Chapter 7: 愛とキス
(Dream sequence)
Alex was playing Super Smash Bros. on his Nintendo Switch while challenging Kenny in multiplayer mode.
Alex: you're going down Omega, literally
He won the battle after taking out Kenny with his signature thanks to the Smash Orb. Then the dual champion turned off and put away his Switch. He then got a knock on his door; the door opened and he saw Alexa peeking her head.
Alex: hey baby
Alexa: hi Alex, can I come in?
Alex: of course, my door is always open for you, Goddess
She smiled and opened the door wide. Alex's eyes widened and his mouth hung open as he saw Alexa wearing a sexy pink silk lingerie. He didn't know how to react as his mind and body were frozen.
Alex: why are you wearing that?
Alexa didn't say anything; she crawled up the bed and went on top of Alex as she sensed his discomfort making her smirk.
Alex: baby-
Alexa put her finger over his mouth to quiet him.
Alexa: I want to do this with you, baby; I love you so much
Alex smiled and put his hands on her cheeks.
Alex: if you're ready to do this; then I'm ready
Alexa: I'm ready too
The Goddess made the first move by leaning in and giving the dual champion a passionate kiss. Alex soon melted in from the Goddess' spell. He slid the straps of her dress down her shoulders; Alexa pulled back and removed the top from her body to reveal that she wasn't wearing a bra; she bit her lower lip.
Alex: you had this planned all along?
Alexa giggled and bit her lower lip.
Alexa: yes, so please put it in
The dual champion took out his clothes and the two went down.
(Dream sequence over)
The alarm clock sounded which woke the Goddess up; she was grumpy because her dream ended in a halt; she turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.
(An hour later)
Alexa was sleeping while she blushed heavily. The Goddess slowly turned and felt a pair of arms around her body. She slowly turned to see her handsome boyfriend sleeping peacefully. Alexa smiled and caressed his cheek with her hand.
Alexa pecked his face with small kisses all over, which made him smile.
Alexa's mind: I can't believe you're mine
She continued to kiss him until the dual champion slowly opened his eyes to see five feet of cuteness next to him.
Alex: is this real?
Alexa: yes babe
Alex: Alexa Bliss is officially my girlfriend; don't tell me this is a dream
Alexa giggled.
Alex: I wanna check if this is happening
He put his hand on Alexa's cheeks and poked her hips which tickled her.
Alexa: ah, that tickles!
Alex: just checking to make sure that you and everything now is real
Alexa: I know a way that can help you see that everything is real, and not a dream
Alex: how?
She didn't say a word, but smiled down at Alex. Then Alexa leaned in slowly and gave him a reality check passionate kiss to his lips. The dual champion wrapped his arms around the Goddess' body, now realizing that he is in reality, not a dream.
The kiss turned into a make out session that lasted 3 minutes.
Alexa: awake now?
She giggled.
Alex: yup I'm awake, and this is real
Alexa: I still can't get over that you are my boyfriend
Alex: fate brought us together
She smiled and snuggled into his arms. Then Alex got a notification on his phone.
The BC member saw and that he has a match scheduled at STARDOM next week, but it wasn't a regular match, it was a mixed tag team match.
Alex: looks like I'm in a match at STARDOM
Alexa: what kind of match?
Alex: I think Kenny has something to do with it because the match is a mixed tag match and it will be me teaming with you as we take on Kenny and Riho in a sibling and friendly battle
(Alex Young Blood and Alexa Bliss vs. Kenny Omega and Riho)
Alexa instantly blushed as she will team with her boyfriend in a match.
Alexa: I get to team with you, that's the best thing ever!
She lunged and gave him a tight hug and peppered his cheeks with small kisses.
Alex: you're so excited
Alexa: I am, I'm going to wrestle in STARDOM, but I'm doing it with you!
Alex: your wrestling gear is so...
He was at loss for words which made her giggle.
Alexa: what about my attire?
She brought her face closer to his making him sweat. Alexa smirked as she sensed his discomfort.
Alex: well uh, it's very cute and hot
Alexa had a cheeky grin on her face.
Alexa: I know you have something else to tell, baby
Alex: I do?
Alexa: don't play dumb; I know what you're hiding
Alex can feel the tent in his shorts and feels trapped under Alexa as he can't escape from her grasp.
Alexa: I'm waiting Young Blood; something about me in my attire turns you on
With no where to run from the Goddess, the Pharaoh confessed.
Alex: the bottom part of your attire really shows your cute biscuit butt; there I said it!
Alexa giggled and messed with his hair.
Alexa: you're so adorable when I make you nervous and uncomfortable
Alex lightly blushed.
Alexa: so to make your words clear and understandable; you're saying my biscuit butt is cute?
Alex: mhm...
The Goddess can tell that he's feeling uncomfortable, so she decided to play and tease him.
Alexa: I do have a cute butt
She removed the covers from her body.
Alexa: I'm gonna wash up
She got out of bed and walked out while she swayed her hips.
Alex: good god, you'll be the death of me
Alexa giggled while Alex felt his tent getting harder.
Alexa: well babe since we're now boyfriend and girlfriend; this is all yours
She tapped her bottom with her hand.
Alex: babe, let's not get too ahead and too fast
Alexa: aww, you're no fun
Alexa giggled and left his room to go back to hers. Alex took a breath of relief and took his mind off by playing his Nintendo Switch.
