Operation: L.O.S.E.R.S
After being intercepted by the KND probably awaiting many charges he's soon to face, Wally can't help but replay in his thoughts what just transpired just a few minutes ago. Wally should've been a whole new person to the teenage girl but yet things escalated so fast.
Wally is handcuffed in the prisoner shuttle in one of the ships heading to the moon base. The time of day now being obvious night as they blast through the sky breaching the atmosphere with ease. He totally forgot about his decommissioning with how all the events with Fanny played out.
He didn't really even get to say goodbyes to any previous operatives or associates. Not his newly introduced sector, not any new friends he's made after his whole generation was long gone, not even some non KND friends he possibly made through the KND like Tommy Gilligan or as he should've been known as Numbuh T.
The highly advanced 2 by 4 space shuttles reach the moon base with ease as the door to his mini prison opens. Two miniature operatives hold him by both arms and escort him out of the vehicle.
He could easily take two operatives of this level with handcuffs on, maybe even a foot or an eye he could handle them still. Wally creeps through the moonbase hallways as silent as he'd ever be in his life.
"Is this really it? All these years spent doing what I love most about to be forgotten just like that? No matter how high I rank or how much I've dedicated myself and my sector to the KND we could still get decommissioned?" Wally thought while kicking his feet down the sturdy metal floors of the moonbase.
The group of operatives arrive at the decommissioning chamber in the main speech room at the moonbase, known for famous or the decommissioning of public operatives as a tribute to their services. Tons of rows of seats house the tall wide area of the room, obvious for holding as many operatives as possible to witness the decommissioning that would happen in this room. A table and altar used to close friends or the sector of the operative to most likely sit at to say their goodbyes stood to the side.
But no operatives were present.
Wally and the group that intercepted him on his way home were the only group of operatives in the room. They marched quickly with purpose dragging the supreme leader to the depth black room.
"So I might have possibly been a few hours late to my decommissioning and made a few errands that are also just as bad of KND offenses, but I don't get a proper send off? That's just cruddy." Wally scoffs at the unwilling to speak low rank operatives.
"Who said this would be your guaranteed decommissioning?" A voice sternly spoke from the darkness of the chamber. Then a tall dreadlocked man dressed in a green jacket and blue jeans, shoes pitched as black as the ominous darkness coming from the unlit room in-front of Wally.
"Numbuh 9 of the KND teen force at your service supreme leader" Maurice states while kneeling to the restricted Aussie boy. Wally was conflicted and confused, this is the same guy that he watched get decommissioned in front of his eyes as he sat at the same table a few steps away. He bawled his eyes out for the brave operative no longer than three years ago but teen force? He remembers his number and he should be about what sixteen at this point now?
"W-what?! What do you mean by "teen force" and weren't you decommissioned? What is going on here!?" Wally questioned the mature teenage boy.
Maurice can't help but facepalm at the clueless boy who's supposed to be the current supreme leader. Usually Maurice was told that the supreme leaders known of the teen force operatives of the KND, but it seems Wally is a first.
"Listen here dude, I'm gonna keep it short. I wasn't decommissioned because I'm a special operative chosen to keep fighting for the KND alright? When the supreme leader goes out of line we're here to lead in the shadows as you see from you running from decommissioning." Maurice informs the still obviously visually lost Wally.
"So what you're saying is, your still an operative but as a teen? And you ordered them to come get me since I was late to be decommissioned?" Wally exclaims to the surprise of everyone else in the room. No one really expected the thick headed Australian operative to understand the situation so quickly.
"Well...yeah basically, but I have a really important choice for you to make. You ready to make this decision for your future in the KND?" Maurice asks Wally. The mood of the room suddenly got serious, much more serious than before.
"Will you take your leave as the supreme leader and be decommissioned regularly and return to regular life, or will you join us prestigious operatives and be a member of the forever KND?" Maurice questions Wally in a very serious tone.
Wally practically knew a question like this would be coming, he never expected such a league of operatives to exist but after Nigel declined joining the GKND it could only make sense at that point.
"Did ya ask the rest of my friends to join you too..?" Wally whispers facing the floor silently. Maurice and the other operatives in the room look at each other with faces that could be seen as asking the same question.
Before anyone could respond, the supreme leader quickly double tapped his foot on the ground, confusing everyone when he did it so abruptly.
