When they reach the marriage registrar's, they are greeted by two men.
Sid: Hell-O Vikas! How are you bro? When did you come from Australia?
Vikas: Hey Bro! I am doing great. Just came 2 days back. By the way, congratulations! Someone seems to have got lucky to have hit the jackpot of beauty in his life! (Looking at Shehnaaz)
Sid: Thanks bro! Meet Ms. Shehnaaz Thakur, soon going to be Mrs. Shehnaaz Singhania. Shehnaaz, he is Vikas Singhania, my cousin and that's my step uncle Mr. Rohit Singhania.
Shehnaaz: (smiles) Hello Uncle and Hello Mr. Vikas Singhania.
VS: Hey Shehnaaz, you can call me Vikas (shakes hand)
Sid: I didn't expect you here!
VS: We were invited by Rina Aunty. You need witness bro! By the way, why court marriage? I remembered Radha Aunty was always a bit apprehensive of court marriages and I never thought you would go against her ideology.
Sid: (looks at Shehnaaz helplessly) Aaa.. we didn't find enough time, everything just happened so quickly.
VS: Chill bro!!
Lyla comes to RS, who was speaking to Rohit Singhania and informs that they are ready to go in.
They all go in while VS asks for 2 minutes as he had to do an urget call.
The registrar asks Sidharth to Sign the document, he signs it. He than passes the pen to Shehnaaz. Her hands touches his while passing the pen. It was cold and shivering. She bends to sign them with a lot of nervousness. Sid holds her other hand firmly, she looks into his eyes. He passes a smile and next moment Shehnaaz signs the document.
The registrar then asks the witnesses to sign the document and they oblige. He then declares them legally married. The presentees clap while Sid hugs Shehnaaz smilingly.
She wasn't expecting that from him, her hand took some time to reciprocate the hug as she thinks that he is pretending to play happy couple infront of people present there.
Her heart thuds loudly at his touch which even Sid could feel and hear it. Lyla passes the garlands and before they put garland, VS stops them.
Sid: What's the matter?
VS: Don't be in a hurry bro! Wait for sometime. Come with me.
Everone is puzzled as to where they were going. They start in a car and when the car stops they find it's a temple.
Sid: So you wanted us to take blessings of God!
VS: Yes, come!
When they go inside they find a set-up for a marriage. The pandit welcomes them and asks the bride and the groom to take their seat infront of the holy fire.
Sid and Shehnaaz are shocked.
VS: Both of you, Sit!!
Sid: What's this bro?
VS: I didn't wanted you to go against Radha Aunty's wish, I know how important she is to you. I liked her too when I came to your house during my childhood. If you don't have time to arrange and invite lots of people for a big fat wedding then let's keep it simple and small.
Sid hugs VS. Shehnaaz turns more nervous as she didn't wanted a contract marriage to be done infront of sacred fire. RS rolls eyes and looks at Rohit who has an absolute poker face.
Hesitatingly Shehnaaz sits with Sid looking at him and he shrugs showing that he is helpless. The priest starts reciting the mantras.
Sid's thought - Looks like maa wanted me to get married this way and destiny played it's role. I was so skeptical about court marriage and wanted to have a spiritual one. Here I am sitting infront of the sacred fire and infront of God, taking vows to stay with her for life. I can break contract made infront of law or the registrar but not the vows taken infront of this sacred fire and God on whom Maa had immense belief. Chashmish, you are forever mine.
Shehnaaz thoughts - I look at the God present in the sanctorum and ask him why are you so cruel towards me? What is your wish? Why am I put into this situation where I have to disrespect this sacred fire? Why is it being made difficult for me to break this bond?
VS passes them the garlands which Sid and Shehnaaz exchange.
Priest asks RS to tie the veils of both bride and groom (Ghatbandan). RS obliges half heartedly.
Sid Thoughts - We are being bounded together by God.
Shehnaaz thoughts - It's wrenching my heart. How can we do this Sidharth?
Priest asks them to stand for saath pheras (7 circumbulations) around the sacred fire taking 7 vows of marriage. They follow his instruction. The priest recites the vows in Sanskrit and then tanslates for them to understand.
First Vow:
Groom ‘You will offer me food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children’. Bride 'I am responsible for the home and all household, food and finance responsibilities’
Sid Thoughts- Yes Chashmish, I will keep you happy and take care of you.
