As Gray was dragging Juvia along with him, while leaving he told Natsu to leave Levy at the new cafe, where Gajeel was performing along with Lucy.
All along the way Juvia protested to let out of his hold and even tried her best, but Gray being stronger than her the efforts were futile.
Gray took her to his house as it was nearby than the Fairy Hills. Once they entered the house, he clasped the door lock and went into his room to get something for her to wear.
Juvia, on the other hand, was fidgeting and blushed to be in his house wearing his coat.
Her imagination ran wild until Gray intervened by handing over her his clothes.
Juvia decided to make him answer all her queries as planned out by Mirajane.
Firstly, she tossed his coat over his face even though she hated to be rude to her Gray-sama but she believed, this will be the only way provoke and make him open up to true feelings.
'Why are you doing this? I didn't ask for your help. Who am I for you to care?
As I remembered, you only saw me as a comrade then why are feeling conscious about my soaked appearance.
Moreover, why did you follow us? And hit Natsu-sama on his face.'
Hearing her speak in first person was shock for Gray and he felt slight spark of jealousy when she stated Natsu as "Natsu-sama" and him as just "you".
As she was going to grab the hold of the door knob, she felt a strong hand catching hold of her wrist, as she hoped.
'Wait I'm not done talking. It will be better if you hear it from both side not only from your side, Juvia.'
Hearing this she thought of lowering down her acting skill and being more of her usual self, as he was going to say something which she hoped to hear for a long time.
'Because I care for you, not just as my comrade but as my lover too. How can I just let any guy see "My Girl" in such a state?
And from my position, it looked even worse. I thought he was going to assault you ,knowing that Natsu was a dense idiot who can't understand such things. Later, he won't even feel sorry for his deeds.'
Juvia was on the verging of crying, seeing Gray being this concerned about her. But still she continued with her plans.
'Yeah Gray! You were jealous and paranoid because you thought Natsu will win over you.
You were just using Juvia to gain attention from your friends and guild members.
That's why, you never bother to give me a clear response.'
Gray couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He was stunned to see Juvia, of all people, was talking to him like this. Her words were piercing his heart.
He never thought of using her to gain popularity. He was never the one to run for centre of attraction. But she was accusing him for this. Now she began to cry not able to hold her tears anymore.
'Why don't Gray-sama love Juvia? Juvia has done everything to please you but you chose to ignore her. Is Juvia not appealing enough for the likes of Gray-sama?' Juvia hugged him and began to cry even more harder.
Gray thought he has once again hurt her feelings. He hugged and patted her back and waited for her to calm down so that he could speak.
After what seemed like hours, Juvia who was still in her wet clothes decided to change.
She took shower and put her clothes in the washing lacrima, which will eventually wash and dry it.
She wore his t-shirt which was tight around her chest area and reached upto her mid-thighs.
By that time, Gray decided to make sandwich for them to eat. He was in his trousers only.
When Juvia saw him in kitchen, she ran and hugged him from behind and began to apologise for her rude and harsh conversation knowing it was het fault.
Gray turned around to face her without breaking the hug and looked into her midnight blue orbs and spoke, 'I'm sorry. I have hurt you very much. I know a simple sorry will not suffice your wounds but I do have my reason.'
'I was scared of losing you also. From childhood well even till now, the people in my life who showed unconditional love for me,has left me in the middle of my journey of life.
I didn't want you to fall under the same curse as them. But I understood something, it because of me being weak and helpless I couldn't save them.
But now, I have decided for a while now, that you have entered my life and melted the icy layer around my heart. I'm ready to sacrifice myself in order to protect you and lead a happy life along with you.'
'So Juvia, I Love You. Just it took this moron, some time to confess but believe me for a long time, I have been harbouring this feeling.
It was like a burden for me, to reject your advances. And now the if you have forgiven this moron, Are you willing to let me be your boyfriend, Juvia? And later on as your husband.'
After hearing his true intentions and reasons, Juvia stopped crying and flushed him a genuine smile.
'Gray-sama! Ever seen I led my eyes on you. I have decided that this life of Juvia will belong to you.
Even if that curse did bestowed on me , the joy of being with you even for a mere seconds is enough of my soul.
Thank you for being concerned about Juvia. I Love You, Gray-sama.
From today onwards, I will be your girlfriend and you be my boyfriend.'
Gray happily pulled into hug and whispered in a low husky voice,
'Thank You!! And let me tell you, you are the most gorgeous, beautiful, pretty and genuine girl, I have ever seen in my life. You are way more than appealing than the word itself.
Do you know how your charm works on the guys in the Guild. I'm damn lucky to have you only for me. So do you want to know how appealing you are?'
Gray smirked and Juvia understood the meaning behind his last sentence. And they had their moment of bliss for the rest of the night laying in each other's arms.
End of Flashback.
'Wow! How romantic.' Lucy exclaimed and levy squealed. The girls got into a group hug.
The boys on the other hand, were getting happy by teasing Gray and he doesn't seems to bother as he was happy to see Juvia's smiling face which was much more important for him than his pride.
'So Brats!! I hope to see mini version of you soon in this guild. I want the next generation to take over.'
Master who was happy for the couples were teasing them and the guild members were whole heartedly laughing at the said couples as they blushing in my shades of reds.
'Hey it's way to early for that. It's not even a day ,since we became couples.' The girls pouted and then too were blushing.
'I think Juvia, shouldn't speak about this. We hope to see mini Gray and Juvia real soon.' Mira and Erza were teasing her.
'I hope it will be mini Juvias. Don't want to see the mini version of that droopy eyes. Yeah' Both the dragon-slayers exclaimed.
Then once again in the afternoon, it led to another brawl. Finally, the girls were happy and zealous and were looking forward for their growth in the relationship with their lovers.
Then they whole-heartedly, thanked Mirajane for her plan and Erza, Wendy and the exceeds for their support.
Then Laxus came upto the bar to get his usual drink from his girlfriend and spoke,
'So Mira! When can I see our mini version running around the guild?' Laxus smirked and Mira blushed, 'whenever you want to.'
She leaned forward to kiss him on his lips which he returned back passionately.
-------------------THE END--------------------
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