Chapter 8: SMUG meets The Elite and STARDOM Mixed Tag Match
(A/N: the beginning part of this chapter will be based on this video above by an Australian NXT star named Elliot Sexton, the video irked me on the inside, so just watch it for yourself and see why.)
Alex woke up early and left a note for Alexa telling he was going with Cody, Kenny, Matt and Nick to buy some food. He washed up and changed without waking up his beautiful Goddess. The dual champion met with the Young Bucks and Kenny outside and left for the market.
An hour later, Alexa woke up and felt an empty space next to her. She saw the note from Alex and smiled. The Goddess fixed herself a cup of coffee and waited for her lover to return, not knowing that she'll get an unexpected and very annoying visitor.
(30 minutes later)
MCW freelancer and current NXT superstar Elliot Sexton walked to a house one day with a cup of coffee with no shirt on. His only article clothing was a pair of athletic shorts. The house he was going to wasn't just any house. He knocked on the door, and it was none other than the Goddess herself.
Alexa: why are you here?
Elliot: you won't answer my calls
Alexa: yeah, take a hint
Elliot: is this about the pig thing?
Alexa: yes, you don't feed bacon to a pig
Elliot: I just want to know that Larry is a vegan
Alexa: everyone knows that Larry is a vegan
Elliot: well, consider this a start of my apology
He handed the cup of coffee to Alexa.
Alexa: wow, I don't know what's more pathetic; the fact that this is the apology or the fact you showed up at my house without a shirt on... again
Unbeknownst to Elliot; Alex, Kenny, Cody and the Bucks had returned from their trip to the market; the Cleaner saw Elliot with Alexa.
Kenny: who the hell is that clown?
Alex: what's up, Kenny?
Kenny: some muscular idiot is here at Alexa's house
Alex: huh, where?!
Alex looked out the window to see the two.
Alex: the hell?
Matt: oh, we know who that is
Alex: who?
Nick: that's Elliot Sexton
Matt: he was part of TM-61
Alex: TM-61? Thorne and Miller?
Nick: TM-61 wasn't just a tag team, they were a stable
Alex: well, I want to kick his ass so bad
Matt: this is perfect for a segment for Being the Elite
Kenny: Elliot has these SMUG episodes for his YouTube channel
Nick: and he'll get a surprise from the biggest names in Japan
Alex: no one comes over to my girlfri- I mean friend's house without a shirt on
He stuttered as he remembered that he and Alexa decided to make a surprise for everyone.
Matt parked the van, and the five BC members got into position.
(Back with Elliot)
Alexa has rejected Elliot's offer to be part of his blogs for his channel.
Elliot: if you don't want to be apart... pay up
Alexa: for what?
Elliot: the coffee
Alexa: this is a gift
The two argued while Cody, Kenny, the Bucks and Alex were hiding behind a corner of the house.
Alex: there you are, you son of a-
Nick: whoa whoa, easy there Alex; you'll get him
Cody: I'm rolling camera
Alex smirked and went in stealth mode.
Alexa: you don't tell me to pay for your apology and then take it back
Elliot: I can do whatever I want
Then Alexa saw Alex sneaking up behind Elliot and smirked. Alex gave her the quiet signal. She put down the cup and was about to go back in.
Elliot: oh, I see what this is... you have a grudge against Australians; you treat them like crap
Alexa smirked.
Alexa: oh I don't, I have a grudge against annoying guys who show up at my house shirtless, and so is he...
Alex tapped his shoulder and Elliot turned around to see Bullet Club's dual champion with an angry look while his arms are crossed.
Alex: what the f*** are you doing here?
Elliot: I-I just hold on, are you Alex Young Blood, a member of Bullet Club?
Alex: who's asking?
Elliot: my name is Elliot Sexton
Alex: Elliot what? For someone whose last name is Sexton, you sure had the balls to come to my friend's house and recruit her to your dumb blogs video while not wearing a shirt
Alexa chuckled as she watched the ongoing tirade.
Alex: if I were you, I'd better get out of here while I can still walk because you'll be down flat on your back
Elliot: you don't scare me
Then Kenny slowly sneaked up behind Sexton.
Alex: oh I can't alone, but we will
Kenny grabbed Elliot's arms and held him.
Alex: Bucks now!
Then from out of nowhere, Matt and Nick double superkicked Elliot in the face, knocking the Aussie down. Alex chuckled and knelt down next to him.
