14: I don't need your help
Oof, I have to go to school in a few hours :(
"Y/n L/n!" My mother yells from downstairs.
I've locked myself in my room ever since she yelled at me for skipping school. Ken, Nix, and Zach all heard every word because she was so loud. Its not like its the first time I've done it so I don't know why she's getting so mad now.
Instead of getting up when she called for me, I stayed lying in my bed. The ceiling is more interesting than what she had to say.
"Y/n, get your ass down here!" She demands.
Again, I ignored her.
"Y/n!" She yells once again.
Groaning, I stand up and saunter towards the door. I swing the door open and walk over to the steps, staring at my angered mother at the bottom of them.
"What?" I speak, anger clear in my voice.
"Get down here, now." She speaks, walking into the kitchen.
Rolling my eyes with an exaggerated sigh, I make my way downstairs. Ken is sitting at the kitchen table, phone in hand. My mother stands by the bar with Mark by her side.
"Mark wanted to see you." My mother gestures towards him. "He seems like a good kid, why can't you be more like him?"
"Why can't you be a nice mother?" I yell. "When was the last time you heard me, Ken, Zach, or even Nix, say we love you? Or act like you don't piss us off all the damn time!"
Mark's eyes widen and Ken quietly laughs from the table.
"Do you realize how much work I put in to take care of you? Why can't you be appreciative?" She yells, forgetting Mark was next to her.
"Yeah, Y/n." Ken smirks, walking up to us. "Why can't you be like Zach, Nix, and me? Be appreciative."
"Oh, fuck you Ken! You know damn well you agree with me!"
"Who said that?" Ken raises an eyebrow. "You don't know me. Whens the last time you spent time with your loving little sister?"
"Stop that bullshit, any time I even try you shoot me down and go back to sticking you nose in that phone!" I defend myself.
"You're the only child I have trouble with, Y/n." My mother sighs in disappointment. "Zach, Nix, and Ken all get what's wrong and what's right, why don't you?" She asks, walking behind the bar and continuing to cut peppers up.
"You never do your school work, all you do is get into fights, lie, drink-" She begins, only to be interrupted by me.
"I have never drank!" I yell, standing across from her, the only thing separating us is the bar. "I have never done drugs like you thought I have, I have never had sex like you thought I have, and I have never drank like you thought I have."
She ignores me, focused on the peppers. I glance back at Mark and he is staring at his feet awkwardly. I begin walking towards him, leaving my dumbass family alone.
"Fuck you." I sigh, grabbing Mark's hand and pulling him outside. Silence now with the sun setting, I walk away from the house, Mark following.
"What do you want?" I ask, walking down the driveway.
"I-I just wanted to see where you were." Mark answers. "I didn't see you in school the rest of the day and got worried."
I didn't reply. Instead, stared straight ahead, holding tears of anger back as best I could. I didn't have a jacket once again, walking down the cold street.
"I'm sorry about Tyler." Mark says, breaking the silence.
"Well if you never told him about my personal life, we wouldn't be here, now would we?" I ask, clearly upset.
"Y/n, I'm sorry!" Mark apologizes desperately.
"Its not your place to tell people about my business." I ignore his apology.
"It was only Tyler, I swear!"
"I don't give a fuck if it was only Tyler!" I stop walking, staring at Mark. "Its my business, if I wanna tell someone, I will! But I don't, so that gives you no right to speak of it!"
He stares at his feet, ashamed of himself. He doesn't look up, he doesn't speak. Rolling my eyes, I continue walking, wiping away a stray tear that fell. I felt weak. Why am I crying? It doesn't feel like its out of anger anymore.
"A-Are you okay?" Mark stutters, shyly.
"Does it look like I'm okay to you?" I yell, wanting nothing more than to cry to him and tell him everything. But thats why I'm going to my dad's. "Does it honestly look like I'm okay to you?" I ask again when he doesn't answer.
"No," Mark mumbles.
"Well then whats the point in asking if you already know the answer?" My voice breaks, wiping away yet another tear.
"Y/n, you can talk to me if you want," Mark offers. "I want to help-"
"I don't need your help!" I lie, my voice shaking uncontrollably and multiple tears falling.
"Y/n-" Mark starts softly.
"Just go home." I cut him off, proceeding my way to my father's house.
He stays where I left him, shock and sadness plastered on his face. I was silently begging him to call out for me to wait. For him to try again. But he never did.
What did I expect?
Why would he try again after what I did to him?
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