Chapter 33: Cosplay
(The next day)
The trio were relaxing in the living room, but the double champion decided to go out for a morning run.
Alex: I'm gonna take a morning run for WrestleMania, so if you two are gonna go out, call me first
Alexa: okay, enjoy your run
He got up and changed into a pair of basketball shorts and he decided to run shirtless; Alexa and Io got a good look at his six pack.
Alex: I'll see you two later
He left the house and began his jog. Then the girls talked.
Alexa: you know, he's right about something
Io: what?
Alexa: I'm like Tifa and you're like Aerith
Io: is there an idea in your head?
Alexa and Io searched up a clear full render of the two Final Fantasy VII leading ladies.
Alexa Bliss as Tifa
Io Shirai as Aerith
Alexa: let's go shopping
Io: you read my mind
Alexa: but we have to call our baby first, hold on
The Goddess dialed Alex's number and he instantly picked up.
Alex: hello?
Alexa: babe, Io and I are gonna go shopping
Alex: shopping huh? Okay, you two have fun
Alexa: you want anything?
Alex: uh, no I'm good
Alexa: we'll text you once we're home
Alex: okay bye, I love you
Alexa: love you too
The call ended.
Alexa: let's go to the mall
Io: he won't know what's going on
The two girls giggled and left the house as they prepare their surprise for their man.
Meanwhile, Alex has been jogging for a good 10 minutes. He stopped and checked his watch.
Alex: alright let's go 20 minutes
He set his stopwatch and started to jog.
(With the girls)
Alexa and Io went to the mall and walked around until they found a clothing store.
Alexa: hopefully they'll help make these for us.
Io: let's go
The girls went in the store where they're greeted by a friendly female employee.
Employee: welcome, how can we help you today? You two want to buy or want our talented seamstresses to design what type of clothing you desire?
Alexa: yes, can you guys make these clothes exactly like these?
The Goddess showed the employee the full body renders of Tifa and Aerith.
Employee: wonderful, our employees are experts on video game designs
Io: how long will it take?
Employee: well let's get your measurements and sizes and we'll go from there
Alexa: sure
Employee: this way, please
The girls followed the employee to a fitting room to get the sizes and measurements, including the renderings of the Final Fantasy characters.
Employee: we have a lot of fabric in stock, so give us at least thirty minutes to an hour, since given by the looks, it won't be complicated
Alexa: thank you so much
Employee: glad to be of service
As they waited for the clothes, the girls looked over the details of the hair.
Alexa: it seems Tifa has a little hair tie towards the tip, I'll take care of that
Io: can you help with putting Aerith's hair bow for me?
Alexa: sure, I'll fix your hair as well since Aerith's hair is curly and light in color
Io: I got the color
Alexa: and I got hair curlers at home
The two girls waited until the employee called them.
Employee: excuse me girls, your outfits are ready
They got up and went to the claim area.
Employee: alright Tifa Lockhart for you
Alexa: thank you
Employee: and Aerith for you
Io: thank you so much
Alexa paid the amount.
Employee: you girls enjoy
Alexa: thanks
The girls left the store and drove back home.
Alexa: Tifa Blisshart is coming
Io: and Aerith Shirai
Alexa: Alex is in for a treat
Io: I'm so excited on how he'll react
The two girls blushed.
Alex has finished his jog and he went in the house.
Alex: huh, they're not back yet
He went to the shower and washed up. Then he changed and went to the living room to continue his Final Fantasy VII Remake session. As he played he heard the door open and it was his two girlfriends.
Alex: oh hey, you're back
Alexa: how was your jog?
Alex: tiring but worth it; how was the mall?
Io: we bought some stuff
Alex: what stuff?
Alexa: uh, just some clothes; let's go try these on, Io
Io: alright!
He saw them rush upstairs which confused him, but he shrugged and let it go.
Alex: alright Reno, time to shut you up
(In the bedroom)
Alexa and Io had put on their clothes representing Tifa and Aerith respectively. The Goddess helped put on the hair bow on Io, so it can be accurate to the character. Since Alexa didn't want to dye her hair black like Tifa, she decided to buy a wig that was the same hairstyle.
Alexa: how do I look?
Io: you exactly like her, Blisshart
Alexa: and you look exactly like Aerith
Io: ready?
Alexa: let's go
They exited the bedroom.
(With Alex)
Alex: too slow ghost freak; Cloud, Aerith and Tifa are gonna send you back to hell
He fought until he cleared and defeated the boss.
Alex: yes!
Then the game went into the cinematic cutscene. Tifa Blisshart and Aerith Shirai saw that Alex's attention was on the TV.
Alexa: oh Alex
Alex: oh hey, you need anyth- oh my god
As he turned around, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open as he saw his two loves cosplaying as Tifa and Aerith. Alex shook his head and rubbed his eyes to check that's he's not hallucinating. He then looked at the girls and then at the TV and was shocked of the on-point accuracy of the costumes.
Alex: uh...
He covered his nose as he was about to get a nosebleed
Alexa: hello Alex
Alex: ...
He gulped and saw the girls slowly approaching him. Alex made the wise choice of backing up.
Alex: girls, you look very beautiful; oh my god I'm sweating right now
Io: well come sit with us, so we can cool you off
Alexa: we'll watch you play
She handed the controller to him. Alex sat back down on the couch while the two girls sat beside and leaned on him. He tried to focus while his real life Tifa and Aerith are on him. He felt the controller getting moist due to his hands getting sweaty. Alexa noticed his sweat.
Alexa: ooh, someone is hot for us right now
Io: Alex-kun...
Alex: I'm not hot
Alexa: why are you sweating then, hmm?
Alex: I-I...
The girls giggled and kissed his cheek, causing him to drop his controller and fainted on the couch.
Alexa: aww, look at him
Alex: I-I'm fine, I think that's enough gaming for today
He turned off his PS4; as he sat down on the couch, Io/Aerith grabbed his head and cradled him on her chest.
Alex: g-girls
Then Alexa/Tifa proceeded to lay on top of the double champion.
Alex: oh god, I'm in the waifu sandwich
Io: Tifa, let's give it to him
Alexa: you read my mind, Aerith
Io/Aerith fixed her position while the two still retained their spots with Alex in the middle.
Io: now, just keep still and enjoy
Alexa Blisshart went on to kiss him on the lips and Aerith Shirai did her work by kissing the back of his neck. Alex was trapped, but he was loving every second of it. He can hear Io moaning as she kept kissing on his neck.
After the hot three way make out session, the girls were done and they let their man breathe.
Alex: okay, that was...
Io: you enjoyed it, didn't you?
Alex: yes!
They scooted closer to him.
Alex: you two nailed the accuracy down to the finest details
Alexa: well I'm just wearing a wig though
Alex: and you managed to find a wig that fits Tifa's hairstyle; and as for you, Aerith Shirai
Io: yes?
Alex: you really brought Aerith to life; both of you brought the characters to life
Alexa: I may want to compete with this on when I have a match for Stardom
Alex: I'm so lucky
Io: are you gonna play your game?
Alex: I'm gonna let the console rest, the game is hard and challenging
Alexa: well, let's go to our room and rest up
Io: I'm game
Alex: alright
The girls stood up and dragged him by his arms. They went to their room upstairs and took a nap.
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