3: I said go to your room
"Y/n!" Ken yells, slamming the front door shut.
"McKenna, what are you yelling about?" Mom asks from the table.
"I have three days of after school detention because of Y/n!" Ken yells, pointing at me sitting in the living room.
"What?" Mom looks at me from across the room.
"What? You told me to do your homework. You never gave me rules." I shrug from my spot on the couch, returning my attention to my phone.
"She wrote this for my English homework!" Ken slammed the paper onto the table in front of mom. She read over the paper, her eyebrows slowly stitching together the further she read.
"Y/n, why did you do this?" Mom brought her eyes away from the paper and looked at me.
"You aren't going to get mad because she made me do her homework?" I raise an eyebrow, looking up from my phone.
"You both are in trouble. McKenna for not doing her homework and you for the language you're using. Why did you even write this?"
"She made me do her homework, what was I supposed to do? Just let her tell me what to do, cause I think not!" (Bitch I think tHE FUCK NOT)
"Both of you go to your room," Mom sighs, holding her head in her hands "I'm done with both of you."
Ken stomps up to her room, flipping me off when mom wasn't looking. I stand up from off the couch and head for the front door. Grabbing the handle, mom stops me.
"I said go to your room." She repeats.
I flip up my middle finger in her direction and walk outside, slamming the door shut. Feeling how cold it is made me regret not bringing a jacket but I didn't go back. I kept walking against the cold wind, my fingers numb. Its the middle of November, of course it was cold.
Shoving my hands in my pockets hoping they'll warm up, I look around as I come to the end of the road, exiting the neighborhood. The further I walk, the more I wonder how much longer I have in the cold until I arrive at my destination.(no Siri, no)
Passing people on the sidewalk, I receive weird looks. The girl with a short sleeve shirt on in the cold would obviously get bad looks, from mothers especially. Small stores lined up next to the sidewalk, people entering with empty hands and coming out with empty wallets.
My face down as I walk, my eyes are protected from the wind. It may not be the wisest decision to walk with your head down on a somewhat busy part of town but there was no difference if it was up or down. I couldn't see with the wind blowing in my face anyway. But eventually, something, or someone, came in contact with my side as they left a small building.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry," The deep voice apologized. "Y/n?"
My eyes meet with the brown ones of Mark Fichbach. He studied me with concern as he saw my red nose and shaking form.
"Mark," A tall guy next to him known as Tyler spoke, softly elbowing his side. "you gonna speak?"
"I-I'm sorry for staring, I-I didn't mean to. I was just conc-" Mark begins.
"Why are you sorry? Its not like you were looking somewhere you weren't supposed to." I chuckle.
"I suppose," Mark shrugged "but if you don't mind me asking, why are you out here without a jacket? Aren't you freezing?"
"I'll be fine" I shrug, staring at my feet.
"You don't look fine."
"What are you, my mother?" I joke, glancing up at the two.
"N-No, I-" Mark starts.
"I gotta go. See you at school, Mark." I interrupted him, walking away. A small smile grows on my face as I continue walking. It feels nice to be cared about from someone who isn't related to me. He may just be curious as to why I'm out here, obviously freezing, without something covering me but it at least felt like someone cared enough to ask.
My legs feel the air just as much as my arms due to the ripped jeans I'm wearing. I was cold everywhere but it still felt better to be away from home. Away from my family. Finally getting out of that hell I'm supposed to call home. But I'm only headed towards home now. Its not where I live but its what I consider home. Because home is where the hearts at, right?
Knocking on the door, my hands begin to get feeling from the hard contact. I stand there for a few seconds before the door swung open to reveal a familiar but foreign face with a big smile.
"Y/n, how are you sweetheart?" Dad speaks, pulling me in for a hug. "Come on in, you must be freezing."
He walks into his house, me following closely after. He brings me into the kitchen and pulls a mug down from the cabinet and his eyes met with mine.
"Do you want something to drink? Something warm maybe?" He asks, pulling down another mug. "I have tea, coffee, hot chocolate-"
"I'm good. Thanks anyway." I smile.
"Are you sure?" He looks at me doubtfully.
"I'm sure." I nod.
He shrugs and places the other mug back in the cabinet.
"So how have you been?" He asks, grabbing the pitcher of tea from his refrigerator.
"I've been better, everybody is just pissing me off lately," I say "so how have you been?"
"I've been good, better now that you're here," He smiles, pouring the tea in his mug.
"Whats going on in your life? You got a boyfriend, cause if so I need to know so I can give them a stern talk," Dad speaks "or girlfriend, I don't judge."
"No dad," I laugh "I don't have anyone. I'm just a lonely pebble next to a bunch of rocks."
"Well in that case," He wraps his arm around me, his mug in the other hand "we can be lonely together!"
He pretends to cry, causing the laugh that pushes its way out to be heard. It would be so much better if I could live with him. Hell, if my mom knew I even saw him she'd kill me.
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