Suddenly, the restraints on Wally release and before anyone in the room could react they were already planted face first into the ground, Maurice avoids the attack from the infamous butt kicking operative and jumps out the way.
"You can't beat the whole KND Numbuh 4! No matter where you run you can't escape your fate!" Maurice yells into the insanely large metal room searching for any sight of Wally.
"I've got to thank Fanny for teaching me that hidden restraint mechanism one day, if only that was possible though." Wally thought as he scales down the pit of seemingly endless decommissioning chambers. The old rusty dented metal walls almost seem like a rock climbing wall as Wally climbs down it with ease.
Reaching the bottom leads him to the garbage pit of the moon base. It's covered in pizza boxes, ice cream containers, and mountains of soda cans.
"Ugh, it smells cruddy down here!" Wally stammers as he rummages through the waste left behind my the moon base operatives. He searched and looked for anything in this waste that could be used to help him in this situation. He thrashed and scuffled some more through the heaps of children's leftover treats till his touch feels a loose floor panel. His face seemingly shifting from panic to curiosity as removes the floor panel to reveal a deep dark hole with a slide that leads to who knows where.
"Was Numbuh 1 actually serious about having a secret base IN THE moonbase?! That cruddy fool is a workaholic!" Wally says as he references a time back to when he ignored vital information during a sector meeting before his team was decommissioned. It was practically nothing new for him besides when his ears caught a glimpse of secret hideouts on every known KND treehouse and base.
Wally takes a deep breathe before jumping into the hole, the slide felt rusty and far from a smooth trip downwards, obviously hinting at the fact that this was probably made long ago. The slide seemed to take ages with many twists and turns that seemed to get worse every time, there was no way anyone not wearing gear could go through this tunnel without a few scrapes and bruises.
Wally finally falls into a small house like structure, landing feet first onto floor of the area. The walls were covered in 2 by 4 technology and other gear, it was an amount comparable to an average sector's treehouses weaponry room.
"I knew the guy was mad, but I didn't think he was THIS crazy..." Wally thought to himself as he rummaged through the weapons and shelves of the small shack of tools. He knew no matter how many weapons he loaded or how prepared he was in his gear it would never be enough to fight a whole base of operatives, especially a high ranking one like the moonbase.
He decides to go with a handmade 2 by 4 grappling hook, made from what seems like metal scraps and arts and crafts supplies and a bag of mini explosives based on things to slow the expected chase down. He grabs a helmet and steps outside and gazes out at his surroundings to find nothing in sight, not even the moonbase was in distance from where he was.
"What a guy to make a base on the opposite side of the moon, hopefully he didn't forget a ship.." Wally pondered as he searched around the surrounding area for any 2 by 4 transportation to get him back to earth. The loud sounds of approaching moonbase operatives quickly come into earshot flustering the teenage fugitive in his tracks. He runs back into the house and hides, while the operatives close in Wally can only begin to panic looking for any way to escape this hell hole of a situation.
"I can't get captured here, I still have things to do in the KND, I still have friends I need to say goodbye to, I still have promises to keep!" Wally thought as he slammed his hand against the wall. The sudden slam caused the house to shake uncontrollably until it blasted off into the sky on course for the earth.
"A HOUSE AS A SHIP? DUUUDE!" Wally shouts as the floor of the small house reveals an average 2 by 4 flying station that replaced where a couch was one sitting. He struggles to get in range to fly the ship as he's being shot down by his pursuers. He dashes towards the control panel and stabilizes the aircraft, dodging anything he can while trying to maintain balance.
"SURRENDER NUMBUH 4, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE!" An operative states on a strong speaker yells while the ongoing barrage of 2x4 contraptions spraying the fleeing Aussie continues. Wally dips low plowing the steering wheel as far down as it can go, leading the at least dozen traveling ships on a chase after him. His course is rapidly approaching a planet and his speed doesn't seem to have a limit.
"I've got to time this perfectly or else I'm mincemeat!" Wally thought as he thrusts the steering wheel downwards in a one last push. The spacecraft reaches maximum acceleration and the speed scale glass breaks as he hurries towards the escape pod every spacecraft will have. He hops in it and hurriedly presses the big bold red button reading "RUN" and flies upwards past the hoard of operatives chasing the now empty COOLBUS.
He watches from his pod window as the ship crashes and all the approaching ships halt last second, some unable to stop the massive acceleration and crashing along with it. He sighs in relief at the sight and checks the time on his KND specialized watch. It reads "0700" in army time, equaling to 7am earth time and just about the time most kids would be getting up for school.
