Her vision tunneled, her home fading away to focus solely on the human, the beautiful blonde, that approached her. Marion's imagined that a situation like this would have gone in slow motion, time stopping to drag out the feelings that fluttered in her chest.
Instead everything was in fast forward, it was a blur, Rosalie getting closer and closer making her head pound with such overwhelming emotions. It was too late to hide, too unacceptable to hide the human away for herself.
In that moment, she had truly felt greedy - wishing to disregard everything just so she could have this one person. She lusted sinfully, un désire sexuel, the slight sway of hips enough to make even the saintliest of individuals fall to their knees.
She held her breath, a quick inhale before the girl got much closer- before she no longer felt it safe to breathe in such a proximity. Marion felt as though she was toeing the line, playing a dangerous game that could result in complete chaos if she made the tiniest mistake.
It was her idea of humanity, her morals that prevented her from doing something so entirely drastic - at war with her most primal instincts, she fought against the animalistic urges to bear her teeth, to drink or turn something that would either way give her so much sweet pleasure.
Slowly, cautiously, Edward placed the young Henry in her arms in what she assumed to be an anchor - similarly to how Carlisle had done in the beginning to help her learn control. The weight of such an innocent life resting in her arms kept her thoughts from running wild on her.
A smile, one as inviting as she could muster, was plastered on her face. Marion attempted to appear gentle, sweet, and kind to the human that had her completely mesmerized.
She moved her chest, trying to lift the uncomfortable weight that came with the lack of breathing, watching as Rosalie's steps seem to falter slightly as she approached the group. Marion attributed this to the unnatural beauty of the vampires; it was not often that humans took in the sight so openly and in such an environment. Even so, with all the grace that came with immortality, Rosalie was beautiful enough to rival even them.
The blonde was confident as she greeted them, hiding her nervousness behind good looks and a pretty smile. Marion found her enchanting, the gleam in the other woman's eyes was enticing.
"Bonjour," the French vampire greeted, speaking around the air that was stuck in her throat by her own wish. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
Rosalie flushed, a pink tinting her cheeks beautifully as her eyes darted downward. Her heartbeat increased, ringing in her ears like it was her favourite song. It was difficult to concentrate on the things before her while in her presence.
"Very much, thank you. I've never been to a romp this hot before," Rosalie tells them, her fingers fiddling with the material of her dress.
Hugo laughed, the sound booming among the group causing Estelle to elbow him sharply in the side. He grunted, shooting his niece a smoldering look. Sighing, Marion leveled the two with a dark look, silencing them - she often felt like la bonne d'enfants, a nanny, around those two.
"You're going to make me blush," she dismissed, hoping to play it off as casual. "I just wanted to get well acquainted with my new neighbours."
"You sure know how to get things going. People around here thought you were a couple of wheats when you first arrived."
The woman startled, her eyes widening at the unfamiliar word - unsure if it was a good thing or not. She looked to Edward, the boy still standing behind her, and hoped that he would give some sort of explanation.
"It's essentially someone that is unfamiliar to city ways," he relayed, going back to observing the other individuals around them.
Marion smiled, a soft giggle escaping her. It a little strange to hear such things still, what with the new evolving language. Having not taken up a residence in an English-speaking country in many years, she felt a little out of place with the strange words.
"We've moved around quite a bit, a big city like this won't scare us away," Marion grinned, giving the blonde her full attention.
It was a startle to her when a dapper man wrapped an arm around the other girl - having taken her completely by surprise. Jealously, green and ugly, reared its head at the sight of the pair. She wanted to push him away, to yell at him for getting too close to the little lady that should belong to her.
He stood proudly, as though she should know who he was just by the sight of him. A bone chilling smile gracing his lips as he looked over both Marion and Estelle, something that he believed to go unnoticed but caught the eyes of the vampires.
"I've been looking everywhere for you, Kitten. Your folks and I are looking to split."
Marion bristled at him, at his forthright disrespect at having not addressed them - her especially as she was the hostess of the party.
The blush and increase of heartrate made Marion's stomach twist uncomfortably. She felt like someone struck her cheek, rubbing it down her throat that she was not allowed to be with such a belle dame. She did not believe it to be fair that she was not allowed to spend her time with their bodies closely intertwined - that it was frowned upon, viewed as a sickness to love someone of the same sex.
For Marion truly believed that it would not take long for her to be complete in love with Rosalie.
The man glanced over at them, Hugo and Estelle oblivious to her dislike of the man greeted him kindly - though stiffly.
"You must be the fella that organized this shindig," he offered out a hand to Hugo. "I'm Royce King, my father owns the bank. I see you've met my Rose, a rare dish she is."
"Hugo Dupuis, and these are my sister's Marion and Estelle," the lie was easy, the same set-up that they've always used when greeting knew people. "Though, I wasn't the one that planned all of this; Marion is the mastermind behind everything, even our move here."
