On My Mind
Pharah landed back on the ground as she eliminated the enemy Lucio. Mercy flew to her, healing her back to full health. "Thank you, Dr. Zeigler" Pharah said, giving her a warm smile. "anytime, Fareeha" Mercy replied, smiling back. Pharah flew into the air again, shooting at the now stopped payload, knocking the enemies back. Mercy decided that the rest of the team was okay and she wanted to get closer to Pharah. She followed Pharah, staying up in the air with her, damage boosting when necessary. "Angela! I need healing!" Genji shouted from below, Mercy ignored him, replying with "I'm not a miracle worker! Well... " she looked at Pharah "... Not always". The enemy Zenyatta used his ultimate, "experience tranquility" echoed through the diablo map [the factory-thing]. Genii ended up getting eliminated and Mercy needed to leave Pharah for a while to resurrect him. All of a sudden she heard Pharah's scream as she crashed to the ground. Mercy ran to her aid "Fareeha! Are you okay?" she asked, getting her staff out and healing her "yeah, Doc... I'm fine" Pharah replied, blushing deeply, since Mercy was really close to her face. Pharah then stood up and shot back up into the sky. Mercy followed her worriedly "JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE" Pharah used rocket barrage on the enemy team, getting a team kill. Mercy smiled and shouted "I'm so useful!" Pharah quickly landed on the ground and hugged Mercy "of course your useful, Angela. Your useful to me anyway... " She said, looking down at Mercy "oh! T-thank you.. " Mercy replied, smiling widely. The payload reached the end of the map. "VICTORY"
Pharah flopped down on the couch beside Winston and D.Va "how do you work these.... Remotes?" Winston asked, fiddling with one of D.Va's video game controllers. "Ugh! Winston! Stop! You'll break it!" D.Va replied, snatching it back from him. Mercy walked in, hands full of groceries. "hello Winston, D.Va, Fareeha" she said, winking at Pharah "oh! Uh... Hi there!" Wnston said nervously, scratching his head "Hits Doc/Angela" Pharah and D.Va said in sync "umm.. Lemme help you with those, Angela." Pharah said, grabbing the groceries and walking into the kitchen, setting them down. "Fareeha? Are you okay? You seem off.. " Mercy said, putting a hand on Pharah's shoulder. "yeah, I'm okay... Just a bit lovesick" Pharah responded, smiling down at Mercy. "oh really? Whose on your mind?" Mercy asked, raising an eyebrow. Pharah then pulled her closer, until they were an inch apart "your on my mind, Angela" Pharah whispered as she pulled her into a deep kiss.
Your on my mind...
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