"Oh Crud! I better pick up the pace before I'm late to school!" Wally exclaims as he changes his destination from his house to Gallagher elementary school. He lays back and looks through the window into space, unknowing of what the future holds as the now most wanted fugitive in the eyes of every KND operative. If he didn't already have so many eyes staring at him at school imagine the amount he'll have now.
As the unstable escape pod enters the atmosphere of the earth it quickly starts flying down fast, Wally tries his best to redirect the location towards one of the sector treehouses but to no avail. He manually start arranging the wires in the control panel as the ship crash lands smack down into a backyard littered with junk and mechanical parts all around.
"What the crud is this place!" Wally shouts emerging from the now space rubble of his escape pod. He glances around at the piles of scrap metal and spare parts covering the backyard like an auction house. He climbs his way out of the crater his landing created as he hears the backdoor of the mansion in front of him slam open.
"Those brats next door have the nerve to crash their two by toy technology into our backyard it seems Mr. Wink" Mr. Fibb speaks as the duo emerge in a walking super chair while scouting the area. They walk past a now hiding Wally buried underneath a pile of spare nuts and bolts, and then discover the ship he crash landed in.
"It seems you were right Mr. Fibb, it seems some of their technology can finally be put to good use." Mr. Wink snickers while inspecting what remains of the measly escape pod. As they grab whatever they can manage, Numbuh 4 slowly creeps his way out of the rubble and hops the fence and makes a mad dash towards the direction of the school. He glances at his watch that he nipped from the escape house Nigel made and notices he has only 5 minutes till the door closes at 8:00am for school.
"Oh Crud! If I'm late to school on the second day my mom is gonna kill me!" Wally shouts picking up his pace and sprinting as fast as he can. The sunlight reflects off his now sweaty body covered in scratches and bruises from the night of chaos he just went through. The school finally comes into view as he slowly starts to lose speed and his body can no longer listen to what he wants.
"Oh this is just fucking great..." Wally thinks as he collapses at the steps of the school. His eyes slowly start closing against his will when he hears a faint familiar voice calling out before he loses consciousness completely. Wally finally comes to patched up in the nurse's office from his injuries he sustained just a few hours earlier. He weakly lifts his fatigued arm to check the time on his watch that now reads 9:27 am.
He gazes around at the white curtains surrounding him and sits up. The simply swift motion of him lifting himself instantly activates a mind-splitting headache and causes the boy to grip his head lightly with one of his hands and grunt in pain. The grunt seemed to alert someone on the other side of the curtains as they move them out the way almost instantly in response to the young boys awakening.
The boy's face lightly flushes in red at the sight of the frizzy red hair girl now in front of him, remembering his little intrusion at her house just before his capture. Fanny's face visually seemed a bit worried at first glance but shifts to more of a relived expression as she quickly embraces the wounded boy tightly. The small sudden hug that lasted a few seconds seemed everlasting to the boy as the warmth of her body became soothing. She realized quickly what she was doing and erupted into a mad blush and let go of Wally and stepped back a bit.
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to suddenly hug ya like that. I was just...really worried about you." Fanny whispers while looking down still blushing madly, the words and thoughtfulness of the redhead send the worldwide fugitive into a red blush as well. The two avoid eye contact in silence for a few moments before Wally takes a deep breathe and prepares himself to say some words he never imagined saying.
"Thank you...I'm glad you f-feel that way. I really do a-appreciate it." Wally stutters managing to get the whole sentence out of his mouth. The former head of decommissioning grins from ear to ear while moving the rest of the curtains out of the way.
"Y'know, you're heavier than you look. For only being slightly taller than me it took everything to carry you down the hall to here." Fanny tells Wally as he takes a look around the nurses office. Not a place he'd ever think he'd be, no matter how injured he was he always took this area as a place for crybabies. He shifts himself and tries to stand but winces in pain at the touch of the floor.
"Ya shouldn't be moving yet, the nurse is nowhere to be found so I had to fix ya up myself. It'll take all day for bruises like that to settle down, what did you even do to get that badly hurt before school started?" Fanny questions the boy as he sits back up on the bed now realizing his shirt is missing. Fanny notices she forgot to put his shirt back on and hands it to him while blushing at bit at the sight of the blondes chest.
