9: This doesn't sound like working
"Y/n!" Zach yells from downstairs. When I don't answer, he yells my name louder.
"What?!" I yell back.
"Get down here!"
I groan, sitting up. I pull the covers off my body, allowing the cold air to cover me. I walk over to my door, opening it, and walking downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, where Zach, Ken, and Nix all sat, I saw Mark awkwardly standing there.
"Your boyfriends here." Ken speaks, typing away on her phone.
"What time is it?!" I search the room for a clock with a panicked expression on my face. The digital clock on the stove says 5:15.
"Oh my fuck! None of you woke me up?!" I yell at the three calm teens.
"We didn't know you were still asleep! Its your fault for staying up all night!" Ken scoffs.
I sigh, running a hand through my knotted hair. My eyes meet with Marks and a laugh made itself known as he saw my appearance.
"Shut up!" I laugh.
"Is mom here?" I ask, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
"To your luck, no." Nixon chuckles.
"Sweet." I smile. I motion for Mark to come with me. We both made our way upstairs, leaving the three in the kitchen. Before entering my room, I walk to the end of the stairs again and yell.
"Oh and Ken, he's not my boyfriend! I'm single just like you!" I turn around with a smile on my face.
"And thats your fault, you fucker!" Ken yells back.
Mark follows me into my room and stands awkwardly in the middle of the room. I grab some clothes and a comb and make my way for the door.
"I'll be right back." I say, exiting the room.
I lock myself in the bathroom, quickly changing. I force the comb through my hair, which hurt a lot might I add. I quickly brush my teeth and head back for my room. Closing my door, Mark speaks.
"What does she mean by that 'its your fault' thing?" He asks, smiling.
"Oh, I took her phone yesterday and convinced her that I texted her boyfriend mean stuff as her. She went off on what she thought was me because I left to yours before she could and it was actually her little guy friend." I laugh.
What surprised me though, Mark laughed along. Not as much as me but it was still a laugh nonetheless. He sat on my bed awkwardly after I had told him he could. I leaned against my dresser with an amused look before laughing slightly. He gave me a confused look.
"What's so funny?" He asks.
"You," I shake my head. "you're just so tense and awkward."
"Sorry," Mark apologizes. "I've never exactly been in a girls' room before."
"Just relax, I'm not gonna snap your neck or anything." I shrug. "I'm just the same as you but with different parts."
"I don't even wanna think about that." Mark giggles.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "You got the work?" I ask, plopping down next to him.
"Uh, yeah." He nods.
He slings the backpack he was wearing off, and sets it in front of his feet. Unzipping it, he grips a one inch binder and pulls it out. He sets the binder in his lap and takes the papers we were writing on out. Setting the binder to the side, he grabs his laptop out from his bag and opens it, typing in his password.
"We've already done all the work we need. All we have to do now is put them on slides." Mark speaks, typing quickly.
"Great. We can get outta here before mom gets home." I nod, watching him log into his school email.
"Speaking of which, I'm happy to see you have all your limbs in tact." Mark chuckled.
"Me too." I sigh, a smile plastered on my face. "So, what're we doing first?"
"The introduction, obviously." Mark says, starting a new slide on Google Slides.
(My school uses Google Docs/Slides all the time and it suuuuuucks)
"Well it obviously wasn't obvious for me," I roll my eyes. "Obviously."
Mark raises an eyebrow and looks at me weirdly which makes me burst out into laughter. He soon joins and we're both a laughing mess.
"This doesn't sound like working." Zach says as he enters.
"Zach, out!" I demand, sternly.
"Why? You wanna have sex with your boyfriend?" Zach smirks, folding his arms and leaning against the door frame.
"Zach!" I groan. "There are two things very wrong with that sentence." I say, eyes squeezed shut in attempts to forget what he just said.
"Just leave! Go play with Dermon, that boy next door." I tell him.
"Fuck no, he's annoying." Zach rolls his eyes.
"Then go mess with Ken or something, anything that isn't near us!" I wave him off.
"But why? I could help with your project!" Zach begs, his blond hair falling in his face.
"Ken put you up to this, didn't she?" I look at Zach flatly.
"Ten dollars!" Zach smirks, holding up the money.
"Ken!" I yell, springing up from the bed.
I leave my room in search for Ken. Zach laughs and tells Mark to watch. I run down the stairs, Zach and Mark following soon after. Ken was sitting on the couch, her phone in hand. She glances at me as I got closer to her. I grab a small pillow next to her and slam it into the side of her head.
She looks at me with pure shock on her face and she slowly sets her phone on the coffee table her feet were once on. She grabs another pillow and hits me with it. I laugh and hit her again, pushing her down onto the couch on top of Nix.
"Hey, I'm trying to watch the game!" Nix yells, pushing Ken off. Mark and Zach laugh as I begin hitting her when shes on the floor.
Ken laughs along and grabs the pillow out of my hands and throws it at Mark and Zach. Zach grabs the pillow and begins hitting everyone in sight with it. Except Mark, he was standing off to the side of the room, laughing his ass off. Nix got annoyed and began hitting Ken and Zach with a magazine.
I run off, grabbing Marks hand on the way and make my way back to my room. I shut the door, locking it this time. Mark is still laughing and a big smile is painted on my face.
"Your family is amazing!" Mark smiles.
"You haven't seen anything yet." I giggle.
I stop. I stand still, a serious look on my face. Mark suddenly looks worried, waving a hand in my face and asking if I'm okay. I meet his gaze.
"I giggled." I state. "I never giggle. What the hell just happened?"
"Whats the big deal?" Mark shrugs. "I giggle all the time. I'm a giggly bitch!" Mark laughed.
"You do cuss!" I exclaim, louder than I meant to. We both burst out into laughter.
"Well yeah, just not that often." Mark nods after we calm down. "And never in school, god no."
"Why not?" I ask, plopping down on my bed.
"Any bad thing on my permanent record could count against me in any way. I can't have that happen." Mark explains, sitting next to me.
"Awe," I ruffle his hair. "you're too good."
"I don't know if that was meant to be an insult or not but I'm taking it as a compliment." Mark smiles. "I would compliment you back but there's nothing really to compliment." He jokes.
I scoot back on the bed behind Mark and get him in a headlock, pulling him down on his back as I fell back. While his head was stuck in my arm, I gave him a noogie. Laughing, he begs for mercy.
"Why? You don't want me to mess up your perfect hair?" I giggle.
"Y/n-" Mark was interrupted by laughter.
Soon, I pulled my hand away from his head and released his head. He stayed laying on my stomach, laughing. He eventually calmed down and stared at the ceiling.
"We can never stay on track, can we?" Mark chuckles.
"Nope." I sigh with a big smile on my face.
Mark sits up, fixing his hair. He grabbed his laptop, and began working on the slides again. I slightly felt disappointed but thats the reason he is here. I sat up, sitting slightly behind him, peering over his shoulder to watch what he was doing.
"We need to make it look appealing so our audience doesn't get bored. We also need to make it sound as interesting as we can to make more people want to read it, we can't just present white slides and sound monotone." Mark explains, looking through the designs and colors it had.
"So you want me to sound like a preppy cheerleader who had too many Red Bulls or a professional person thing like you." I ask, glancing at him.
"Both, if that makes sense." Mark says.
"It doesn't." I shake my head, quietly laughing.
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