A Ninja & His Sick Unicorn Queen
Baha was without a doubt vary ill.
Runny Nose: Check,
Uncontrollable Coughing: Check,
Sweating In Her Sleep: Check,
Vomiting: Check,
No One To Help Her: Sadly...... Check.
She wanted to go to Espio's birthday party, but caught the flu at the last moment. Now she's on the couch, shivering, sniffing, and starving. The door creaks open and closed, but no one seems to enter. A bag of fresh herbs and vegetables appears to be floating, with a vary weak and raspy voice Baha asks "Espio?" The purple Chameleon sighs and becomes visible, "I can't fool you can I." He replies with a slight smile. "Haha! Nope! *cough*" she tried to say without coughing. Espio goes to the kitchen, and comes back a moment later with tea, "I know your not the biggest fan of tea" He started "But it will help....Just try some." He hands her a cup, puts his own on the coffee table, and wraps a blanket around her. "Espio, Y-you don't need to do this..." "But Baha, I want to....you're sick, I can help, I want to help......please..... let me.." Espio looks at her with 'The Puppy Eyes' and as much as she hates asking for help....she just CAN'T say no to that face. "Awwww! Fine." Espio smiled, kissed her forehead, and went back to the kitchen to make some Meiso soup and organic cough medicine from the herbs and vegetables he brought. Baha blushes a little from Espio's kiss, and thinks to herself "why would Espio ever want to kiss me? Or help me? Does he know? Does he like me back?" Just as she stopped asking herself those questions, Espio had put down two bowls of soup and had a concerned look on his face, "Are you okay? You seemed to faze out for minute.."
"Why are you worried about me!?" "Because I've always...thought of you as...more than just a friend..." Espio looked away with a slight hazel of blush on his cheeks. "W-w-wait, w-w-what!?" Baha asked "I only speak the truth to you.." Espio started to turn red in more than just the cheeks as he said the 4 words that he always wanted to say but never had the courage to, "I love you Baha" She gasped, and was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. "Espio!? Are you in there? We've got a case to work on!" Vector shouted through the door. Espio suddenly seemed to lose his cool and yell at his friend "THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS SICK AND I WANT TO HELP HER! NOW LEAVE US IN PEACE YOU FUCKING PEST!" Baha's jaw drooped when she heard Espio be so aggressive, it honestly kind of scared her. A slow sigh came from the chameleon of purple scales, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way..... ever since I met you, and laid my eyes on how beautiful you are... everything has just gone out of whack... I've become more protective, and.... aggressive. I don't know what's wrong with me... *sniff* I highly doubt it.... but, could you ever forgive me?" Baha pretended that she was falling out of her chair, Espio immediately caught her and she giggled a little, "Of course I can! I know we share feelings." She said with a slight hint of blush spreading across her face. A small gasp echoed through the room, "R-r-really? I thought... you liked... S-shadow.." "To be honest, I did for a little while there, but he's happy with Silver now." Espio leaned in for a kiss, Baha pulled away, "I don't wanna get you sick!" " I would catch an ammonia and die for you any day, please allow me to be blessed with your lips, my unicorn queen~" this time she did not resist and they shared a passionate kiss. "My badass ninja~" "My sexy unicorn queen~"
A/N: hey guys! sorry for being a lazy piece of shit! That was your story part! I hope you like it! go ahead and put more requests in the comments because I'm actually going to start doing them again I am quitting my lazy streak! siasiaisa here you go fam.
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