Alex: let this be a lesson; do not bother my friend ever again, you understand?
Elliot: y-yes sir
Alex: good; Kenny, Nick, Matt please take out this annoying piece of crap for us
Kenny: with pleasure
Matt: up you go
The Elite picked up Elliot and took him away from the house. Kenny looked back and nodded at Alex. Then Alex and Alexa went in their house and sat down on their couch.
Alexa: oh thank you, I thought he never leave
Alex: what did this guy want from you?
Alexa: he wants me to be part of his blogs video for his channel, but I had no interest, and he says he likes me, but he's not my type
Alex: well that guy just met your boyfriend
Alexa giggled and kissed Alex.
Alex: you ready for STARDOM tonight?
Alexa: oh yeah, you and me vs. Kenny and Riho
Alex: and we will unleash our surprise
The two smiled at each other.
Alex: are you hungry, I bought some stuff at the market
Alexa: oh yes please
Alex: just relax there while I cook
Alexa: I love you
Alex smiled and Alexa gave him a kiss on the cheek. The dual champion went to the kitchen to cook up.
Alexa's mind: I'm so lucky to have someone like Alex; so caring, so sweet and so handsy
She giggled and blushed.
A few minutes later, Alex finished cooking some tempura and preparing sushi.
Alex: food is ready
Alexa: coming!
She went to the dining room and joined Alex at the table. She sat next to him.
Alexa: it looks so good
The couple enjoyed their food together; they fed each other most of the time while being flirty with one another.
Alex gazed at Alexa's toned legs, but the Goddess can see it.
Alexa: I see you're looking again
Alex: remember, one of my favorite parts of you
Alexa giggled and laid her head on his shoulder.
Alexa: go on baby, I feel cold
He put his hand on her thigh and stroked it with his thumb causing some light giggles from Alexa.
Alexa: it tickles
Alex chuckled and the two continued eating and playfully teasing each other.
After they ate, the Goddess brought the both of them to the couch. Alexa sat on his lap and gave him a passionate kiss that turn into a make out session.
The dual champion caressed her leg, but remembered her cute biscuit butt is off limits, so he can only touch the Goddess' toned thighs. After a 20 minute make out session, Alexa pulled back all giggling and blushing.
Alexa: I almost felt your hand on my cute biscuits
Alex: key word almost
Alexa giggled and playfully pinched his cheek.
Alexa: you're so cute
The two cuddled and watched a movie together as they have a lot of time before STARDOM. Alexa brought his hand to her leg as the Goddess snuggled into him.
(3 hours later)
STARDOM management approved of the mixed tag team match and made it the main event for tonight. Some of WWE's women's division took part of the show.
The highlights include the the Goddesses of Stardom Champions Jungle Kyona and Konami calling out Alexa and Nikki and challenging them to a match for both titles, meaning both the WWE Women's Tag titles and the Goddesses of Stardom titles will be on the line, but the stipulation will be determined.
Asuka and Kairi Sane had the homecoming treatment and faced Andras Miyagi and Hana Kimura in a tag team match with the Empress of Tomorrow submitting Kimura in the Asuka Lock.
Becky Lynch addressed the Stardom crowd saying that she would like a match against the World of Stardom champion Mayu Iwatani, saying that Mayu is a match for the Man. Then Bayley came out to address that she is looking forward to face the Wonder of Stardom champion Arisa Hoshiki, the Hugger said that STARDOM has the best women wrestlers in the country. Then Arisa and Mayu came out to come face-to-face with Becky and Bayley until everything went up into smoke as the four women brawled with Arisa and Mayu standing tall as they sent Becky and Bayley packing.
Now it was time for the main event, the mixed tag team match as Riho teams with her favorite mixed tag team partner, the IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega as they go up against Alexa Bliss and Alex Young Blood, a match set up by the Cleaner himself.
After entrances were made, the two teams shook hands. The two wrestlers who started were the men, the two Bullet Club members. Alex and Kenny locked up and the Pharaoh got the Cleaner in a side headlock; Kenny launched Alex to the ropes for an unfazed collision.
The Elite members smirked at each other and it was now Kenny to run from the ropes to hit Alex, but no effect. Alex and Kenny shared a laugh before the Pharaoh attempted to hit the Blood Cutter, but Kenny countered and tried to go for a V-Trigger, but missed. Then the two tagged in the girls. Now it was Alexa and Riho trading shots.
