Chapter Fifteen
"We can't fight Amazo if you don't have full control of your powers. You know that, right?" Peter asked as he looked out the window of our motel room.
I tossed an energy ball in the air, which fell back down into my hand. I frowned, turning to Peter. "I have control of my powers."
"Did you know you could fly?" He asked, turning around to face me. I quirked a brow in confusion, laughing.
"Ohhh that's funny, Peter. I see you're trying to get me to kill myself." I spat, dropping onto my bed.
"I'm serious! Amazo used your Er... erway.... Earthing—"
"Ergokinesis?" I raised a brow as he nodded.
"Yeah that. He used that to make this like— have you seen Wizard of Oz?" I nodded slowly as Peter nodded. "He made this energy bubble around him to fly away after he- Y'know..."
I sighed quietly. It had been a week since I nearly drowned. I rubbed my eyes, sighing quietly.
"I don't know how to do that, Peter. Maybe we should get the X-men to help." I suggested as Peter laughed.
"Don't you think they would have been to our rescue by now? The X-Men are basically a fairytale now, JJ. We haven't seen them for a decade!" Peter yelled as I stood up quickly.
"If you haven't noticed, Peter, my Ergokinesis only comes out to its full potential when I am scared out of my whits. I can't just—"
"AH!" Peter yelled and caused me to scream, blasting the room with a short wave of energy. Peter fell to the ground as I stood, paralyzed with fear for a moment before kicking him in the leg. "You bozo!"
"It worked, didn't it?" He asked, attempting to breath. "I think I Broke a rib." I frowned at Peter, shaking my head.
"Quit being so dramatic." I rolled my eyes as he slowly sat up with a grunt, now closer to me than before. I took a quick step back, looking out the window as if the tension would go away on its own.
"Natalie?!" I yelled with wide eyes, running over to the window. How the hell did she know we were here?
"Wait, you're friend Natalie? Or some random girl named Natalie?" Peter asked as he looked over my shoulder. My eyes only widened even more as I saw Amazo walking towards her.
"Oh my god— oh my god she's gonna get killed!" I stated , running out of the motel room and down to my friend.
"Natalie behind you!" I was frozen in my spot by an unknown force, my eyes landing on Natalie's hands, turned in my direction.
As Peter ran out at a normal speed, he too was stopped by that same force. Amazo just kept getting closer.
Until he stopped next to Natalie. I could hear my heart breaking as I came to the realization.
"You built him?" I whispered as Natalie nodded slowly.
"Been working on Amazo for years. Ever since I found out you were more powerful than I was, I wanted it for myself." I shook my head in disbelief as Peter just stared at Natalie, eyes wide with anger.
"You tried to kill your best friend?!" He yelled as tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"I knew that if you were alive, you'd never let me take your powers from you. So... I did what I thought was right." Natalie stepped forward, amazo doing the same.
"So you get a robot to kill me?! Why not do it yourself?"
"Because I can make the origins of my robot untraceable. They'd never know it was me." Natalie explained as she began to levitate, my eyes widened again.
"You... how are you—"
"Let's just say... there were a few lose ends I had to cut out."
"You're a murderer!" Peter yelled, his body vibrating as he attempted to move.
"I have been doing this for years, Peter and Jeyda. Much longer than what you may think." In only a few seconds, Natalie began to age at an increasingly fast rate, and she began to return to the ground.
"Gross." Peter muttered with a disgusted look as I just shook my head again.
"I found someone a long time ago that could age and de-age themselves. I built Amazo... in 1862. When I was 17." My eyes widened in horror as Peter's did as well.
"You're 128?!" Peter asked as Natalie raised her hands up, returning to the age I believed she had been.
"But— you and I—"
"Ever wonder why I only befriended you days before you found out you were a mutant?" She asked as I grunted, attempting to break free of the invisible chains.
"All those years.. all of those things I told you.. what you told me... our friendship was built on a lie?" I croaked out, feeling my body grow hot with anger.
Or maybe, I was actually getting hot.
Natalie cackled. "Of course it was. Did you honestly believe that someone as rich and well dressed as me would become friends with... someone like you? Polar opposites, Jeyda. They never get along."
I paused for a moment and turned to Peter, who had been silent for too long. He turned to me at the same time, knowing that the words that came out of Natalie's mouth were wrong.
In the month that I have spent with Peter, it was hell. But at the same time, it was the best month of my life.
The excitement and adrenaline as we tried to save our own asses from a mutant-killing robot. Him trying to teach me how to swim even though I ended up backing out of it.
The thoughts I had scene from inside his head.
I turned back to Natalie, feeling my body grow hotter. She only chuckled again, watching as I turned into a white silhouette. "You're more powerful than I thought."
I snapped the invisible chains that kept me from moving, prowling over to Natalie as she suddenly became nervous, watching as I started forming large energy balls from my hands, throwing them at her.
Amazo stepped forward, and I floated up into the air, Peter still attempting to break free of his own chains as I sliced at Amazo, getting hit a few times myself.
I looked down at my hands, watching as electricity crackled against my arms, snaking over my hands and forming long blades. Amazo paused in surprise before he did the same.
But before he could finish, I jumped right through his torso, cutting through every wire that helped him stay alive.
"No!" Natalie screamed, vibrations leaving her mouth and knocked me away, crashing into a car as Amazo collapsed, no longer of good use.
"It was that easy?! Come on, Jeyda!" Peter yelled as I grunted, standing up.
"Not the time!" I argued, forming that same blade from my arm again as I stalked over to Natalie, who backed up slowly.
"You think it's so easy, don't you? Being able to control these powers?" I asked, the blade scratching against the pavement.
"Do you know how hard it was, trying to keep my emotions from skyrocketing so this wouldn't happen?!" I raised the blade up into the air.
"Jeyda!" Peter yelled, but before he could even finish saying anything, Natalie threw him across the parking lot, and I gasped as he crashed into the same car I had, going unconscious.
I slowly turned back to Natalie, my anger only growing with ever step I took. "I would have given these to you in a heartbeat. I never wanted these abilities. In fact, if I had to... I would have killed myself just so you could have them instead of me." I forced myself to not cry, but the truth was... I just wanted to break down and sob.
"But now? I've realized that you're an awful person. And you don't deserve my powers. Shit, sometimes I don't think I deserve them. But I've come to terms with the fact that I might never be normal. But I'll always be more powerful than you." I raised my blade up higher, staring down at Natalie with fear in her eyes.
I can't do it.
I raised her into the air with my telekinesis, and shook my head. "Farewell, my friend."
"No—" before Natalie could finish, I threw her far away, hoping that I'd never have to see her again.
I turned around and ran to Peter, kneeling down as he slowly woke up, groaning. "I'm getting a weird sense of Deja Vu." He muttered as I chuckled, letting him sit up and against the car.
I took his goggles off, letting him process everything for a moment. I breathed in sharply, and shook my head.
"Peter... I—" I cut myself off, frowning and turned back to Amazo, my eyes widening in fear.
I watched as the robot returned to life, healing itself all too quickly. "Oh my god..."
Peter turned to the robot, the two of us watching as he turned around.
"Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" Amazo rumbled as I helped Peter stand up, the two of us frozen with fear.
"Natalie May no longer be apart of this. But I still have a mission."
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