Chapter 2 Act 2: Mysterious Act
Paimon, Chongyun and the traveler look at the cave where Shoko were as Chongyun getting worried. He quickly finished his popsicle as he slowly stood up "w-we have to help her" he say. Paimon quickly look at him "but! Are you sure you okay?" She ask as she look at the traveler as he took his sword as she look at Chongyun as she sighed "alright let's go.... But please becareful" she say. Chongyun nods as he went to the cave as the traveler look at the cave and he took a peek as he saw Shoko lying on the ground.
"Paimon! Chongyun! Come here help me up!" Say him. Chongyun quickly went to the cave as he widened his eyes "Ms Shoko!" He say as he quickly went beside her and he touch her forehead as he close his eyes Paimon covered her mouth "oh no.... Is she.... Possessed?" She say as Chongyun opened his eyes as he look at Paimon and the traveler "well should go back.... Please help me put Ms Shoko on my back" he say. The traveler look at him as he nods, he then carried the unconscious Shoko to his back as they went back to Liyue harbor.
Shoko still look at the guy who threw the vision towards the other person as she crossed her arm 'why did he do that? Could he steal this? But is it.... Possible?' She thoughts suddenly she heard a faint voice as she look around 'this voice.... Is this.... Chongyun's voice?' She say then she close her eyes as she took a deep breath. "Ms Shoko, please wake up" he say faintly as Shoko opened her eyes then she smiles then she look back at the guy who held the vision then she look at the guy who look at the vision in his hand.
Shoko close her eyes as she slowly opened her eyes as she look around then she slowly sat down as she rubbed her head "ouch.... My head" she say. Then she look around as she was in a room, Shoko raised an eyebrow as she slowly stood up 'this.... Isn't my place' She thought. Suddenly she heard a sound of the door opened as she Shoko widened her eyes. Chongyun came inside as he saw Shoko standing then he smiles "Ms, Shoko!" He say as he put the bowl on the cup broad as he quickly went to her.
"A-are you okay Ms, Shoko? How's your condition?" He say. Shoko look at Chongyun as she rubbed her head "where am I? How did I got here?" She asked. Chongyun rubbed his cheek as he slowly look away "you faint inside the cave and me with the traveler had to carry you back to Liyue harbor.... Good thing my place near so I can carry you here" he say. Shoko quickly look at Chongyun "wait, you carried me all the way here?" She say as Chongyun slowly nodded "y-yes.... Don't worry about your belongings I put it downstairs" he say.
Shoko look at him from awhile as she slightly smiles then she shook her head then, she look back at the window as she crossed her arm. Chongyun look at her as he tilted his head "M-Ms, Shoko.... Is there something wrong?" He asked. Shoko then glance at Chongyun as she took something on her pocket then she show it to him "this what cause the racks within the cave" she say. Chongyun look at the vision as he widened his eyes "A vision.... How?" He say confused. Shoko look at the vision as she sighed "this is gonna be long.... But here me out...." she say as she look at the window.
To Be Continue
Chapter 2 Act 3: Mysterious Act part 2
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