"This girl was able to fix me up regardless of her memories as a former member of the health unit being erased. She's more of a prodigy than I thought it seems..." Wally daydreamed as Fanny takes a seat in a chair next to the bed. He notices her fiddling with her fingers besides him and ponders why she insists on staying with him.
"You've got class right? I'll be fine you should get going." Wally states as Fanny looks up at him. She stands up and sits on the edge of the bed besides Wally causing the boy to get a bit flustered on the inside at this.
"I just wanted to make sure you'll be okay. That's what friends do right?" Fanny responds looking at Wally as he goes red at the mention of the words "friends." He didn't think he had any since everyone was decommissioned. Her company made him feel as relaxed as he's been in a while, considering the loss of his team and her recent decommissioning that happened not even a week ago.
"I guess you can stay for a little while." Wally murmurs as he turns over and lays back down facing away from the newly acquired friend of his. He didn't exactly entirely agree with the thought that they're friends but she did rescue him from being captured in the middle of the open and patched him up, the least he could do is give her the satisfaction.
He glances over his shoulder at the now sleeping ginger girl. The slight sunlight that came from the window beamed on her giving Wally a detailed look at all her features. He noticed the bandages on her hands and some bruises along with it. She most likely wasn't completely rid of her rust from being a health unit operative so long ago and hurt herself while fixing him.
He sits up and places the blanket over Fanny in the chair and gathers whatever he had in his pockets off the desk. He knows it would only bring trouble to her as an accomplice if he was caught in here with her after her decommissioning, she'd be seen as an enemy of the knd without even knowing what it is yet. He takes one last look at the sleeping girl before removing a certain book off a bookshelf in the corner revealing a secret slide most likely a knd underground schoolbase. He jumps down and the doors close behind him as the assumed sleeping Fanny stands up at the sound of the contraption closing and wonders where the hot headed aussie could've wondered off to.
Wally slides down the dark tight tunnel, obviously not much thought has been put into keeping the slide in shape. The smell alone could stop someone from thinking of going down if the claustrophobic warnings and cracks in the slide weren't enough. Wally slams into a pile of old pillows, the fluff not even of enough softness anymore to provide a crash landing. Numbuh 4 mumbles under his breathe a few foul words for the extra pain added onto his already battered body, but he quickly took cover behind a rock after hearing footsteps and chatter coming his direction.
"You know Cam, personally I think Numbuh 4 is the greatest KND operative ever! I don't care if he's the biggest fugitive to the KND, he's still a hero in my eyes!"
"I agree Sam, He really is the coolest!"
"I got fans now eh?"
The twin operatives dart their heads to find a scrambled blonde boy with shaggy hair reaching his shoulders. His emerald green eyes emanating a beautiful glare complimenting the rest of his face. His short sleeve white shirt and dark blue jeans with tiny rips and tears throughout both accompanied by his newly dirty white shoes. The operatives labeled as Numbuh 90 and Numbuh 90.5 looked almost puzzled at the claim of the aussie.
"Right?" The two operatives speak in turns then finish the sentence completely. The operatives loaded head to toe in KND gear resembling the old operatives Numbuh 44&45 but both of them being females instead, most likely the younger twin sisters of the two. They stare him up and down and both burst out into uncontrollable laughter as if he told them a joke.
"You can't be serious right?! You? Our supreme leader? I mean you've got the height but you're way too good looking to be comparing yourself to someone like Wallabee Beatles." Numbuh 90.5 says as the two female operatives stop their laughter and fix themselves while circling and inspecting the slightly taller vigilante. The two pick at his clothes and inspect his hair but most importantly, the two can't avert their gaze from his eyes.
"You certainly do kind of resemble the supreme leader but the guy always has that irritatingly smug bowl cut and covering his eyes. I've never seen green eyes in person and that makes you like a super model compared to him!" Numbuh 90 chirps as the other twin tugs at the boys arm and coos. Wally visibly has a distasteful look on his face from the response of the two operatives.
"Whateva, can you two help me find the way to lunch? I kind of don't wanna be seen by anyone else in a KND underground hideout." Wally asks the practically cadet combat skill operatives while rummaging through the dusty KND vehicles that seem to have not been touched in a few years. He starts heading over towards a control panel next to some tubes as the operatives follow behind him.
"You see as much as we'd want too..."
"You are a wanted fugitive by the KND so..."
