33: Who is this?
(If you like The Walking Dead, you'll absolutely love Painting The Earth Red!)
Aaaannndd a book called Moving Isn't Easy(Ethan x Reader) by CinderLeaves is SOOOOOO GOOOOOOODDD!!! I seriously recommend it!!
Once the last bell rang, everyone was out. The school emptied of its students and the adults were the only ones left. Busses were lined up to pick up the kids who couldn't drive and others got in their car or started walking. My eyes scanned the grounds for a certain brown eyed male walking with a tall brunet. Once I find the two, I catch up to them just as they're splitting ways.
"Hey," I grin, walking with Mark.
"Hi," Mark greets.
"So," I start, a big smile on my face. "instead of you going home, why don't you come over to my dads?"
"What?" He asks, eyes wide. "No, he'll pop my head off!"
I laugh. "What makes you say that?"
"He's your dad, I'm your boyfriend, that wont end well." Mark shakes his head.
"He'll love you!" I giggle. "Please?"
His eyes stare into mine with a debating look then sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"Fine," Mark agrees. "but if he kills me, its on you."
"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes.
It takes a while but we eventually arrive at my dad's small house after hearing multiple questions about how Mark should act around him. My dad wont care how he acts, I could be drinking alcohol and he wouldn't care! He can be a good dad, but doesn't care enough anymore to act like the old father he used to be.
"Y/n," Mark stops me from knocking. "what if-"
I interrupt him. "He will love you!" I repeat once again.
He nods, fear still covering his face as he takes a step back away from me. It doesn't take but a few seconds for my father to answer after I knock. A smile stretches across his face as he quickly brings me in for a hug. Once he pulls away, he notices the clearly nervous male next to me.
"Who is this?" My father smirks.
"Remember that dude I told you about last time I saw you?" I grinned.
"Mark, right?" He asks, his smirk turning into a smile.
"Yes sir." Mark nods, plastering a smile on his face.
"Oh, don't call me sir! It makes me feel old." My dad laughs.
"Yes sir-" Mark shakes his head. "I-I mean-"
My dad cuts him off. "Just call me D/n (dads name)"
Mark nods.
"Well come on in!" Dad opens the door wider for us to walk in. Mark begins taking his shoes off before I grab his hand, pulling him with my dad and me into the small living room. Dad sits in his usual spot in the seat next to the couch, the sunlight through the sliding door being the only source of light.
"Sit," I demand, pointing at the couch.
Mark slowly sits down on the couch awkwardly. My dad looks at him strangely, making me laugh. Mark looks at his feet, knowing he's making things weird. Sitting next to Mark, he loosens up and leans back on the small sofa.
"I ain't gonna bite, you can relax bud." Dad chuckles at Mark's behavior.
"Yes sir." Mark squeezes his eyes shut, shaking his head again. "Sorry, I mean D/n."
"Stop with that respectful shit." I giggle, leaning my back on Mark's shoulder and bringing my feet in front of me. "Just act the way you do when its just us."
Mark smirks, moving his arm out from behind my back, making me fall on his lap. He began tickling my sides, forcing laughter out of me while pushing his hands away only for them to come back. Eventually, Mark grins down at me and rests his hands on my stomach. My head was resting on the arm rest and I was laying on top of Mark's legs, giving him nowhere to place his hands.
Dad looks at us amusedly. "So are you..?" He smirks at me.
"Oh my god," I roll my eyes, grinning. "yes, this is your daughter's boyfriend and if you try to scare him away, I will break your face."
"Damn, he's my violent daughter's boyfriend." My father laughs.
"She can get a lot worse." Mark chuckles.
"So can you!" I say, staring at Mark above me. "You went ape shit on a dude today!"
"Says the girl who gets suspended almost every week for getting in a fight!" Mark laughs.
I shrugs. "Well, one of them was to defend you. Be grateful for my fists."
"Be grateful for my risks. I beat a guy today because the way he talked to you." Mark defended.
"Are you trying to rhyme right now?" I laugh.
He shrugged. "I didn't mean to."
"Wait," My dad interrupted. "he punched someone just because the way someone talked to you?"
Mark hesitantly nodded, feeling like he did something to anger my dad.
"Don't every get rid of this one," My father smiled widely. "I like him. What'd he say?"
Mark's eyes widen, stuttering for the answer to come out. Rolling my eyes, I explain to my dad what happened.
"Some stupid guy was picking on Mark. I told him to back off and he asked if I would hop on his dick to protect Mark." I shrug.
"Yeah, Mark did the right thing." Dad chuckles. "I would've done the same."
"See, he even likes your violent side that only comes out every hundred years." I tease, poking Mark's stomach.
Mark chuckles nervously. "Did you know Nicolas Coppola took his stage name, Nic Cage, from the Marvel character Luke Cage?"
I grin up at him remembering him saying he repeats facts he knows out loud when he is nervous. He is too adorable sometimes.
"Or that Walt Disney was afraid of Mice?" Mark continues.
"Also, 2013 was the first year since 1987 in which all four digits are different." Mark nods then his eyes widen. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize I-.." Mark stops himself and stares down at his hands awkwardly. His eyes meet mine and he smiles.
"What?" He asks, seeing the grin on my face.
"You," I chuckle. "you're just adorable."
"You think it's adorable when I ramble about stuff no one cares about? I'll be sure to do that more often then." Mark jokes.
"Don't do it too much, I'll end up punching you for being too smart." I roll my eyes playfully.
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