okay, so here are my opinions on reveals (specifically on wp). you dont have to listen to them or anything, they're just what i think.
full body reveals are always a no. go ahead and do face reveals all you want--if you're deleting them later and they aren't your passport photo or anything, that's cool--but there are a lot of pedos on this website, and if you're a child posting a full body reveal in anything even moderately form-fitting, that's probably not gonna end well.
let me add: this doesn't apply to adults, unless you want it to. there are a lot of very young children on here--i know because i was one (was! i'm over 13 now). if you are younger than thirteen or even eighteen, don't post a full body reveal. it's pedo bait.
okay, so i get that you wanna show off your fire fit. honestly, go ahead. put the empty clothes on the floor or your bed or smth and take a picture. if you rly rly want to show them on, cover your face. don't wear revealing clothes, though, please.
stay safe out there! <3
uncensored face reveals. they're probably not what you think i'm talking abt. i don't mean your face uncensored--i mean when you post a picture that has a stranger's face in it, or your friend or relative or whatever, and you don't cover it.
of course, if you've got permission from that person, then go ahead. but i know that personally, none of my friends know i have an acc on here and i would never tell them. consent is key! a lot of people don't like having their pictures online. it's different on a private acc on instagram or tiktok or something, but wattpad accounts are (mainly) public, and anyone can see them.
please don't post your unwilling friend on here! even if they have in the past said that they're okay with their face on social media, that can change, and maybe they meant on your priv insta acc, not on wattpad.
just be careful, and always make sure that if you post a face reveal, you're only posting yourself.
where-you-live reveals are never a good idea. sorry to break it to you. i will say that it can be a good idea to disclose a little bit of where you are located on this wide earth--mainly bc if you've got friends on here, it's useful to know their timezone so you aren't spamming them in the middle of the night. but never say your city, and please never never never say neighborhood or especially school.
if someone's trying to pressure you into saying the name of your city or school or whatever, lie. google a random school and tell them that's where you go. block them. a stranger's approval is not worth your safety.
the most that i usually say when asked where i live is in the PST time zone, united states. for context: that's on the left side of the us, near california and oregon and arizona and all those states. honestly, i don't think it's too bad of an idea to say your state, because there is a lot of people in one state, but still, be careful with who you tell that info to.
never, ever, say your address on social media. i don't care that this is your closest online friend who you've known for years--if you haven't met in person, don't do it. please. if they're pressuring you to, they're not your friend.
name reveals are something i've already touched on a bit in this book. basically, i don't think there's anything wrong with revealing your first name on here, or anywhere on social media. first names are pretty common, and it's extremely rare and maybe even impossible for someone to have one that is completely unique. a stalker can't find you by just your first name.
last names, though, are more iffy. if you're an author on here who wants to be known (and is above eighteen!) then go ahead. if you're not, then please don't. it's harder to find children by their full names than it is adults, but still dangerous.
on another note--don't share your family or friend's names, either! they don't want their full names on here. they might not even want their first names. make up a name, who's gonna know? or just initial them.
middle name is fine, because most important documents and such aren't done with your middle name, or if they are, it's initialed. i think--it's totally possible that they could be completely dangerous to give out and i just don't know.
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