Chapter 25: Stress Relievers
Alex recalled the night that he has been challenged by three men for his WWE Intercontinental title. One was former champion Buddy Murphy and another was a man he had fought before and survived, Minoru Suzuki; however, Alex has never faced anyone like WALTER, so the Pharaoh watched some of the Austrian Anomaly's matches from NXT UK, WCPW, PROGRESS and wXw.
He watched WALTER did his unforgiving knife edge chop which knocked down his opponent while the crowd reacted with "Ohhh!" Alex cringed and held his chest as he could feel the pain and heard the loud slap echoed through the arena. He continued watching and was shocked to see WALTER's unorthodox athleticism such as the running dropkick and the diving splash.
Alex: for someone his size, he is very agile
Meanwhile, Io and Alexa were watching their man from the kitchen.
Io: look at him
Alexa: he looks so stressed and nervous
Io: let's take away his stress
Alexa and Io smirked and walked to where Alex is.
Io: hey baby
Alexa: what you watching?
Alex: some of WALTER's matches, god damn he has deadly chop
Io: well Alexa and I want to give you another surprise
Alex: girls, I'm still a bit exhausted from the reward last night, so as much as I want to go again, I need to research and analyze my competition
Alexa and Io looked at each other and nodded as they smirked. The Goddess slowly leaned her face in and slowly kissed Alex's neck. The triple champion moaned as he felt the Goddess' soft lips.
Alex: Alexa...
Meanwhile, Io closed his laptop and went in and gently nibbled on his ear lobe. It didn't take too long for Alex to fall under the girls' lustful spell.
Alex: girls... please
Alexa let out her tongue as she licked on the sensitive spot of his neck; Io nibbled more on his ear lobe. The Goddess moved on to kissing his lips with passion while the Genius of the Sky went down to the other side of his neck.
Meanwhile, Alex kissed Alexa back, but he was overpowered as the Goddess inserted her tongue in his mouth. Alex shivered more as he felt Io nibbling on his neck.
After nearly 20 minutes, the two girls pulled back while Alex laid on the couch breathing heavily while he felt aroused.
Io: aww, look at him
Alexa: you alright, babe?
Alex: huh? Oh yeah, I'll be okay; I'm relaxed now
Io heard a notification sound from her phone. She saw it was a message from Kairi.
Io: Kairi wants to have a girl's day out with me and Toni
Alex: you should go; when was the last time you and Kairi saw each other?
Io: long long time, and I miss her so much
Alex: go ahead
Io: you're the best
She kissed his cheek and went up to change. Alexa cupped his chin and turned his head around, so he is looking at the Goddess in her eyes. She brought her face closer to his ear to whisper her desire.
Alexa: and that means, it will be just the two of us
She nibbled on his ear lobe, making Alex shiver. The two saw Io dressed in her casual clothing as she was about to leave.
Io: I'll see you two later, and Alexa; keep him company
Alexa gave Io a thumbs up as they watched Io leave.
Alexa positioned herself by sitting and straddling on Alex. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
Alexa: what do you want to do today?
Alex: I was thinking, when was the last time we went to the mall?
Alexa's face lit up as she hugged the Pharaoh tight to the point he was suffocating.
Alex: Alexa... can't breathe...
Alexa: sorry babe!
Alex held his chest and breathed hard. Alexa put her hands on his cheeks.
Alexa: why are Io and I got so lucky?
Alex: because I love the both of you
He kissed her forehead which made her pout.
Alexa: that peck is not enough to satisfy me
She then kissed his lips with force and passion; Alex was surprised of the force, but instantly kissed the Goddess back. Their little kiss turned into a make out session. Alexa's hands were combing his hair and scratching his back; Alex's hands were massaging her back and caressing her legs. Alex moved down to the Goddess' neck, which made her give out soft moans. After their make out session, they pulled back.
The couple showered and dressed up for their outing. The moment they got into Alex's car, the couple were confronted by the annoying Elliot Sexton along with his SMUG cameraman.
Alexa: what the hell you doing back here?
