1: Easy A
"Late again, miss Y/l/n?"
"Yep!" I smile, sitting in a random seat that was open.
"Where are your things?" Mr. Hallin asks.
"Oh," I sigh "Y'know, I didn't want to bring them." I shrug.
"Yeah, all that weight and we barely use any of it." I smirk as I see I'm getting to him.
"Well I guess your grade for participation will be a zero then." Mr. Hallin rolls his eyes, turning back to the board.
"Oh no, what will I ever do with a zero?" I speak sarcastically.
Mr. Hallin ignores me and continues to teach the half asleep class. I ignore his lessons that I will apparently need in life. Near the end of class, Mr. Hallin begins listing pairs.
"Vic and Alley, Abraham and Zoey, Mark and Y/n-" He lists.
"Wait- what is this for?" I interrupt "I didn't care enough to pay attention." I shrug.
"Book report" He stated simply, continuing to list pairs. I roll my eyes.
Sitting with Mark, the smartest kid in the school, I realised I got lucky. I wont have to lift a finger. I don't do my work, he gets worried about getting a bad grade then does my part. Easy.
"Hey, nerd." I plop down in the desk in front of him, turning around to face him.
He doesn't answer, instead, continues writing. He stops for a split second to push his glasses up then returns to his paper. I sit there, waiting for him to do something. I pull out my phone, setting my hand on his desk.
"I'd advise you to put your phone up for Mr. Hallin will see." Mark speaks, keeping his eyes on his paper.
"Does it look like I care?" I scoff.
"You should." Mark finally looks up from his paper full of writing and sets his pencil down.
"Why should I?" I chuckle, my eyes glued to my phone.
"The possibilities of-" He begins.
"Haven't you heard of a rhetorical question?" I look up from my phone to meet his brown eyes.
"So you do know big words." Mark rolls his eyes "Anyway, I already have all the work planned out." Mark straightens his alrighty straight paper.
"I read this book a while ago, it was wonderful might I add," He glances up at me "I thought we could do the report on that one. Knowing you don't read-"
"What makes you think I don't read?" I cut him off.
"Your grades," Mark glares at me "Anyway, knowing you don't read, I thought I could just give you the easy parts and tell you about it. For example, you could describe the characters, the setting, things like that. I could look over what you write and modify it a bit to make it a twelfth grade level."
"I think I got a better plan," I smirk "How about, you do it all and I do nothing. Easy A."
"Easy A for me. F for you," Mark places his paper back on the desk "Look, I'm trying to make this easy enough for you to where you can get a good grade and barely do any work.
"Heres the summary of the book we're working on. Those are all the details you need to know to do your part. On the back are the things you'll be writing about along with how you can contact me if you need help." Mark hands me a college rule paper full of writing.
"Oh? You trying to get the badass's number?" I smirk.
"No, I just said that is for you to use if you need help. Which I doubt you will because everything you'll need is all there." Mark motions towards the paper in my hand.
"Yeah, I don't know what any of these words mean." I speak, skimming through what he wrote.
"Look it up, Robert Cawdrey made the dictionary for a reason." Mark shrugs.
"You still use a dictionary? Haven't you heard of the internet?" I roll my eyes.
"Well I'm sorry I don't rely on technology as much as you do." Mark folds his arms, leaning back in his chair.
"Do you even have a phone?" I ask.
"I do. But its not by my side every second of the day. I prefer books over technology, which is equivalent to choosing intelligence over stupidity."
"What about hell or school? Theres no difference between them so it wouldn't matter." I shrug, annoyed already by Mark.
"Actually, school is-" Mark starts, sitting up straight.
"I don't wanna hear your list of ways school is better than hell." I interrupt, holding my hand up.
Mark rolls his eyes in response. The bell rings, saving me from hearing more from the deep voice of Mark's. I grab the paper Mark gave me and rushed out, ignoring what Mr. Hallin was yelling to us. Walking out of the classroom, I immediately run into a face I wish didn't exist.
"Hey baby."
"I told you already, Allen, I'm not interested." I roll my eyes, shrugging his arm off of me.
"Oh c'mon," Allen groans "Come hang with me and and guys tonight. It'll be fun!" Allen smirks, walking by my side.
"I'm not good with people." I state, looking straight ahead.
"And neither are they! Thats why we'll have beer, y'know, to open us up a little." Allen's smirk grows.
"How would that change my mind?" I sneer.
"C'mon, make some friends for once, you'll have fun!" Allen pushes.
"I don't make friends. I'm better alone."
"You wouldn't know if you're better with friends or not," Allen shrugs "When's the last time you had a friend?"
"The last time I had a friend, thats when." I answer, trying to get rid of him.
"Ha ha, so funny, Y/n." Allen rolls his eyes.
"Fuck off." I mumble in anger, but he heard.
"I won't fuck off, but I'll jerk off." Allen laughs.
"Seriously?" I look up at the blond male for the first time since this conversation started.
"Yes, seriously." Allen smirks.
"Go practice safe sex and go fuck yourself, dumbass." I walk off, pushing my middle finger up in his direction, leaving the halted male in the middle of the hallway.
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