16: Do you ever shut up?
"Y/n, you're late!" Mr. Hallin yells over the talking pairs.
"Oh really? Haven't noticed!" I roll my eyes sarcastically.
I sit down in the desk I always sit at in front of Mark. He looks up at me, a smile growing on his face. He puts a bookmark in the book he was reading and sets it on top of his stuff.
"Hey, where were you?" He asks.
"I was getting my stuff from my house and brought it to my dads." I shrug. "What were you reading?"
"The Stranger by Albert Camus." Mark smiles down at the books. "Its about-" He stops himself. "Actually, never mind. You don't care." He shakes his head, chuckling nervously.
"No, tell me!" I smile, thinking its cute when he talks about it.
"Really?" He smiles happily.
"Yeah," I nod.
"Okay," His face turns a light shade of red. "Its about this guy, Meursault, who received a telegram informing him of his mother's death, he takes a bus to Marengo, where his mother had been living in an old persons' home. He sleeps for almost the entire trip. When he arrives, he speaks to the director of the home.
"The director allows Meursault to see his mother, but Meursault finds that her body has already been sealed in the coffin. He declines the caretaker's offer to open the coffin. That night, Meursault keeps vigil over his mother's body. Much to his displeasure, the talkative caretaker stays with him the whole time.
"Meursault smokes a cigarette, drinks coffee, and dozes off. The next morning, before the funeral, he meets with the director again. The director informs him that Thomas Perez, an old man who had grown very close to Meursault's mother, will be attending the funeral service.
"The funeral procession heads for the small local village, but Perez has difficulty keeping up and eventually faints from the heat. Meursault reports that he remembers little of the funeral. That night, he happily arrives back in Algiers." Mark shrugs. "I've only gotten that far."
(Btw, I just copied and pasted that from sparknotes.com. I expected it to be way shorter but I was waaaayy wrong...that wasn't even half of it XD)
"Sounds interesting." I shrug.
"Really?" His eyes widen.
"Yeah," I smile at his excitement. "I'm not reading it if you're thinking of suggesting that to me."
His shoulders fall as he sighs. "Fine."
I smile at him. "You know what I will do though?" I lean in, setting my hands on his desk.
"What?" He ask, the excitement returning.
"Let you teach me Korean." I smirk.
Him teaching me a difficult language means more time with him. And besides, he is adorable when he speaks in Korean. He doesn't have to speak in a different language to be adorable, though.
"Really?" He asks, happy but not excited as before.
"Yeah," I nod. "I still wanna know what you said." I giggle, making him face palm.
"Is that the only reason?" He asks, bringing his head back up.
"No," I slightly laugh.
"Then whats your reason?" He asks.
"Cant say," I shake my head. "thats only for me to know." I chuckle.
"Oh, c'mon!" Mark laughs. "Really?"
"Yes, really!" I laugh along. "Payback, and I don't really want you to know."
"What, you want to talk to Korean guys?" Mark rolls his eyes.
"You're a little Korean, aren't you?"
He nods.
"Well, I do want to talk to you, so yes." I smile. "But not the reason still."
"Whatever," He rolls his eyes. "I guess I deserve that."
"Yes you do!" I nod. "You really wanna know what it is, don't ya?"
"So bad!" He nods, forgetting about his calm profile.
"Now you know how I feel!" I laugh.
"But why can't I know? It can't be that big a deal." Mark shrugs, returning to his usual calm look.
"Who said it was a big deal? It may just be payback for what you did to me." I smirk at the dark haired male.
"Oh, well now I know its not a big deal and I shouldn't worry about it." Mark shrugs.
"Well, it may be a big deal, you don't know." I chuckle, wanting him to continue feeling how I felt.
"Why would it be a big deal though?" Mark shrugs.
"I don't know," I shrug. "why would it?"
"Thats why I'm asking you!" He laughs, beginning to get frustrated.
"I know it is!" I giggle. "I mean, it could be because I want to speak to you without people knowing what we're saying, maybe because I think you're cute when you speak in Korean, or I might just want to learn it because it sounds cool!" I shrug.
"Wait, its one of those that you just listed?" He asks, his face a deep shade of red. Is it because what I said?
"I dunno, is it?" I smirk.
"Don't ask me, you have the answers!" He giggles.
Time skip brought to you by Cheese Whiz(You are missed, Ryan Ross)
"Hey!" I smile, sitting in my usual spot in front of Mark in the lunch room.
"Hi!" Mark smiles.
My eyes land on Tyler. He rolls his eyes as he sees me. I thought he was mad at Mark? Knowing Mark, he went back to him asking for forgiveness, even though Tyler should be asking for it.
"What is she doing here?" Tyler spoke. "I thought she was mad at you?"
