36: This is good
This wont be much longer, just so ya know...
"Could you move?" I ask harshly.
"Nah, I'm good." Zach shakes his head, his eyes still glued to the TV. He stood in front of me while I was watching it.
"You should before your arm is up your ass." I extend my leg and push his back lightly, slightly making him stumble forward before he caught himself. He glared back at me before sitting on the opposite side from me on the couch.
"Yo, hoes!" Ken ran into the living room, her phone held tightly in her hand.
"Get out, I don't care!" I groan, annoyed that I was interrupted from (favorite show/movie) once again.
"You don't even know what it is!" Ken rolls her eyes.
"What are you so excited about then?" Zach asks, wearing the same annoyed look as me.
"Some popular girl who is on the cheerleading team told me to try out next year!" Ken squeals.
Zach and I share the same look of aggravation before yelling at her at the sane time. The things we said combining together at once made no sense, all you could hear were angry words. She rolls her eyes and turns to the stairs.
"All right, whatever. At least Mark would act like he cared!" Ken began up the stairs. "Maybe he could teach you, Y/n!"
"Nah, the only thing he could teach me is Korean." I smile at the thought of him.
Zach smirks. "And how big his di-!"
"Shut up! The commercials are over!"
The show returned from where it left off. Zach shut up immediately and leaned in to watch what the screen was showing. The sounds coming from the TV were the only sounds I could hear, everything else was blocked out. I guess thats why I didn't notice someone knocking on the door until Nix came out from his bedroom with an aggravated look plastered on his face.
"You could've answered the damn door!" Nix yells, walking towards it.
"Shut up!" I yelled back, eyes trained on the screen in front of me.
Nix opens the door, allowing the freezing air to flood the house as snow lightly fell outside. Being February, I was (joyful/doleful) for winter coming fairly close to an end. School was canceled today, and being the grateful daughter of the absence of her mother, I spent the day on my ass watching TV. Though a deep voice I could recognize anywhere pulled my attention away from the screen and to the door as Nix allowed Mark into the house.
He stopped at the doorway to take his snow covered shoes off. I stand up, walking towards him with a small smile.
"I've never seen you in a beanie before." I smile up at the slightly taller male. "You should wear them more often."
Mark grins, unzipping his light jacket. "Is that so?"
"Absolutely," I nod.
Nix takes his jacket and hangs it up by the door, a quiet "Thank you" from Mark in return. After, Nix returns to his bedroom, ignoring any and all human contact. Its like Zach and Nix have switched lives for a day.
"Y/n!" Zach calls from the living room. "This show is absolutely stupid, can I play on the Playstation now?"
"I thought you liked it?" I raise a brow at the edgy teen.
"No, I was just trying to suck up to you, I don't know!" Zach shrugs. "I'm changing it anyway."
"You can bring it up to your room!"
"And so can you with your dumb show!" Zach sighs, sitting on the couch with the controller in hand.
"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "my room?" I ask Mark.
"Yeah, sure." He nods.
We pass Zach in the living room on our way to the stairs. My steps were followed by another set of feet behind me as the sound of our feet hitting the stairs filled the room.
"Wear protection!" Zach yells from behind us.
"Shut up Zachary!" I yell back, Marks small laugh accompanying my voice.
We reach the wooden door that separates my room from the rest of the hectic filled house. Pushing it open, the familiar scene of my bedroom filled my eyesight as I flicked the lights on. I shut the door then turn around to see Mark laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling with his arms spread to his side.
"Woah, this is new." I say, not sure if I should be happy or concerned. "You're not standing awkwardly in the middle of my room."
Mark shrugs, his eyes glued to the ceiling. His absence of words was enough to pull concern in the front of my mind. Sitting next to him, I gently run my hands through his dark brown hair and stare down at him with a worried face.
"Whats up?" I ask quietly.
Marks eyes kept its place on one spot on the ceiling. He looked like he was contemplating on what to say. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
"Well," Mark started quietly. "I got a scholarship to a college I really wanna join." He takes a breath.
"Thats great, why are you so upset about that?" I grin down at him.
His eyes finally met mine. His deep, chocolate brown eyes were unreadable.
"Its all the way across the country." He finished, his focus returning to the ceiling.
My hand froze in his hair. Across the country? That far away? This should be great, I should be happy for him! He got a scholarship to a school he admires for fucks sake! This is great! Then why do I feel so dejected? Like my world turned into black and white?
I mean, it could be worse. It could be across the globe. It was bound to happen anyway, so why do I feel so upset about it? And its not like he won't come back, it will only be for a few years. A temporary home.
Instead of freaking out, I plaster a fake smile on my face and look at him proudly.
"I still don't see why you look so depressed." I lie.
He looks at me as if I just said the dumbest thing he's ever heard.
"Y/n, I will be across the country for a few years, only coming back to visit every now and then." Mark explains.
"I know," I nod. "but this is good. You're going to your dream college. Don't think about me for once, this is you."
He stares up at me, a small smile growing on his face. Suddenly, his arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me down next to him, laughter escaping my mouth.
"나는 당신을 사랑합니다."(I love you.) Mark mumbles. "난 당신이 알고 희망."(I hope you know.)
I giggle into his hair. "나도 당신을 사랑 해요."(I love you too)
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