It was the Bullet Club's day off, and Kenny called up Alex to see if they want to shoot another video for Being the Elite. Alex replied back saying he was busy with stuff, but Kenny knew what the dual champion meant.
An hour later, Alex washed up and Alexa texted him saying that Kairi, Toni and Nikki are out, leaving only her on her own. Alex texted back.
Alex: come back to my room
He didn't had to wait long for the Goddess to come back. She was wearing a Disney shirt and shorts.
Alexa: well the girls are gone; they went somewhere
Alex: and I passed on recording another episode with the Elite
Alexa: so it's just the two of us for today; what you want to do?
Alex: I was thinking, let's have a Disney marathon and I can cook lunch for us
Alexa: oh, I love that baby
Alex: good thing I have a Disney+ account
Alexa: let's do this!
Alex: okay, you go pick something while I cook
Alexa nodded and made herself comfortable on the couch. The dual champion smiled at his Disney loving girlfriend. As he cooked, he had a dreamy smile on his face as his mind and heart told him that Alexa Bliss is his girlfriend.
(7 minutes later)
He finished cooking some steak and vegetables and he set two plates.
He sat down beside Alexa and gave her food.
Alexa: this smells and looks good, babe
Alex: I love steak, so what you picked?
Alexa: I looked through and found The Mandalorian
Alex: everyone loves that show
Alexa: let's watch it
Alex clicked the show, and the two enjoyed some episodes of the Star Wars canon show while they ate. As they ate, Alex couldn't help but look at Alexa's toned and smooth legs. He focused on the TV while his peripheral vision looked at her legs.
Alexa has finished her steak, and so she laid her head on Alex's shoulder before kissing his cheek. The dual champion's eyes were once again gazing on the Goddess' thighs. Without him knowing, Alexa felt that he was looking, so to mess with him, she put up her shorts to show more of her thighs while having a mischievous smirk on her face.
Bullet Club's dual champion tried to focus his sight on the show as Baby Yoda came on the screen. Alexa heard Alex's heart beating fast, and can tell that he is uncomfortable which made her giggle.
As they wrapped up an episode of the Mandalorian, the TV went back to the main menu; this was the perfect time for Alexa to ask Alex what made his heart beat fast.
Alexa: babe, were you staring at me?
Alex: huh, what makes you say that?
Alexa: your heart was beating fast
Alex: I-I wasn't looking at anything; it's Baby Yoda on the screen
Alexa: are you sure?
She smirked as she put her shorts back up to show her thighs which made Alex sweat a bit as he took a deep breath.
Alex: damn it, you got me
Alexa: so there is another part of me besides my cute biscuit butt that you really like, huh baby?
She giggled and laid her head on his shoulder.
Alex: yes
Alexa: and that is?
Alex: besides your cute butt, it's your toned legs I liked also
Alexa giggled and kissed him on the lips.
Alexa: go on
He smirked and put his hand on her thigh.
Alex: so soft and smooth
Alexa giggled and turned his face with her hand, so that he's facing her.
Alexa: you're so sweet to me; Murphy has never been this sweet to me
Alex kissed the top of her head.
Alex: he didn't had time for you?
Alexa: nope, as I said our schedules prevented us from spending too much time together
Alex: his fault for not being there for you
Alexa looked up at him and the two were looking into each others' eyes. They leaned in and connected their lips together. After 10 seconds they pulled back.
Alexa: I now understand that we're not ready to go all the way because we just started dating
Alex: you can still tease though
She bit her lower lip and snuggled into his chest. Alex's hand was still on Alexa's leg; he gently squeezed and caressed her thigh making her squeal.
Alexa: I'm not the only one who's teasing
She held his face.
Alex: oh please, you tapped your butt just to torture me
Alexa: well I'm the Goddess, and that means the Pharaoh must bend the knee
Alex: what are you gonna do?
Alexa: well this...
She leaned in and brought her lips to his neck.
Alex: oh dear god...
Alexa slowly nibbled and kissed his neck causing the BC member to shiver; he caressed her thigh while the Goddess kept on kissing. She pulled back while she blushed.
Alex: tell me there's no mark on my neck
Alexa: you're all clear
Alex: oh thank you
Alexa: we'll move up slowly, so we can be ready to go all the way
Alex: so that means we can tease each other
Alexa: yes baby
Alex: I can still do this?
Alexa looked down at his hand on her leg.
Alexa: yes, you can touch my legs, but not my cute butt; not yet
She booped his nose.
Alex: damn it
Alexa chuckled.
Alex: well let's surprise Kenny and Riho next week with our chemistry
Alexa: good point, our friends don't know about us yet, so the match is a good opportunity to surprise them
Alex: well Kenny's set up will turn into a surprise from us
The two smiled at each other and kissed.
Alex: come on let's continue our Disney+ marathon; what do you want to watch?
Alexa: Toy Story!
Alex: which one, there's four of them
Alexa: let's make it a marathon!
Alex: alright, part 1 coming up!
He selected from the menu the first of the acclaimed Disney-Pixar movie series Toy Story 1. Alex got some snacks for the both of them just before the movie began. Alexa made herself comfortable by snuggling into Alex's arms while the dual champion placed his hand on her leg.
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