17: I need your help
I'm honestly not happy with how that little argument Y/n and Mark had in 14 turned out. I don't think it really fits the character of Y/n to be the one calling and saying sorry, especially so quickly. I also don't like how it showed when Y/n began liking Mark. I just felt like it was too soon, and again, out of character....Sorry, just had to say that...
"Yo!" I yell, walking through the door.
"Oh, so we're just walking straight in now?" Mark asks, sitting at his kitchen table.
"Yep," I giggle. "I'm bored. Entertain me, peasant!"
"Can't," Mark says, standing up and setting his empty plate in the sink. "I'm going out with Madison Hallart." He smirks, leaning against the counter, arms crossed.
"You're actually going?" I ask, hiding disappointment and jealousy with an excited tone. "I thought you weren't interested in dating?"
"I just decided it would be good to at least try." Mark shrugs. "It might be fun, it may lead to a disaster. Only one way to find out."
He smiles, the cut on his lip slightly pulling apart. Beginning to walk towards the basement, I follow.
"I need your help." Mark says as he runs down the stairs.
"With what?" I ask as we reach the bottom of the steps. He turns into his room, opening his closet.
"I have no idea how to do this." He sighs, scanning over his clothes.
"You don't know how to dress, or you don't know how to act on a date?" I ask, leaning against the wall on my side.
"Both." Mark giggles.
"Okay," I nod, walking to standing in front of his closet with him. "what are you doing? Casual, fancy, neutral?"
"Uh, I guess casual." Mark shrugs. "We're not doing anything fancy."
"Okay." I nod, separating clothes to see what they looked like.
"So what do I do when I pick her up?" He asks, watching me.
"Just greet her like you would any other person." I shrug, hiding that I want so badly to punch Madison until shes six feet under.
"Thats it?" He ask. "What if she compliments me?"
"Compliment her back," I chuckle amusedly. "do you not know how to be a basic person?"
"I'm sorry," Mark chuckles. "I just really want this to turn out well."
Pulling out a black shirt, I stare at it. I focus on the faint pattern on it instead of how much I'm hiding. I pull the shirt off of the hanger and toss it into his bed. I ignore whatever Mark said next, unable to hear him anyway. All I was focused on was making sure I looked fine.
"You like her, don't you?" I fake a smile, sticking the hanger back in the closet.
"Maybe?" Mark says, grabbing the hanger I just put up and hanging it where a group of empty hangers were. "I dunno." He shrugs, facing me again.
I guess this is my fault though. If I never talked to her, this would've never happened. Right?
"Aw, lil Markimoo got a lil crush!" I smile, poking his arm multiple times.
"Stop!" Mark chuckles, waving my hands away from him.
"I mean, she's nice, she's funny, she's nerdy like me. Whats there not to like?" Mark asks, pulling his shirt off and throwing it in a white basket in the corner. While I avoid any sight of him, my face growing a deep shade of crimson, Mark pulls on the black shirt over his head.
"Do I look fine?" He asks.
"Yeah," I nod. "You won't need to change pants, they look fine with the shirt." I shrug. I turn back around to his closest and scan over the few shoes he has. I pull out plain black shoes that looked fancy but not too much. Tossing them to his feet he easily slips the on.
"And my hair?" He asks.
"You look fine," I giggle, rolling my eyes. "c'mon, go get Madison!"
God, why does this hurt so much?
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