Part 1 of 2
The Padawan awaits to meet with the Mandalorian. Still unseen by the clad armoured man, she ponders in her thoughts... Will this be a smooth encounter? Or will he kill her? He will see quite the surprise.
Ps: I know I sort of mixed up the orders of some of the episodes, but it just works better with how the story between Mando and (y/n) will unfold :))))
Word Count: 3040
You hid nearby the entrance of the flying vessel as you watched the Mandalorian climb up a set of metallic ladders along with the child. Soft pants escaped your chapped lips, recollecting your breath as quietly as you can while the desired oxygen returned in your lungs. You realized that you finally left your hellish life in Nevarro behind when you felt the ship shift into hyperspace. It was a feeling you've been longing to have for quite some time.
But now that you're aboard his ship, what now? You didn't exactly have a plan in mind after you basically stowed away in the flying vessel. You just hoped that you would be away from your ex-employer and start your life anew. Your mind was empty of ideas, you didn't even know how to show yourself to the Mandalorian for crying out loud! Let alone introduce yourself to him. He was completely unaware that he has company with him other than the child he took.
"Dang farrik," you muttered to yourself.
Standing up from your sitting position, explored the bottom area of the ship as you carefully formulated different ideas on how your encounter with the armoured man will look like. The interior of the ship seemed fairly simple; grey-shaded walls that seemed well taken care of despite this ship being pre-empire. You immediately spotted a lone toilet out in the open, right beside in what looked like a cramped resting place in where you assumed he slept. Turning to your right, you spotted two enclosed doors. A hissing noise emitted as you placed your hand on a sensor, revealing a closet full of unimaginable weapons. From different kinds of blasters, explosives, you name it, he seems to have them all.
Your foot managed to to accidentally hit a package full of supplies. A loud clanking noise emitted as the supplies made contact with the metallic floor. You bit your lip nervously, there was no way he didn't hear that. Why did stuff have to fall out of all times?
"Shi-" was all you could utter before seeing the Beskar-armoured man in front of you, blaster pointed towards your direction.
You lifted your hands up in a form of surrender, "I-I can explain-"
"Who the hell are you and what are you doing inside the Razor Crest?!" He impatiently growled out.
You gulped nervously as his figure stepped closer to you, his blaster pointed straight towards your fast-beating heart. "Please! Just let me explain-"
"Better make it quick, I hate waiting."
You shuddered out a shaky breath, careful of your movements that could cost you your life the moment he pulls the trigger, "Please, sir... I-I just needed to escape Nevarro." Your (e/c) eyes stayed glued onto the intimidating black T shape on his helmet. "I didn't steal anything from here nor am I wanted smuggler of some sorts... I'm just the dishwasher from the guild's bar. Your ship was the only way for me to survive and be away from that hellhole of a place. I swear on my life I'm telling you the truth!"
The Mandalorian slowly lowered his blaster, "Out of all ships, why would a stowaway dishwasher find refuge in my ship?"
"Please, whatever planet you're headed to next just drop me off there and I'll be out of your hair... Just please don't kill me. I have a few credits to spare to give you if you'd like." you desperately begged the seemingly heartless bounty hunter.
An irritated sigh escaped from him, "Fine. But you can keep your credits, you need to survive once I drop you off-"
You grabbed his leather gloved hand and placed the credits on it, "Take it anyway, as a sign of my thanks, and payment for your fuel. I'll find some other work to do to earn credits again."
Without saying another word, the Mandalorian nudged his head for you to follow along as he climbed up the ladder, leading the both of you inside the cockpit. The clad armoured man sat on the main seat, while he pointed towards the chair beside that was meant for passengers.
"It's going to be a decently long ride, so sit tight."
But before you could even sit down, a cooing noise emitted from the similar floating orb that you saw on Nevarro. Inside the orb, was a green beady-eyed creature with ears two thirds the size of its body. It was clothed with light brown robes covering its entire body except for its head and hands.
You stared with a slight disbelief, "Is this creature your child?"
"I-it's not exactly my child-"
His sentence was quickly interrupted with the child's continuous cooing noises as it raised it's arms towards you, as if silently asking you to carry it.
"I guess you can go to her if you want," he sighed hesitantly.
You gladly agreed to carry the child. Its ears moving in up and down motions, its head moving from left and right as its large beady eyes scanned you curiously. You didn't know if you were hallucinating, or if your PTSD was playing tricks with your mind. Besides holding a foreign creature on your lap, you sensed a different kind of energy surging through your veins the moment you made contact with the unusual child. It had been an all too familiar feeling you haven't felt in a really long time.
"I-it can't be..." You shakily thought out loud.
