiled softly as she nodded, handing Peter the check as if he was going to be paying.
"Thanks..." he muttered awkwardly, watching Mary leave before handing me the check. I frowned at what was last written on it, which seemed to be the girls number. "What is it?" Peter asked as I showed it to him.
"Seems like you caught someone's eye." He turned back to look at Mary, who smiled at him. He gave an awkward smile back, turning around.
"Not my type." He answered, and for a moment, even if it was a fraction of a second, I felt relieved to heart that.
By god, why did I feel so relieved to know that?
I wanted to press on. "Really? Then.. who is your type?" I asked while pulling out the right amount of money, sliding it to the front of the table.
"Hm... I don't really know. I've never had a girlfriend before—"
"What?!" I cut off, nearly choking on my hot chocolate as a laugh threatened to escape me.
"Keep it down, would ya? I don't get out much!"
"You get out if I'm on a date."
"Well, that was just to ruin your plans. For my own entertainment, of course." Peter smirked as I rolled my eyes, bragging my two bags.
"C'mon, we shouldn't waste anymore ti—"
"OH MY GOD!" Peter and I spun around at the sound of Mary's shriek, eyes widening as we saw the robot blast through the door.
"Everybody run!" I yelled loudly as Peter started zooming everyone out, leaving just the three of us.
"Where's that energy power you used?!" Peter asked as I shook my head.
"He almost killed me last time I used it." I yelled, attempting to lift the robot into the air. It worked for a moment, and I threw it out the door.
"Are we still working with Amazo or are we just gonna call him big scary robot?" Peter asked as he huffed, surprisingly out of breath.
"I don't care! Let's just get out of here!" I put a field around the robot, watching as it attempted to copy the ability I was using. I was surprised, considering it was an energy shield, which meant he had the same ability.
"I got the bags!" Peter grinned as he raised them all up.
"Don't care! Cant hold it!" I yelled, feeling Peter's hand on the back of my head.
"Ready? 3, 2, 1!" He yelled before we were running to God knows where.
When I slowly opened my eyes, I realized we were standing in front of a large sign.
"You took us to Vegas?" I snapped, turning to Peter as he nodded. "We don't have that kind of money!"
"No, but you can use your telepathy thing to sneak us into a really nice hotel and get us the keys to the presidential suite!" Peter grinned, leaning closer. "I heard there's a room full of candy and food."
I stared at Peter like he was insane. I'd never attempted to contort someone's mind before. Let alone get into the minds of a hotel full of people. I didn't know if I was even capable of doing that.
"That's an insane idea! I haven't learned to control my telepathy toil it's full extent. Hell, I've rarely used my telepathy up until recently!" I frowned as Peter shrugged, taking a step back.
"Then try it on me." He asked. I quirked a brow in confusion.
"I'm going to turn around, and you're going to use your telepathy on me to make you invisible." I shook my head, thinking wasn't going to be able to do it.
"I don't know, Peter—" he waved his hand to shut me up, turning around.
"Go ahead. Get into my brain." He leaned back slightly, waiting. Slowly, I pressed my finger to my temple, staring into the back of Peter's head.
I'm invisible. Is that how it works? Invisible. I have become invisible.
Peter slowly turned around as my mind began to panic, hoping that it had worked. He looked around in both confusion and enthusiasm, a grin appearing on his face.
Slowly, he reached out and poke my face, scoffing out a laugh. "No way it worked! It's like I'm touching squishy air." He did it again and I slapped his hand away with the one touching my temple, rendering me now visible.
"Awesome! See? You got this!" Peter raised his hand to fist bump me and I stared down at it for a moment.
I raised my hand up, stuck two fingers out, and fist bumped him. "Snail." I smiled like a giddy child for a moment, snickering quietly as Peter frowned.
"I am now realizing how weird you can be. Let's go." Peter picked up his duffel bag the two of us walking into Las Vegas.
And I had known what was happening next, I probably would have turned around if I hated Peter as much as I did two days ago.
Things change pretty fast, don't they?
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