guys are dicks.
okay, i'll retract that statement. most guys are dicks--at least the ones i interact with, which is mostly over snap, so i guess high school/middle school guys who add every girl on their quick add are mainly the ones who are dicks.
i don't rly have a reasons list for this one, sorry. it just annoys me so much! bc my type is the nerdier quiet guys, but they don't talk to girls and i do nottt have that confidence. the confident guys are the wyll guys, but also, they're so ew. like soo ew. it's cute that you're snapping me back in like a minute, but also you added me off quick add, so you added other girls too, and i bet you're snapping them back quick also.
honestly makes me feel like shit most of the time. i don't wanna tell you what i look like! i don't wanna have those little 'wsp; nm' convos bc they mean absolutely nothing and don't even feel like myself! but then there's three guys snapping me back rly quick and it makes me happy.
those guys are such dicks, though. i've had a few ask for nudes right when i add them. i've heard stories of guys unadding after you send them what you look like.
okay but also, the guys i'm friends with irl are also all annoying. maybe not dicks, but they just don't communicate well with girls? like one just doesn't have boundaries, the other was just plain weird, the last didn't understand my (female) friend's feelings, and the very last was gay so he doesn't count.
okay maybe i'm a bit biased bc i find it hard to make friends w guys (mainly bc half of them are annoying) but still.
this is also not pointed towards any guys on here just so yk. unless you're one of the guys i mentioned, you're probably the sweetest and i don't mean anything bad i promise
okay so i was reading this book--if only i had told her, the sequel to if he had been with me. and there's a chapter from the love interest (guy)'s pov, and he's actually the sweetest and i'd be so blessed to be friends w him irl but then i read the chapter and? he's sexualizing the m/c from the first book and agreeing with the disgusting locker room talk the other guys are saying abt her? which just makes me lose all hope.
yk what else makes me lose all hope for humanity? rape. okay so ik that was a very vertigo-inducing change of topics but i swear it's relevant.
a thirteen-year-old boy and his similarly aged friends raped and murdered one of their two-year-old sister. two year old! that's insane. not to be sexist, but you don't hear those stories with the gender swapped.
i'm not saying it's all men--of course it's not! it's never all of anything. you can't generalize an entire group of people like that. but why is it mainly men? why have there only been six female justices in the entire history of 116 supreme court justices, and on that topic, why have there only been 3 black justices, ever?
that's fucked up.
there's never been a woman president.
okay this is kinda turning into a political rant (but it's valid not abt democrats vs republicans) so i'll stop it now.
hope you enjoyed (or not? idk if anyone is rly reading these anyways i'm kinda just ranting here)
: )
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