eighteen: vampire kink
It was about a week later and Calum felt like he was going crazy by not talking to Michael at all.
He wanted to, he really did. But for the first time, he genuinely had no idea what to say to him. Michael was in the same situation, looking at the polaroids in his free time.
Michael did decide to get a degree in psychology like Calum jokingly suggested in the past. He scrapped the idea of becoming a surgeon totally.
So now everything was new work and it frustrated him and he wanted to flip his desk almost every five minutes.
He had a pile of his favourite pictures of Calum next to him to calm him down, one of them being the picture of his lips.
Oh how he missed those lips.
Oh how he regrets it, too.
He snapped out of his thoughts, fixing his hair up and continuing to try and focus on his work.
That is, until his phone vibrated and he almost started crying. He was never going to get this work done.
babyboyC: I want you
babyboyC: I need you
babyboyC: Michael I'm going insane
babyboyC: how could a pair of green eyes fùck me up so badly
babyboyC: sorry for basically forcing you to kiss me
babyboyC: I know you wanted it special
magicmikey: Calum
magicmikey: Calm down okay? I'm not mad or anything and it was special. Any kiss with you will be special. Why don't you come have a sleepover?
babyboyC: idk a sleepover?
magicmikey: if you dont feel comfortable with that yet thats okay. but you can come over and we can just hang okay?
babyboyC: I'll be there in an hour
magicmikey: :)
Michael sighed, pushing his work aside. He had to shower. The closed curtains created a musky atmosphere. The type of atmosphere that his mum used to tease him by calling him a vampire with.
Stepping over socks and jeans as he made his way to the bathroom, he took off his glasses and placed them on his bedside table.
Meanwhile, Calum had to make up an excuse to use his mother's car. "I'm sleeping over at Ashton's," he said and she didn't protest and let the boy use the car.
He had his learners, which means he had to drive with an adult but he couldn't care less as he made his way to Michael's apartment complex.
There were many red lights that frustrated him immensely. He tried not to get angry. Calum driving is the definition of road rage.
He safely made it to Michael's, casually walking in and sitting on the couch. He heard the older man moving about in his bedroom and decided to close his eyes for a bit.
Late night Tumblr scrolling. Not a good idea.
Feeling a pair of lips upon his forehead, he smiled tiredly and opened his eyes to meet Michael's warming presence.
He held out his arms and Michael obliged, climbing into them and throwing a blanket over them. Michael pressed a button on the remote and the opening song for Twilight started playing.
Calum starting laughing. "I'm glad I came back then."
"I'll do anything to make you happy, baby," Michael murmured against his neck, not really paying attention to the movie.
"Let me give you a blow job?"
Michael chuckled quietly, brushing a few strands out of Calum's hair. "No promises, baby boy."
And for the rest of the day and night, they layed in each other's arms and watched all the twilight movies.
To which Michael decided he definitely was team jacob. The brown eyes, tan skin, black hair and good body. It reminded him of someone, someone special.
But that sounded cheesy so when Calum asked for the reason, Michael simpy said, "Because he's hot."
Calum was team Edward. Pale skin and bright eyes, must he even explain why he loves those things.
"Vampire kink," Calum lied, causing Michael to laugh and turn the TV off. He carried Calum to his bed and tucked him in under the covers before walking back to the couch.
He was being mature here. He wanted to sleep with Calum in his bed but it's not far enough in the relationship.
He's had too many rushed relationships that turned out badly and he didn't want this one to be one of them.
Calum didn't protest. But he did sneak onto the couch in the middle of the night and snuggled up into Michael's arms before kissing his cheek good night.
"You're lucky you're cute."
Calum smiled, tracing his finger on Michael's bare chest.
"You're cute too, cutiepie."
a/n: aw this was cute. this was quite rushed because I literally updated yesterday too and I wrote all this in like 40 minutes lmao
what are your thoughts? Michael's 'maturity', calum lying to his mom, them watching twilight?
I wanna call you all something. A special name for you guys so comment some ideas maybe :3
ily all ♥
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