"If we get caught escorting you or even talking to you freely like this anywhere by another operative we'll surely be.."
"Decommissioned without hesitation."
"Yikes, kind of didn't think about that for a second." Wally states while switching the wires to the control panel most likely connected to set of tube chutes in front of him. He successfully gets one of the tubes working and fist pumps the air in celebration as the twins tilt their heads in curiosity at the gestures of the teenage loner.
"Well obviously I'd be in deep crud if you two reported me so I'd rather you not, do as you wish though I'm already wanted by like eleventy billion kids on the planet." Wally jokes as he waves steps into the tube and gives it a few hard kicks for the door to slam down.
"Numbuh 4! We completely respect your decision and will follow you till your leave from the KND!"
"We? He avoided decommissioning because he wanted to get it on with the former supreme leader, I can't respect that."
"Well it seems like you aren't my sister hmph!"
"Why you little!"
"I'm actually the older one!"
The twins argue as they start fighting and grappling each other in front of Wally as he stares in confusion. He cracks a weak smile and waves at the scrambling girls before double jumping and the tube sending him flying up. The tubes speed easily send the young boy throughout the walls of the worn down school flying into the hallway next to the lunchroom door.
Wally walks into the cafeteria and due to his appearance he's bound to catch a few questioning glares. He walks by the glares of former operatives decommissioned some in new friend groups after their departure from the KND, some reuniting even after losing all memories of one another. He also notices the glances of current operatives in the low grade mean mugging him from the other side of the cafeteria.
Wally pushes his way through the lunch line as he usually does and grabs his usual lunch. He doesn't bother to even grab a tray as he quickly felt uncomfortable at the attention he's grabbing from his status and appearance from everyone in the lunchroom and leaves just as fast as he arrived. He's about to push through the doors before he feels pressing against his back.
"Who the hell..." Wally questions but before he can finish his sentence he's thrown out the doors and pinned up against the wall. He reverses the attack and counters against his assailant pinning the person up against the wall as well, this time higher as their feet begin to lift from the ground at the strength of the Australian brute. Wally's heart drops as the blonde hair of the girl intertwining with his moves as he gets a glimpse of the face of his aggressor.
"Wallabee Beatles, still the strong john king of bullies you've always been huh?" Rachel jokes as Wally releases her from his grip noticing her struggle for air getting more visible.
"What the crud Rachel! You can't just manhandle me randomly and expect me not to retaliate, I'm under a lot of stress right now and your bullshit isn't helping." Wally angrily interrogates the honor roll teenager. She chuckles softly and gives the vigilante a smile while punching his arm, with enough strength to get even Wally to grip his arm in response to the girls surprising power.
Wally and Rachel became friends at Hoagie's birthday party soon after Rachel was decommissioned. They never interacted when Wally joined the KND or even outside of KND matters until Rachel was decommissioned, but after a few root beers and a late night getaway to the new age P.O.I.N.T the two built a surprising connection because of their shockingly similar personalities and outlook on everyday things. As much as they act friendly they've had their "accidents" is what Wally sees them as, things he really wishes he didn't have to remember anytime he think about the girl. In the end, Wally can't help but smile at the sight of his friend, he doesn't know what he'd do without her support of him telling her KND matters but removing parts of the story so she wouldn't figure out.
"Sorry sorry, but this time I have a really important question to ask you, and you're lucky it isn't about you bailing on me yesterday at karaoke when I told everyone I could make the big bad Wallabee Beatles sing love songs" Rachel interrogates the now pink Wally avoiding eye contact at the claim of his school role model companion.
"Shocker, what does the great student council president of Gallagher middle school have to do with someone like me?" Wally teases while putting one of the former supreme leaders in a joking headlock. She laughs a bit before freeing herself and her face changes from laughing to that of a slightly flushed, but vulnerable expression that could send even a savage like himself into a instinctive blush.
"Did Rachel always seem...this adorable?" Wally thinks as she shakes her leg nervously and can barely maintain eye contact with the boy. She lightly grasps Wally's arm in-between her chest and holds him tightly towards her, Wally feels as if she's determined to never let him go with the grip she's giving him. He stares down at her with his height barely towering over her and sees her beet red face at the spontaneous bold actions she's taking.
"So... what's your relationship with Fanny...?"
That's literally it, that word is why this chapter is slightly shorter than the last one but had a wait or hiatus of 20x that of the last chapter.
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