Alex: you had the guts to show your face here again
Elliot: well I have some unfinished business with you Young Blood
Alex: says the guy who got the Blood Cutter because he can't keep his mouth shut
Elliot: I just came here to challenge you to a match this Monday
Alex: what?
Elliot: you versus me
Alex: you got yourself a fight
Elliot: there's a catch
Alex: what is your stipulation?
Elliot: Alexa here is the special guest referee
Alex: yet here you are, hitting on my girlfriend; put this in that dumb thick head of yours... Alexa is my girlfriend, you understand?
He said as he poked Elliot's head.
Elliot: if I win, Alexa has to be in my blogs video for my channel
Alexa: I told you, I will never be a part of your channel
Alex: better leave before this gets ugly
Elliot: I'll leave, but can I ask one more question?
Alex: make it quick
Elliot turned to Alexa.
Elliot: can I have your number?
That was enough to provoke Alexa and Alex; the Goddess kicked Sexton low and Alex finished him off with a Blood Cutter.
Then the couple got in their car and drove off.
(25 minutes later)
The couple parked in front of the mall.
Alexa: let's see what we can buy here
Alex: doesn't matter what we will buy here, the main thing is that we are spending time together, just the two of us
Alexa: aww, I love you
Alex: I love you too; now let's go
Alex and Alexa went into the mall with their arms linked together while the Goddess hugged his arm. The couple looked around admiring the mall's atmosphere until they found a store that interests them. The store they went to sells video game apparel mostly on Nintendo and Sega. What caught Alexa's attention was the classic, old school handheld console, the Nintendo Game Boy.
Alexa: oh my god, I had this as a kid
Alex: me too, but mine was the later Game Boy Color model
Alexa: we're so old
Alex: yeah
They continued to look around the store until they found some stuff that they want. After that, the Goddess was hungry, so being the good boyfriend he is, Alex brought her to the food court. He ordered for Alexa a burger and fries and for him, a chicken salad. The Pharaoh gave the Goddess her food, but Alexa was concerned of what her man was just eating.
Alexa: that's all you're gonna eat, babe?
Alex: yeah
Alexa: it's enough for you?
Alex: I have my protein and vegetables, so I'm good
Alexa: are you on diet?
Alex: yeah, and this diet, I can't eat the food you have now
Alexa: you were really big before?
Alex: yeah, until I went on this diet; I went from 267 to 216
Alexa: that's a big change
Alex: it really helped though
The couple ate their lunch and Alex took it upon himself to buy Alexa an ice cream cone.
Alexa: you didn't get one for yourself?
Alex: I can't eat ice cream on my diet
Alexa: aww, even ice cream too?
Alex: unfortunately
He took a sip of his water. Then Alexa had a mischievous grin on her face as an idea came into her head. The Goddess smeared the ice cream on Alex's neck, causing him to shiver.
Alex: Alexa, w-what was that for?
What caused Alex to shiver is not from the ice cream's coldness, but something better. Alexa then nibbled and licked on his neck, cleaning away the ice cream.
Alex: A-Alexa...
Alexa: shh, let's go home and continue from there
She whispered in his ear.
The two left the mall and drove for home; what Alexa has in store for Alex will really take away his stress.
(20 minutes later)
They arrived back at their house. As the two went inside, Alexa immediately attacked Alex with a passionate kiss. Alex held Alexa as he lost his balance and fell on the couch.
The couple had a make out session for a good 15 minutes; Alexa moaned with pleasure as she felt Alex's hands massaging and squeezing her biscuit butt. Alexa pulled back and laid her head on his chest while she giggled.
Alex: I find it sick and disgusting that fans "like" this more than your cute pets
He said as he continued to massage her biscuit butt.
Alexa: I know, I try my best to ignore it and let it go
Alex: if any fans comment; I'll be there to step in and tell them to back off
Alexa smiled and kissed his nose.
Alexa: you're so sweet to protect me
Alex: let's take a nap
Alexa: I feel comfy here
Alex: okay
The two took a nap on the couch while they cuddled.
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