twenty two: drunken actions
a/n: comments have been becoming less I'm sad :(
twenty two
magicmikey: ??
magicmikey: its the 20th of december baby
babyboyC: iT Is?!?! OH PHEW
babyboyC: am I ur baby boy
magicmikey: pardon?
babyboyC: AM
babyboyC: I
babyboyC: YOUR
babyboyC: BABY
babyboyC: BOY
babyboyC: ??
magicmikey: are you drunk, love?
babyboyC: no ? :(
magicmikey: calum
babyboyC : ok idk im at a club with ashton and I had a couple but im not drunk
magicmikey: :/ ur 17
babyboyC: I got a fAKE ID THO :D
magicmikey: im not impressed
magicmikey : which club are you at
babyboyC: michael no :(
magicmikey: yes im not going to tolerate this
magicmikey: which club are you at?
babyboyC: I'm having fun michael
magicmikey: I'm worried and angry just answer me
babyboyC: lmao someones asking me to dance with them brb
magicmikey: someone?
magicmikey: that isn't me?
magicmikey: CALUM
magicmikey: Calum thomas hood
babyboyC : *picure attatched*
babyboyC: lukey says hi :-)
magicmikey : HES SMIRKING AT ME
magicmikey: get out of that club now and tell me where the fuck you are
babyboyC: no im dancing
magicmikey: with luke?
babyboyC: YAS GTG
magicmikey: dont bother ever talking to me again
Michael's throat clenched. Calum was drunk and it was only a matter of time that he was going to cheat.
magicmikey: congratulations. youve successfully broken a heart.
It's been an hour and a half and Michael hasn't moved from his curled up fetus position on his bed.
The tears stopped long ago but his face stayed frozen, eyes staring at his favourite polaroid of Calum. His bottom lip quivered and he clenched his eyes shut, trying to sleep off this nightmare and hoping it was a dream.
In the meantime, Calum was in the exact situation that Michael didn't want him to be. Pressed against a bathroom wall with the blonde thrusting into him.
Michael wasn't the only one upset about it as Ashton entered the club bathroom. His jaw clenched and he smashed his beer bottle over Luke's head and dragged Calum out.
Calum cried like a baby, begging to take Luke to hospital but Ashton was already waving a cab over. The brunette hurriedly took out his phone.
magicmikey: ok.
"I don't get it."
Luke turned his head slightly to look at the pacing red head who frustratedly grabbed his hair. It was about 4 in the morning.
"Don't get what?" his voice croaked out from being asleep for a few hours.
Michael's eyes shot over to Luke's with shock. "You're awake," he whispered, slowly making his way to the blonde.
"Michael, you're looking at me with crazy eyes. Please don't kill me, I'm to young and sexy to-" Luke shouted before Michael placed his hand over his mouth.
"We don't want nurses thinking I'm murdering you."
Luke only nodded, gulping. "Sorry."
Michael waved in dismissal. "The nurses don't seem bothered." Luke shook his head and fiddled with his fingers.
"No, I'm sorry about Calum."
Michael snorted, pushing his fringe out of his eyes. There was complete silence in the hospital room, making Michael nervous for some reason.
"He seems quite indecisive on who he wants, eh?" his green eyes burried themselves into Luke's blue ones.
Luke shrugged. "It's only because he was drunk. His sober mind always chooses you."
"Both minds should choose me," Michael stated, frowning slightly. Just then, Pumped up Kicks started playing through the small radio next to the bed.
Luke immediately sighed happily, looking up to the roof with his bottom lip between his teeth.
Michael's jaw clenched and his legs wanted to wobble so he sat down on a chair next to Luke's bed.
The blonde bobbed his head lightly to the music, his eyes closed now. Michael wanted to throw up from the stirring in his stomach as all the memories flooded back into his mind.
"That was an amazing fùck, wasn't it?" Luke smirked at the older man. Michael stayed frozen, remembering the whines leaving the blonde's lips that night.
He had to cover his hand over Luke's mouth, because his mother was home and it was 10 in the evening.
He remembered the bruises that stayed on his neck for days. He remembered Luke reminding him that he has a boyfriend. He remembered not caring and fùcking Luke anyway.
"Not as good as Calum was," Michael gritted through his teeth. He expected Luke to make a snarky comment about Calum's sex also being better.
But all he got in return was silence and wide eyes. Michael soon realised and shook his head quickly. "Don't tell anyone."
Luke soon laughed, covering his mouth and going silent again. "You broke a law."
Michael scoffed, "So did you." But he did know that his actions would have more punishment than Luke's since he's much older than the blonde.
"I won't tell if you won't," Luke held out his pinky and Michael frantically linked their pinkies with a grateful smile.
The two boys were dipped back into silence, the song just about finished. Michael suddenly laughed, "Okay, I admit it was a good fùck."
Luke wheezed, hitting Michael's shoulder with not much energy.
The blonde layed his head back and looked at the ceiling once again.
"Man, I love Calum," he sighed.
Michael looked down at his fiddling fingers. He only nodded lightly even though Luke couldn't see him.
He knew the two dated for a long time and had a very wonderful history together. His throat started burning again when he realised that Calum would always choose Luke.
"Yeah," he whispered, standing up. "Me too."
Luke stayed staring at the ceiling, not moving a single muscle. Michael sighed. "I'm getting you some breakfast, I'll be back soon."
a/n: the beginning of this chapter is sort of part of an actual convo I had with someone. me being the wasted one lmao except luke wasnt there *cries* (I didnt break any hearts tho dw)
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