(Minutes later)
Kenny sent Alex out of the ring; Alexa was on the apron checking to see that her boyfriend is okay. Meanwhile, Kenny whispered to Riho to go for an ambush shot; Riho complied and ambushed Alexa with a dropkick, sending the Goddess to fall off, but landing in Alex's arms. The two were in a compromising position as Alexa was on top of Alex.
The two were blushing heavily while their hands were on each others' bodies; Alexa's hands were on his chest while Alex's hands were on her waist.
Kenny and Riho were laughing at the ongoing hi-jinks at ringside.
Alexa and Alex shook their heads and got out of their position. The legal team were the guys, so the dual champion Pharaoh went back in the ring.
(End of match)
Kenny fazed Alex with a V-Trigger, and looked to end it with the One-Winged Angel, but the dual champion got out of it and hits an unexpected Blood Cutter.
Riho tried to save her partner, but got cut off by Alexa's dropkick. Alex went for the pin and got the win for him and Alexa.
Alexa came in and jumped into Alex's arms as they shared a loving embrace.
She got down and the two stared each other with love in their eyes while Kenny and Riho watched from ringside.
The Pharaoh and the Goddess nodded at each other. Then Alexa put her hands on his cheeks while Alex put his hands on her waist.
Then to everyone's surprise in the arena especially Kenny and Riho; Alexa and Alex kissed in the middle of the ring, confirming their relationship to the public. After 10 seconds, they pulled back with their foreheads touching as they smiled and laughed.
Kenny and Riho went back in the ring ad shook hands and raised their arms to close out the show.
Kenny: my set up worked
Alex: it worked well alright
Kenny: I knew you two will be together
Alexa: correction we are together
Kenny: don't you two make an adorable couple
Alex: so boss, anything for NJPW?
Kenny: well I just read that following our little altercation with Mr. Sexton; there will be an eight man tag team match
Alex: oh and who will be his partners?
Kenny: well it's Nick and Shane again and Murphy
Alex: against you, me and the Bucks; there's no chance they'll beat us
Kenny: exactly, but that's next week, so we'll have time
Alex: can't wait to give Sexton a beating
Kenny: yeah, I'll see you two next week, and be good
Alex: whatever Kenny
The Cleaner left leaving the couple.
Alexa: I really enjoyed tonight
Alex: me too, you were great; I can see high potential in you wrestling for STARDOM
Alexa: aww, I would love that, but my heart stays with WWE
Alex: ready to go home?
Alexa: yeah, I want to cuddle in your arms
Alex: let's go baby
The two washed up and went home.
(At Alexa's house)
The two were in bed watching Toy Story 2 while they cuddled. They sneaked in some small kisses. Alex's hand was on Alexa's shorts; he pulled them up to show her toned and smooth thigh and stroked it with his hand. Alexa giggled and moaned.
Alexa: thank you
Alex: for what, babe?
Alexa: for being so good and nice to me, keeping me safe and supporting me
Alex: if that Sexton guy show up again, let me know
Alexa smiled and kissed his cheek.
Alexa: well for chasing Sexton out and for catching me in our match, you deserve this
She turned and put her leg on him before kissing his neck.
Alex: oh my god...
Alexa now know that neck kisses are one of Alex's weaknesses. The Goddess even nibbled and licked his neck while Alex shivered and his hand touched her leg.
Alexa finished her work on Alex's neck and now targeted his lips. Alex instantly kissed back as the make out session went on.
After 20 minutes, they pulled back and smiled at each other.
Alex: can I ask you something baby?
Alexa: sure, what's on your mind?
Alex: have you been to all of the Disneylands in the world?
Alexa: nope, I have not been to Hong Kong Disneyland yet
Alex: you didn't go to Hong Kong?
Alexa: not yet
Alex: huh okay
Alexa: let's get some sleep babe, I'm tired
Alex: me too
Alex put her arm around Alexa and the Goddess snuggled and smiled into his arms before closing her eyes. Alex was still awake thinking of what Alexa said of her not going to Hong Kong Disneyland yet. He thought of a plan for it.
He kissed Alexa's head before putting his hand on her leg. Alexa felt his gentle touch and she put her leg on him, so he can stroke it. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
What Alex was thinking about is bringing Alexa to Hong Kong Disneyland, so the Goddess can complete her list of going to all of the Disneylands in the world.
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