Skyfall (Challenge 16)
Wes seems to be the only survivor in this empty city, so he thought.
He treks amongst the wasted, using his motorcycle he earned on his sixteenth birthday as a gift from his family. His most treasured item. Yet as he looks ahead, remains of what's left of the human race. Bodies lying on the ground, faces so gruesome to see. Wes completely pays no attention to any of the dead.
He only has one task to do. Save the human race. With a rocket launcher attached to his armor plated back. He continues his ride down a faltering road.
And now he's the only salvation.
Wesley Lopez is his full name, yet he likes to go by Wes. Seventeen years old. He's one of the most young, upcoming decorated soldiers in America's only active and living city, New Hope City. He's an orphan.
His parents died in what New Hope City called the Fallen. He lost his older brother, Jeremy, in a nasty fight against the viral aliens Commander Elise Rodgers, leader of the New Hope Armada, called the Descended.
A year ago on a clear day, Earth was so peaceful. However, that changed drastically when the Descended came. They weren't Roswell. This alien force was these dark vapors that blanketed the atmosphere. Once it began the fall like rain, there was no stopping that day.
What was so calm, families having fun and humans going to work, had now become apocalyptic.
The Descended like a parasite, infected most of the human race-men, women, children, even nature's children...the animals that walked this ground. All either died instantly with intense organ failure, and skin combustion. While the others still infected are eventually possessed to be use as hosts.
Lives were lost. Cities were destroyed.
That day the Descended fell to earth, using our skies as a road to our extinction, became the Fallen. Commander Rodgers used the late President FDR's words very cautiously, yet appropriate. "This day will live in infamy."
Since that day, whatever army forces left scrimmaged to the then New York City, the only city that has a fighting chance to stand against these virulent monsters. Commander Rodgers took control and formed the armada. The Secretary of State became the President, renamed New York City as New Hope City, as a stronghold to the remaining Americans and surviving immigrants trying to find a new home. However, the Descended has nested themselves around the world, the areas that they took over.
Their ultimate goal was clear from the start.
They wanted Earth, but it took near-genocide to do it.
Suddenly there was a sign of hope. A big opportunity to end the Descended and take back this planet. A scientist, Dr. Arlen Gray, created an EPM-designed chip. He told the commander that this chip would reprogram a satellite to emit waves. The waves would beam up and create a distortion to eradicate the vapors. However, it has to be launched at the satellite like a rocket.
Commander Rodgers made the decision. She realized that since their man-made rockets were taken down, they needed a rocket launcher. She soon ordered one brave soul.
She gave him a great, immeasurable task.
"You must take this specialized RPG-7." She showed him the weapon, a highly-modernized rocket launcher that can truly fire further distances, even up to space. "Take it to..." After talking quickly to Dr. Gray, who gave her the proper spot, she looked back at Wes. She resumed, "Take it to this place."
She took out a single paper slip. She handed off to Wes. He opened it up, and it revealed the location.
Harney Peak of South Dakota
Wes looked back up and nodded. Commander Rodgers smiled and ordered a jet to come quickly. He noticed Dr. Gray and another solider prepped the launcher. Wes gulped a little bit. He wondered why she would choose him, out of the one million soldiers in the armada. No matter, he knew the fate of the humanity rested in his hands.
Taking his motorcycle to the Black Elk Wilderness, Wes slowly rides as he dreads even though he's protected from trees. There could be Descended-infected humans resting around.
He moves along increasing his speed. He was happy he told the commander can he use his cycle, instead of just having the jet bringing him close. The Descended could be anticipating any aircraft. Even though the commander is still a strict general at first, she always cares for her assets. She wanted to make sure about that, and told Wes to be careful.
He takes her words to heart and promised the mission will be a success.
Parking his cycle close to the edge of the rocky mountain, He takes the launcher and as well his climbing equipment. He quickly straps himself in the black harness, slips on his climbing shoes, and connects the yellow climbing rope to the harness. After a few minutes, he reattaches the rocket launcher to his back.
He steps forward to the edge; he lays his right hand over the first rock crease he can find. As he begins his ascension, he finds any open crease. It takes him another hour to reach to the top, trying to be cautious. Understanding it will be a fatal mistake if he drops.
Once he gets atop the peak, he reaches to the coordinates he was told. He rushes to the exact spot, in the center. He hastily aims the launcher up, from his right shoulder, in a 90° angle. Beginning to hear snake-like sounds. He knows what those haunting sounds are.
They're here.
Quickly, he bends down to one knee.
He fires.
A few minutes in, what he sees in a hazy shimmer in the grim air. And then he closes his eyes, he waits. He waits again.
Suddenly, the wait's over. He hears a thunderous bang, snake-like sounds in pain.
He opens his eyes widen in excitement. He whispers.
"The path I took. I have succeeded."
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