Chapter 1 Act 3: Survivor of Inzuma?
Chongyun look at Shoko as he raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arm Paimon widened her eyes as she glance at the Traveler "you, from Inazuma? But isn't it was a closed nation?" She say. Shoko look at Paimon and she slightly smiles "yes, you can say.... But I was a representative of Inazuma to look for someone" she say Paimon look at her as he raised an raised an eyebrow "someone? And who is it if I may ask?" Chongyun look at her as Shoko look at Chongyun "well I'm sorry but it's quite a classified for now" she say.
Paimon look at her as she glance at her hand and she widened her eyes "y-you a vision barier? I-I heard from Kazuha that this vision hunt decree had been hunting those who had gifted with vision" she say. Shoko smirks as she look at Paimon "oh, you met.... Kaedahara Kazuha?" She say. The traveler look at her as he elbowed her Paimon look at him as she covered her mouth, Chongyun who had been left out he just look at Shoko as he glance at her hand "excuse me but I can't helped by seeing the thing that you holding" he say.
Shoko look at Chongyun as she look at the Omamori in her hand "oh, this.... We call this Omamori same like how you use you seal or something like that, am I right? Mr, Exorcist?" She say as she smiles. Chongyun look at her as he widened his eyes. "Don't be so surprised.... I think we both shared something in common" she say as she smiles. Chongyun tilted his head "you also a Exorcist?" He asked. Shoko smiles as she put her index finger on her lips as she wink "anyway what are you guys doing here?" She asked.
The traveler look at the cave as he glance at Chongyun. Chongyun look at the cave as he look at the traveler "ahh.... I senses some spiritual activity inside this mine" he say, Shoko look at the cave as she glance at the omamori on her hand 'is this where they took it?' She thinks. Chongyun look at her as he glance at the Omamori that suddenly glowed "M-Ms Shoko" he say. Shoko look at the Omamori as she quickly took her bow "this is bad..." she say as Paimon look at the cave suddenly glow "w-what just happened?" She say.
Shoko look at Chongyun as she smiles "sir Exorcist.... Mind if I lend you a hand?" She say. Chongyun look at her as he quickly nods as his eyes sparkled 'this is first that someone really asked my help' he thoughts. Shoko look at the cave and she look at the traveler "traveler please tell the people near the mine to leave immediately.... Me and sir Exorcist might need space to capture this spirit.... Looks like the treasure holders make them mad so good" she say. Paimon quickly look at Shoko as she widened her eyes "treasure holders!?" She say.
Shoko waved her hand as she glance at Chongyun who getting ready with his somekind of seal "hurry!" She demands. The traveler nods as he look at Paimon and dragged her as they leave. Chongyun look at Shoko as he glance at the cave "so, Ms Shoko.... What we gonna do?" He say. Shoko just smiles as she give him the omamori "I let you decide this is your area I should let you lead.... Let's do yours and if it's failed.... We do my way" she say. Chongyun look at the Omamori as he quickly look at Shoko then he smiles "I'll be honored!" He say.
Chapter 1; Quest Complete.
Chapter 2, Act 1: Unusual Vision
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