20: What are you talking about?
Mark's POV
"Tyler!" I smile as I see Tyler is back from his suspension.
"Mark, I'm so sorry!" Tyler apologizes, eyes full of regret. "I-I didn't mean to, I was just-"
"You're fine, its just a little cut is all." I interrupt. "I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, I was busy and kept forgetting to call back."
"Its good." Tyler shrugs. "I've only been in this building for a few minutes and I'm already hearing people talk about you and Madison Hallart. You two are dating?" Tyler asks, opening his locker.
"Why do things spread so fast?" I groan, leaning my head on the locker next to me. "But thats the thing I need to talk to you about."
"Oh no," Tyler sighs. "I'm not talking about this, thats your mom's job."
"No!" I laugh. "Not that!"
"Okay," Tyler speaks slowly, pulling his jacket off. "what is it?"
"I've kinda hidden this from you for a while because I didn't want you to-" I began, my face already reddening.
"Just tell me!" Tyler demands, shoving his jacket in his locker.
"I like Y/n." I mumble, preparing for the possible yelling to happen.
"You, what?" Tyler asks, eyes wide.
"Do not start yelling." I warn the shocked male.
"You, the smartest, best behaved kid, likes Y/n L/n, the worst kid in this school?" Tyler asks loudly.
"Shut up!" I whisper.
"No one is listening, they're too concerned about themselves." Tyler rolls his eyes. "But you seriously like Y/n? As in romantically? Sexually?"
"Just gonna pretend you didn't say that last one." I mumble.
"Do you, yes or no?" Tyler asks, sounding like an angered father asking their child if they understand.
"Yes, I do, a lot!" I sigh, running my free hand through hair, the other holding my Science binder and other necessities for first hour.
"Then why are you dating Madison?" Tyler asks, pulling his geometry book out.
"Because," I whine. "Y/n set it up and when Madison asked me about it, I couldn't say no."
"So you don't like Madison?" Tyler asks.
"Shes a cool person and all, but no! All she talks about is what drama is happening to her and her friends!" I sigh.
"Seriously? I thought she was this nerdy type girl." Tyler says, pulling his folder out.
"Me too!" I point at myself.
"So you would chose Y/n L/n over Madison Hallart?" Tyler asks in disbelief.
"Yes!" I nod, a small smile forming.
"How do you like her?" Tyler scoffs.
"I dunno," I shrug. "I'm new to this liking people stuff."
Tyler looks at me. "Okay, then what do you like about her?"
I think for a moment. "Shes nice once you get to know her, shes funny, caring, adorable, doesn't care what people think, the list goes on." I smile. Tyler rolls his eyes with an exaggerated sigh as he turns back to his locker.
"What are you going to do about this Madison situation then?"
"I don't know!" I whine. "I was hoping you would know!"
"Okay," Tyler turns back to me. "Grow feelings for Madison Hallart and leave Y/n L/n in the past." He smiles, turning back to his locker.
"Tyler!" I scold. "Why do you hate Y/n so much? It can't just because you think she's looking for attention."
He doesn't respond. He ignores me and continues searching through his locker for his homework he most likely didn't do.
"Who helped me when you punched me? Who actually apologized when they yelled at me? Who doesn't talk bad about my best friend even though they get treated horribly by them?" I say. "The answer to all of those is Y/n. She is a good person, Tyler. You just wont allow yourself to see it."
He pulls out a crumpled piece of paper out from his locker and slammed it shut.
"What do you see in her? You're complete opposites!" Tyler speaks scornfully.
"Opposites do attract." I shrug, referring to the north and south pole of a magnet.
I begin walking away towards my homeroom. It isn't my favorite, but its still a fun subject. Science.
Time skip to out of that hell(I fucking hate science)
Walking into my second hour, Mr. Hallin's, everyone is talking. Yesterday was the last day to work on the book report and today we were presenting. Y/n wasn't here yet so I decided to read. I already finished The Stranger, now I'm on Eat, Pray, Love.
"Hey, where is your bodyguard?" A guy walking up to me asks with a smirk. I think his name is William Jots.
"Bodyguard?" I raise a brow.
"Y'know. That girl you're working with?" He takes a step closer, his dark haired friend laughing from behind him.
"She's not my bodyguard." I shake my head.
"She sure acts like it," William shrugs. "and besides, you might need one." He laughs.
"Is she actually friends with you? What did you do? Cast a math spell on her so she acts like she's friends with you until she figures the problem out?" The guy behind William asks.
"No, no, I know what he did!" William laughs. "He paired up with NASA to make something that makes her like him!"
His friend laughs from behind him even though it wasn't funny. It barely made sense.
"What are you even reading? Eat, Pray, Love?" William says, grabbing my book. "What is it about? You praying for love, which you wont get?"
"The only love he'll get is from his mom!" The one behind him laughs. What kind of insulting is this?
"Probably not even from her!" William laughs.
"What are you talking about?" Y/n asks, walking up next to him. She glances at me and winks, making a smile grow against my will as I stare down at my hands to hide it.
"That dumbass there is annoying and has no friends." William smiles proudly. "You can't deny facts!"
Y/n grabbed his shirt and pulled him down towards her fist. William clenched his fist and lunged it into her eye. They both began throwing punches at each other, some students recording the scene unfold and others yelling for a teacher.
Mr. Hallin rushed in, yelling at the two. Another teacher followed after him and they pulled Y/n and William apart from each other. Students quickly put their phone away, hiding them from the teachers.
William looked terrified at the sight of Mr. Hallin and Mrs. Peter while Y/n fought against Mrs. Peters grip. Y/n was screaming things to William that no one could understand. Mrs. Peter was yelling at Y/n to quit, making it even harder to understand Y/n. The only thing I could make out was my name. Me?
She soon stoped screaming, now taking deep breaths to calm down. Other teachers poured into the room at the sound of someone was screaming. Mr. Hallin told one of the teachers to call the office as he held onto William. I doubt William would try to do something once Mr. Hallin let go, but I also doubted he'd punch Y/n.
A black eye and a small, bleeding cut on Y/n's cheek was showing as she calmed down. William had a bleeding nose and a dark black eye. Y/n's hands were held behind her back as she sent William an annoyed glare. She mumbled something, causing William to smirk and glance at me. Mrs. Peter told her to stop talking, making Y/n roll her eyes.
The room was dead silent, except for Mr. Stulin speaking to the office. I was still concerned for Y/n. I wanted nothing more than to talk to her, put something over her cut, anything! I needed to make sure she was okay.
Her eyes met mine for a second. She sent an apologetic look my way as all mine were showing was concern. Mr. Hallin and Mrs. Perter began leading the two out of the room as if they were in handcuffs.
What the hell what she thinking?
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