Royce's eyes widened a fraction and looked to the shorter dark-haired female. "A smart gal, and a looker."
Smiling tensely, Marion ignored her brothers forced laughter. "I see Rochester has plenty of 20-20 girls, but I don't see many men that are swoony and groovy. All the fella's I've met seem like real joes," she forced out the words that were odd and burning to her tongue, words that she had only heard in passing.
"You should come around the bank with Rose sometime, I'd be happy to introduce you to the snazzy men," his reply was quick, not at all did he hesitate.
She could see why he might have been a real catch, a man that captivated people. He was charismatic, a man that could insight affections with his looks and personality. The type of man that turned heads when he walked in the room, the money in his pocket like a siren to those that need more than a right attitude and a handsome face.
"His tongue is quick, isn't it? He seems the type that is too perfect," Hugo muttered, their mother-tongue a welcome distraction.
Marion nodded. "He is a bit strange, I will not argue about that."
Henry, the baby sitting silently in her arms, tugged at the front of her dress at the lack of attention, a cry beginning to quiver on his lips. Adjusting him, she brought her face closer to his and nuzzled her cheek against his gently. He grabbed at her hair, giving sharp pulls that would have heart a normal person.
The couple in front of them seemed to notice the boy then, no longer hypnotized by the looks of the unnatural beauties. Rosalie seemed to glow, her eyes sparkling in delight at the child while Royce looked slightly muffed.
"Oh yes, I told Vera I would come and get the sweet thing for her so she needn't worry," the blonde explained, eager to get her hands on the child.
Smiling, Marion figured that this must have been a close friend of the new mother. It did little, however, to ease the initial shock. How had Rosalie been so close to her, a mutual friend linking them together, but she had not noticed? She was positive that she could never look over such a face or scent.
"You know Vera? I have had the pleasure of making her acquaintance when we first arrived. What a lucky thing she is to have a boy like him," she remarked.
There was a flash in the blonde's eyes, a gleam of envy shining through. It was a look she could not miss, one she had seen so often when carrying Estelle - a look of a woman that wanted to be a mother. It was one more thing that separate them, barring them from being together as she wished. Rosalie wanted a child of her own, something that she could never give her.
"Your English is very good for a foreigner," Royce observed, his voice grating on her nerves.
"Thank you," Estelle cut in, sending him a dazzling smile that showed off her pointed canines. "We have studied many language, Marion was adamant about keeping up with the cultures of the world."
"You just keep surprising me," he mentioned, causing the Dupuis family to chuckle lightly - and with their enhanced hearing the could hear snickers from Edward as he pretended not to be listening.
"We are full of surprises, I can assure you of this," Hugo stated, laying an arm over his sister's shoulders.
Rolling her eyes, she shrugged him off and stepped forward. Her skin felt electric as she got closer, buzzing with life as she could feel the heat from Rosalie brush against her. The other woman's hands were hairs away from her skin as she reached for Henry, cradling him to her chest with a smile.
She yearned to close the distance, to allow herself just one brush of hands - something that could be purely accidental. A glimpse of something that every immortal wished for in their lifetime.
"You should be going, you do not want your family to wait and I am sure that Vera must be waiting for her sweet son by now," Marion spoke low, directing her words only to the Rosalie.
There goodbyes were quick, the two humans parting them had no clue as to the way the gathering of vampires hounded the French brunette for answers concerning her strange behaviour but she did not answer - leaving that honor to the mind reader in their company.
Rather, she followed the blondes every movement, eyes trailing her figure as though she was scared to never see it again. The party around her tried to seep back into her focus, a reminder that she had started a party to find her dear friends and that she had no right to be distracted.
"Estelle, sweetheart, can you do maman a favour?" she breathed, her blonde daughter tilting her head in interest near instantly.
"It depends, will I like it?" Estelle teased, laying her head on her mother's shoulder.
Marion chuckled, her chest feeling lighter as her daughter eased her tension. "I wish for you to follow after dear Rosalie, to make sure she returns home safe. It will give you a chance to be away from all these people."
"Really? What is so special about this human?" Estelle snapped, French-tongue growing sharp and louder- pulling the attention of a few individuals.
"I shall explain it later, but for now go quick, ease my heart this once."
With a groan, Estelle disappeared from her sight, shoving through the crowd and up the stairs to a place where she was free to jump from the home into the dark of the night.
It took her a moment, to realize that she had already made up her mind. It was as simple as breathing, to know that she was willing to do anything just to see Rosalie again.
They had only just been acquainted, Marin refused to part with her just yet.
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Un désire sexuel: sexual desire, lust.
Rosalie avait l'air d'un ange: Rosalie looked like an angel
Le bonne d'enfants: nanny, child-nurse.
Belle dame: beautiful lady, fine lady.
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