Shehnaaz thoughts - Sidharth, you are a nice person and I will take care of you and your family until we are together.
Second Vow:
Groom 'Together we will protect our house and children’.
Bride ‘I will be by your side as your courage and strength. I will rejoice in your happiness. In return, you will love me solely’.
Sid's thought: Yes Chashmish, I promise to protect you from all evils.
Shehnaaz's thoughts: I will support you in achieving your goals. I know you respect me hence love wouldn't matter in this marriage.
Third Vow:
Groom 'May we grow wealthy and prosperous and strive for the education of our children and may our children live long.’
Bride ‘I will love you solely for the rest of my life, as you are my husband. Every other man in my life will be secondary. I vow to remain chaste’.
Sid's thought - I promise to become capable of handling the business and our lives, Chashmish.
Shehnaaz thoughts - After taking this phera with you, I don't know about love, but I wouldn't ever marry anyone else.
Fourth Vow:
Groom ‘You have brought sacredness into my life, and have completed me. May we be blessed with noble and obedient children’
Bride ‘I will shower you with joy, from head to toe. I will strive to please you in every way I can’.
Sid's thought - You made me a better person already. I will work on being a good husband.
Shehnaaz thoughts - I will make sure you are on right path and bring you happiness always until I am with you.
Fifth Vow:
Groom ‘You are my best friend, and staunchest well-wisher. You have come into my life, enriching it. God bless you’.
Bride ‘I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live. Your happiness is my happiness, and your sorrow is my sorrow. I will trust and honor you, and will strive to fulfill all your wishes’.
Sid's thought - You have proved it multiple times that you are my well wisher.
Shehnaaz thoughts - I promise to trust you as much as you trust me and I will do everything right for you.
Sixth Vow:
Groom asks,‘Now that you have taken six steps with me, you have filled my heart with immense happiness. Will you do the kindness of filling my heart with happiness like this for all times?’
Bride replies, ‘I will always be by your side’.
Sid's thought - I am happiest with you and I will keep our marriage intact so that we both are happy.
Shehnaaz thoughts - I would stay with you until you want me to.
Seventh vow:
Groom proclaims ‘We are now husband and wife, and are one. You are mine and I am yours for eternity.’
Bride accepts this proclamation ‘As God is witness, I am now your wife. We will love, honor and cherish each other forever.’
Sid smiles and his thought - You are mine and I am yours for eternity. And with this final vow, I get goosebumps as I realise that you are an integral part of my life and I.. I Love You! Yes!! I Love You!! And I want to tell you this but not until I prove it to you that I am capable enough to take care of you.
Shehnaaz saddens and her thoughts - Eternity? He was the one who made it a contract!! How can I promise this? I feel like thousands of bee stung me. I agree that I am only his employee but he never approached me otherwise than asking for a contract marriage. Contracts don't last eternity. But I promise you that I will support you for life long!
The priest than asks Sid to tie a Magalsutra (Nupital knot), VS hands over the Black beaded necklace to Sid which VS had ordered the jeweller to deliver while they came from the registrar's.
Sid ties a mangalsutra around her neck while Shehnaaz's heart beats pace doubles and the moment the black beaded necklace touches her chest, she feels a huge burden as if she is lifting the whole universe on her chest.
Priest instructs Sid to put vermilion on the division of her hair at the forehead. He picks up a pinch of vermilion and applies it, a little of which falls on her nose, she closes her eyes while Sid smiles looking at his wife, Mrs. Shehnaaz Sidharth Singhania!!
While Sid hugs and thanks VS who is congratulating him. Shehnaaz gets a message on her phone.
'Motto, Good news!! Papa's surgery was done successfully.'
Shehnaaz feels very happy, her smile reaching from one ear to another. When Sid comes close to her. She hugs him tightly with happiness.
Sidharth was taken aback looking at her being so happy! What on earth brought this big smile on my Chashmish's face? Is she happy getting married to me?
Congratulations SidNaazian's.. Virtually sahi.. SidNaaz ki shaadi mubarak ho!!
Hope you all are happy.. agar happy ho toh vote karo story ko!!
Remember tomorrow is reception.. yaha nahi, YouTube pe.. Toh maze karo mere pyaare Shona Shonas!!
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