27: You'll regret it
A smile is plastered on my face and I can't wipe it off. My cheeks were hurting but I couldn't take my grin off. How awkward Mark was acting just made it grow, if possible.
"You know you can sit down, right?" I giggle, grabbing my remote.
"Uh, yeah, definitely." Mark nods, slowly sitting at the edge of the bed as I scroll through Netflix.
Eventually, I toss the remote somewhere by my feet and pull him down to my side. My arms were wrapped around his shoulders from behind and I fell back, pulling him with me. He jumped at the sudden movement but began quietly laughing. He was laying on top of me, facing the ceiling, my arms still wrapped around his shoulders. Sighing, he softly drops his head so that it next to mine, placed on a pillow.
"You don't have to be so awkward." I mumble into his ear.
"And you don't have to be so adorable but look where we are." Mark smirks, turning his head to look at me. His glasses pushed to the side as he turned his head. "Another reason to hate glasses." Mark sighs, pointing at the now misplaced frames.
He began to push them back into place on his face, but stopped when I interfered. Pulling his hands away from his face, I pull his glasses off his face and set them on the other side of me.
"Better," I smile at him. "for me at least. Are you nearsighted or farsighted?"
"Nearsighted." Mark grins. "I can still see your perfection." Mark says, trying to be dramatic.
"Do us both a favor, and never say that again." I laugh.
"Wasn't planning on repeating that." He shakes his head, cringing slightly.
"Hey, I have a question." I poke his cheek, making him look at me. "What about Madison?"
"We're done." He shakes his head, looking back at the ceiling. "I hated her anyway. Could barely stand her."
"Seriously? Why did you go out with her then?" I laugh.
"I couldn't stand to tell her no." Mark smiled meekly.
"You're weak." I roll my eyes, pushing him off of me and sitting up. "But, I guess it's adorable."
Mark sits up next to me and watches the screen as I search for something to watch.
"How is it adorable?" He asks, brow raised.
"I dunno, it just is." I shrug. "Sometimes."
"Sometimes?" He looks at me.
"Yeah," I nod, glancing at him. "like, at school with William, you never said anything to him."
"Why should I? I'll get into more shit with him if I do." He stares at the screen again.
"But if you show them not to mess with you, they wont." I lean back on the headboard.
"They will if I lose." Mark speaks as if its the most obvious thing in the world. "I obviously will."
"Not if you have me around." I smile, wrapping my arm around him, pulling him down with me.
Mark doesn't struggle against my hold. Instead, he lays his head back on my collarbone.
"But you won't always be around." He mentions. "We only have one class together."
"If you tell me about it, I can handle it later." I say, dropping the remote next to me and wrap that arm around his torso.
"You can't keep getting into fights, Y/n." He sighs. "You'll eventually get expelled."
"Doesn't mean I can't fight them off school grounds." I smirk, placing my chin on his head.
"Then you'll get arrested." Mark chuckles.
"Not if they can't catch me." I giggle, hearing the small laugh come from Mark.
Mark grabs my hand. "No, but when they do, you'll have longer time."
"Worth it to protect you." I mumble into his hair.
"Now who sounds weird?" Mark giggles.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes.
The door opens, allowing a fifteen year old girl to walk in. Ken stops as soon as she saw us, smirking.
"If mom finds out-" Ken points at us.
"Don't you dare, asshole." I interrupt.
"If I do?" Ken folds her arms.
"You'll regret it." I smirk.
"What're you gonna do? Tie me to a chair and force me to listen to Zach's stupid music?" Ken scoffs.
"My music is not stupid!" Zach yells from downstairs. "Five Seconds of Summer is just as dead as One Direction!"
"You do not bring up One Direction in this household!" Ken yells back.
"Why? Because you cried for a week when Zayne left?" I smirk.
(Was it Zayne that left? Is that even how you spell his name? Idfk, I was never a fan...)
"Did not!" She denies.
"What do you want?" I ask, wanting her to leave as soon as possible.
"I'll tell you later." Ken turns around. "Right now, I have to beat my idiot brother!" She screams, slamming the door shut.
"I still think your siblings are amazing." Mark chuckles.
"That will change very quickly." I grin, burring my face into his shoulder.
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