Chapter Five
I walked into my house and slammed the door shut, startling my mom slightly as she had been watching a horror movie.
"Jeyda! What's with the slamming of our do—?" She frowned, setting down her cup of tea. She didn't reach the table though, as I had paused time for a moment just to scream.
And then proceeded with more screaming of how infuriated I was.
"For once, I thought my date would go great! I got dressed decent, put on makeup, and got there extra early so he wouldn't think i was ditching him! Then of course Peter fucking Maximoff has to come in and ruin everything! GOD! And then I find out that not only is he a mutant, he's the fastest man alive! Compared to me, that's once again another thing that makes us opposites! I'm slow, he's fast. But he's also a god damned mutant!" I yelled again and punch the wall, wailing in pain as time returned to normal. I shook my hand, hissing quietly.
"—rs?" My mom continued as I dropped my hand and sighed.
"Date went bad again." I grumbled, slipping my high tops off. "I think I'm going to go play darts, maybe print a picture of Peter's face and pin it to the board." I trudged up the stairs to our game room, my mom watching me leave before returning to her movie.
I stared down at our printer, waiting impatiently as it printed Peter's school picture. Oh, the perks of being in the yearbook-club.
Once it had finished printing, I ripped it out, pinning it against the dart board as I grabbed a handful of darts.
I stared at the small plastic weapons in my hand, watching carefully as one floated up before making a b-line straight into Peter's forehead.
Now, I wouldn't say I wanted to kill him. Sometimes, yes, I would love to strangle him to the point of unconscious, but he hasn't actually done anything to deserve death.
Just a good ole slap to the face.
With a rocket.
I sighed quietly, bringing the dart back over along with the paper, staring down at Peter. It disgusted me that I mommy mind though he was cute. I hated that I thought that, I'll be honest. But was I really going to lie if someone asked me if I thought he was attractive?
Yes I was. I will never admit that to another loving being. Why was I even pondering the idea of admitting Peter Maximoff was cute?
I crumbled up the paper and tossed it away, continuing to play a normal game of darts without the face.
I frowned after hearing a loud thud. "Mom?" I called out, dropping all of the darts and going to run downstairs before pausing.
When I turned around to look out the balcony, my eyes widened as I saw Peter standing out there, a horrified expression on his face.
"Let me in!" He yelled, turning to look back every few seconds. "Jeyda let me in!" He pleaded as I cautiously walked over, slowly going to unlock the door.
But the moment I heard it click, a gust of wind d knocked me into the pool table, and Peter was slamming the door shut, swinging the blinds closed. "Jesus you're slow!" He peeked out the balcony, shutting the blinds again.
"Get out." I suddenly blurted, pointing down the stairs. Peter's head practically snapped as he turned to face me, his goggles embedded into his face.
"What?!" He yelled as I pressed my finger to my lips. He stepped closer. "I cannot go back out there right now. I'll literally be killed."
"And that's my problem how?!" I snapped as he groaned quietly.
"Because I know you're a mutant now! And I could really use the extra hand. I can only move so fast the world slows down. But you literally paused time all together!" He whisper yelled as I shook my head, a laugh escaping me.
"I am not helping you. My mom is downstairs! If she finds out about me then... she'll send me away to this school for "gifted youngsters" or whatever I saw on the paper last week, I know it."
"Gifted youngsters? You mean like smart people?"
"Even if it was a normal school for 'smart kids' they'd never be as smart as I am."
Could you tell I prided my hyper-Intelligence? Because that's my favorite ability.
Peter frowned at me. "How are you sure that your mom would send you there?"
"Because she knows the guy who owns the place. His names is Charles or something— that's off topic! Get out of my house!" I grabbed Peter by his jacket, forcing the two of us down the stairs.
"Oh and Jeyda before you do anything— Peter Maximoff?" My mom stood up quickly as Peter gave her a 'charming' smile and wave.
"Hello, Ms. Berks— no way is that the Exorcist?! I thought it just got released?" Peter managed to slip out of my grasp, watching as the child in the movie puked up a green substance. "Gross."
"I know a guy. Say, why didn't I see you come in?"
"Oh I came in through your ba—"
"Back door!" I quickly interrupted as Peter turned to me, frowning. "Shame too, because he really has to go!" I laughed nervously, clasping my hands together.
"No I—i think I can stay—"
"Nope! You're leaving... now." I snapped through gritted teeth as Peter bid a fair well to my mom.
Before anything else could happen, i heard a soft beeping coming from the front door. I didn't have time to register anything, because the moment my front door blew up, I was out on the street.
"What the— MY HOUSE!" I yelled, turning around to see the front door in flames. My mom let out a yell as we stood away from our house, and I watched again as a silhouette of a man walked in.
I heard gears whirring almost quietly, quickly running into the house. "Jeyda!"
I started coughing the moment I got in, squinting hard as smoke and fire burnt my eyes. "Where are you?!" I yelled, my mind to fixated on the man who blew up my house to stop time and search for him.
Before I could do anything else, I was smacked across my burning living room my a metal fist, crashing into my TV. I groaned in pain as I slammed onto the tv stand, then the ground, holding my side.
"What— the hell..." I muttered, looking up to see a masked man holding a gun to my face. Oh shit.
He didn't say anything. The thing was muscular, and he was really tall. What I noticed the most was his gloved hands.
His gloved metal hands
"Oh my god— you... you're— holy shit I'm gonna die." I tried to back away, staring into his goggles with pleading eyes. "I didn't— I swear I haven't done anything!"
"Hey Tin can!" The robot and I turned our heads, seeing Peter standing at the door. "Leave her alone."
The robot aimed his gun at Peter, shooting it quickly before Peter ran off, grabbing me in the process.
"Oh my— you're a—!" My mom pointed to Peter, about to finish her sentence before I raised my hand, pausing anything around us again.
I then turned to Peter. "YOU BROUGHT THE TERMINATOR INTO MY HOUSE!?" I screamed, slapping him across the face.
"Ow!" He yelled, turning back to face me.
"Will you stop yelling?! You're giving me a damn headache." Peter rubbed his temple as I glared at him, eyes glowing a bright green.
"How the hell did you manage to get on the Winter Soldier's hit list?!" I asked as Peter shook his head.
"I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time." Peter answered as I frowned in confusion.
"The hell does that mean?" I asked as I turned to my mom, who was frozen in her place, staring at Peter with a horrified expression. I turned back to the boy with silver hair, watching as he once again shook his head.
"He mimicked my powers... and then tried to kill me."
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