"Why are you here?" I asked Tyler, already mad by his presence. "Didn't you two get into an argument yesterday?"
"Is that any of your business?" Tyler sneers. I flip him off, rolling my eyes.
"Can we go one day without you two bickering?" Mark speaks.
"I try to ignore him, but he just makes me want to beat the ever loving shit outta him!" I reply, pointing at Tyler.
(Is it ever loving or ever living? I can't remember...)
"Its not my fault! You're only getting the attention you deserve!" Tyler argues.
"Tyler!" Mark slaps his arm.
"You seriously aren't going to do anything about what she says?" Tyler asks, annoyed.
"You're the one starting these things so why should I get onto her about it?" Mark defends himself. "But seriously, can't we have one normal conversation with each other?"
"I wish." I roll my eyes.
"What's keeping it from being normal is her! Why does she have to be here?" Tyler points at me.
"Because shes my friend and should be yours too!" Mark answered. "I'm serious, if you two just got to know each other, you'd become good friends."
"And I would enjoy trying." I smile, looking at Tyler.
"I wouldn't!" Tyler shakes his head. "How many times do I have to say, I do not want to become friends with the attention seeking whore!"
"Tyler!" Mark scolds, louder than usual.
"Really? I'm the attention seeking whore?"
Tyler nods, folding his arms and setting them on the table.
"You're a fucking bastard." I chuckle in annoyance, shaking my head. "Explain to me, please."
"Okay, you get in trouble almost everyday for attention and you mess with Allen and his group, being the slut you are." Tyler explains.
"Again, another fucking rumor!" I yell, clenching my fist.
"Tyler!" Mark warns.
"It seems pretty believable to me." Tyler shrugs, ignoring Mark once again.
"Why is that?" I ask, leaning in.
"Guys." Mark attempts to get our attention but fails.
"Ask anyone in this school. They'll agree with me when I say you would." Tyler smirks. "And besides, you just look like a whore." He shrugs.
"Really? At least it looks like I can get something." I shrug. "How long have you been trying with Mari Kemple? You seem to be failing pretty badly."
"I'm not like you, trying to get into every guy you see in bed." Tyler rolls his eyes.
Mark punches his arm in attempt to shut him up. Tyler turns to his side and punches Mark, knocking him down. The attention of others are grabbed immediately as Tyler stands up, his hands covering his mouth in shock.
Running over to Mark, his lip is split open where it was healing from before. Its bleeding all over Marks hand as he holds it in pain.
"Mark, I-I didn't-" Tyler begins hesitantly.
"Do you ever shut up?" I yell, shooting him a mean glare.
I turn back to Mark and his eyes are wide in fear as he stares up at Tyler. People around us begin whispering, telling their friends what happened.
"Mark," I speak, gaining his attention. "C'mon." I whisper, standing up and holding out my hand to help him up. He takes my hand in his and stands up.
Tyler stands there in shock at what he just did as we grab out stuff and leave. I grab Mark's hand and pull him into the bathroom. Once the door shuts, he looks at me confusedly.
"Y/n, you'll get in trouble if anyone sees you in here." Mark attempts to speak as clearly as possible with a swollen lip.
"Like I haven't gotten in trouble for worse." I roll my eyes, ripping a piece of a paper towel from the dispenser and running it under the water.
"C'mere." I nod for him to walk in further. He was still standing by the door.
Mark hesitantly walks over to my side. I rest one hand on the back of his head and the other cleans up the blood spilling from his lip.
"Why would he do this?" I mumble, focusing on his split lip.
"He tried to apologize." Mark spoke.
"Stop moving your lip." I demand. "Besides that, he punched you. Thats not okay."
"He realized it was wrong." Mark spoke, trying not to move his bottom lip.
"You can't possibly think this is okay, Mark." I speak doubtfully. "Yes, he realized it was wrong, but that doesn't give him any excuse to do that to anyone."
"So what, I'm supposed to be mad at him for something he didn't mean?" Mark asks.
"Yes Mark!" I nod. "He hurt you! If someone was abusing somebody, they couldn't use 'I didn't mean it' to get out of prison." I say, getting a new paper towel and running it under the water.
"Now stop speaking, I'm trying to help you." I giggle.
His face is a deep red as I continue. I was never aware of how close I actually was to him. But I couldn't back away and apologize for it. I can't look stupid. I already look dumb next to him, I can't add onto it.
Soon, his lip stops bleeding. Its still as swollen as it was before, but it will go down eventually. I throw away the paper covered in the red substance and look at Mark, examining the cut.
"It was almost healed too." I say, grabbing his chin to look at it.
"It'll be fine." Mark reassures, taking my hand off him.
"What are you gonna tell the teachers? Your mom?" I ask.
"I'll come up with something." He shrugs. "Now c'mon. I can't have my other friend suspended."
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