"Excuse me?" The Mandalorian questioned.
"Sorry, it's nothing."
The armoured man crooked a brow in confusion from the dishwasher's response. He thought it was a little odd of her say out of the blue, and she said it when she carried the child. Did she think it was ugly? How rude. He thought the green bean was adorable as he's grown very fond of it. After all, he is now its father by creed. He has been tasked by the armourer Mandalorian to return it to its kind, despite its kind being enemies of his people called the Jedi.
He spotted a green tri-fingered hand reach out towards the lever, in which the Mandalorian removed the sphere part of the lever and gladly handed it over to the child. It cooed delightfully as it grabbed the sphere, its curiosity spiking up. It was like a toy it could play with. The child climbed back on the girl's lap, laughing adorably at how it saw the blue streaks that passed by on the large windows of the cockpit from hyperspace drive.
A soft laughter emitted from the dishwasher as she nearly hugged the excited child. A slight soft feeling washed over his steel interior. What the hell? All she did was laugh along with the child's reactions but now he's feeling all somehow giddy from it? Pathetic. She was nothing but a stowaway and he'll drop her off to the next planet sooner than later. He shrugged off the foreign feeling away from him.
He cleared his throat before speaking, "Um, we're going to a planet called Arvala-7." He turned around to face the front, where a brownish planet appeared before you, "There is someone there I trust, an Uhgnaut. He should be able to care for you, and possibly give you work to do."
"Thank you, Mando." The girl replied from behind, still holding onto the child.
The Razor Crest descended upon the atmosphere and landed shortly after on its sandy surface. The child raised its hands towards him as he carried her off of the dishwasher's lap, gently placing the green beady-eyed creature inside of the floating orb. The orb followed along as he exited out of the ramp, with the dishwasher following the both of them not too far behind.
The three of you walked through what seemed to be orange-shaded canyons. The rubble below along with sloshes of mud echoed throughout the rocky walls, while tiny local creatures hid in the crevices of the walls from three foreign life forms. Many of the small creatures seemed to come out from their hiding, the child looking at them curiously with its large beady eyes.
Things seemed to be going well until the creatures quickly hid back in their hiding spots all at once. The Mandalorian stopped on his tracks, the girl doing the same as well. He continued to scan his surroundings, as did the girl. He slowly placed his gloved hand on his blaster, and turned around to shoot an incoming trandoshan, disarming his blaster. He spotted a beeping tracking fob on his opponent's arm, pushing the orb away so that the child won't get harmed.
The Mandalorian continued to dodge the trandoshan's hits with its sphere, his Beskar armour doing its job to protect his body from all the hits. Just then, another trandoshan appeared behind the armoured man. But to his surprise, the girl joined and fought alongside him. He eyed her every so often, her hand-to-hand combat skills seem to be out of the ordinary. She was moving with great speed. Taking his famed weapon out, he disintegrated the trandoshan before it came in contact with the child. The girl on the other hand, shot the remaining opponent straight into his heart with her blaster. Only the tracking fob remained, beeping continued as it laid idle on the ground.
"What is that thing?" She curiously asked.
"It's a tracking fob the guild has to capture the child. They'll do anything it takes to take it back."
The child's ears moved in up and down motions, whimpering nervously from the fight earlier. There was also one thing in his mind; how the hell did a dishwasher from Nevarro have the fighting skills like that? One that seemed better than his own. At least she was perfectly capable of fending for herself and not being some kind of damsel in distress.
Nightfall came down as the sun began to set, leaving the colours of the sky with a shade of dark blue and purple. The stars began to slowly show themselves from the dark blanketed sky. You sat from across the Mandalorian, getting the much warmth and light needed from the bonfire the both of you built.
You noticed his injury on his left arm, a cut that looked deep. Faint modulated grunts were heard from the pained armoured man, he was trying to close up his cut with what seemed to be sparks from one of his weapons. The child's beady eyes never left him. Before you knew it, you spotted the child standing right beside his father, placing his green hand on his arm. But before he could go any further, the Mandalorian scooped up the child and placed him in the floating orb. Only mere seconds passed by as he sat down when the just reappeared beside him. Again, the child was scooped up and placed inside the orb.
You wondered what the child was doing to the armoured man. Why did he keep wanting to touch his wound? Maybe it was curious and it was the first time its seen such a thing. Before it could happen the third time, the Mandalorian closed the hatch of the orb.
"What was it trying to do?" You asked.
"I don't know. But he shouldn't be touching wounds like that."
Morning came on what seemed like not too long. The armoured man shook you awake, indicating that it was time to go back to the ship and grab some extra supplies.
But a feeling of bewilderment washed upon the both of you. Upon arriving to the Razor Crest, the ship surrounded by multiple Jawas. It was basically stripped into a skeleton as all the interiors including supplies and his many different weapons were stolen by those pesky red-eye hooded creatures. Their giant black fortress was parked next to the Razor Crest, where they continued to transport the parts inside.
Without uttering a word, the Mandalorian kneeled before a clip and readied his pronged weapon, carefully aiming at a Jawa walking towards the fortress holding onto parts. Only a few seconds had passed by until the Jawa was disintegrated by the infamous weapon. The hooded creatures scattered like a bunch of womp rats, unaware of how their friend turned into a crisp. A second blast fired as another Jawa vanished. High-pitched screams were heard as the entire community scurried back in the refuge of their fortress. A third Jawa attempted to shoot their unknown opponent, but to no avail as the Mandalorian burnt it into a crisp.
What the hell was this idiot trying to do pulverizing those Jawas?? You irritatedly thought to yourself.
The large fortress began to retreat as the ramp door finally closed shut, with the Mandalorian not too far behind as he chased it, the child's floating orb following his every direction. You didn't even have time to react until the armoured man ran off without even warning you, leaving you no choice but to follow along as well.
You rolled your eyes as you finally caught up to him, "You don't really think you're gonna get your ship parts back that easily from Jawas, do you?"
"I'll make them if I have to!" The impatient Mandalorian retorted back, a growl forming in the tone of his voice.
He stopped momentarily on his tracks, aiming his weapon towards fortress' engine. It seemed to have somewhat slowed the large vehicle down. The clad armoured man chased after it yet again, able to climb up onto the large structure. A Jawa opened one of the many windows it had, getting a sneak peek of their new 'friend.' Another one of the hooded creatures warned its companions as he continued to climb the vehicle. A sadistic-like laugh emitted from the one who was driving, pulling all sorts of levers and pushing buttons alike. The fortress came close to a rocky wall, but the Mandalorian was able to dodge it before it crushed him.
The Jawas then proceeded to drop junk onto the metal man, but it still didn't stop him from climbing the large structure. Halfway up, a Jawa took another peek from the window, in which the Mandalorian pulled out and dropped onto the solid ground. He nearly lost his balance but his grapple hook saved him before he dropped hard onto the ground as well. With the wire attached to something, he proceeded to climb further, the Jawas continuously throwing junk right at him, hoping that he would fall. Even tasering him seemed to not work. When he finally got to the very top, he was met with multiple of the hooded creatures. This time, the tasering worked, he fell.
You ran alongside the floating orb that carried the child, seeing firsthand the struggles the Mandalorian went through just to climb the large structure. Only for him to fall onto the ground.
You saw blue sparks of electricity zapping through his body before shaking him to wake up, "Hey, Mando! Stay with me!" You placed two of your fingers around the area where he had no armour; his neck. Thank the stars that you felt pulses, he was still alive.
After what seemed like forever of the Mandalorian laying still on the ground, you finally heard a modulated groan as he stood up, "Mando!" You blurted out quite happily.
The metal man sat there, turning his body in every direction to try to get a glimpse of those pesky hooded creatures. Only to find that they were no where in sight. The child stared at the two of you with its large black beady eyes.
The Mandalorian stood up from his sitting position, silently telling you to follow along. He seemed slightly more short-tempered that he is. Obviously because his ship was stripped to basically nothing, and partly maybe because you didn't really help him climb their vehicle. You wished you could, you really did. But if you were to use the force to help elevate himself, then your true identity as a Jedi would be revealed. You never know, he might be wanting that bounty of you. After all, he was part of the bounty hunter guild. He might have a change of heart if he finds out how much credits the ex-imperials were willing to pay. The only thing that was keeping you safe from being found out at this point is the mask that covers your nose and mouth.
The three of you returned back to the now stripped Razor Crest, where the metal man checked every crevice of the flying vessel throughly. Everything was basically stolen, including his precious weapons from the closet. Electricity zaps from the ripped wires emitted blue and orange sparks.
The Mandalorian then went into the cockpit, pushing buttons and levers in attempts to get the twin engines started. A puff of black smoke came out from the left one, while the right one emitted out electricity zaps. It really was impossible to fly this thing at its current broken state right now. They were both fried.
You walked inside with the child in your arms, seeing the metal man sitting inside the area where he and child slept. A drained sigh escaped from his lips. It's as if you could see his expression from inside his helmet. You couldn't help but feel some sort of pity for him, his ship was a big part of his livelihood. Now it was all taken away from him from those hooded creatures. He stood up and gently took the child from you, silently gesturing you to follow along.
The three of you journeyed across the sandy planet once again.
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