It had been four days since Batman and Robin ran into Phantom, two new bodies had shown up since the encounter. They had managed to track Phantom's movements enough to figure out where he would be but there was a problem. He was probably going to be there that night and Batman was needed at the watchtower, he didn't think sending Robin in alone was a good idea.
So in the end they had two options, wait to find him again or call in the team to help catch him. If they waited someone would die but if the team went one of them could get hurt, or worse, but they had to choose. In the end they came to a decision, they used the zeta tubes to get to the mountain and when they team walked in they were surprised.
They hadn't seen either of them in about two weeks so they hadn't been expecting them to suddenly show up. Before any of them could speak Batman spoke, "You have a mission."
Aqualad raised an eyebrow, "What is the mission?"
Batman brought up a map with the locations Phantom had killed at marked by red dots, there were a fair number of them. "For the past two weeks Robin and I have been tracking a killer, four days ago he attempted to kill a crime boss. He survived but the killer escaped, over the past two weeks he's killed over a dozen people, including the crime bosses guards."
"We've managed to track his movements and determined that the next place he will be is here."
He brought up a picture of a science lab and Artemis spoke, "But why would he be going there?"
"We aren't sure, but based on where he's killed people the last several days he's going to be here, it's your job to stop him."
Kid Flash spoke, "Wait, you're sending us after some psycho that's been killing people?"
"Robin and I were going to go after him ourselves but I'm needed at the watchtower and the rest of the League is too busy. If we don't act now someone will die and we risk losing him again, we can't afford to take any chances with this killer."
The young heroes looked at each other before nodding, the only one that didn't was Robin, he was too busy thinking. Something about that killer was bothering him, it felt like it was staring him in the face but he just couldn't see it. The way the killer talked to him made it seem like they knew each other but Robin had no idea where he might have met him.
Pretty soon the team had left in the bio-ship, they would have just used the zeta tubes but they wanted to be able to get away quickly. It took a little over an hour to get there and they landed not too far away from the lab, Robin hacked into the security cameras. It took a few minutes and when he got in he found it odd that all of the cameras in one of the rooms only showed static.
Then he remembered his last run in with the killer, how he had gotten inside without anyone noticing. When he and Batman checked the cameras later they found that they hadn't been working and figured Phantom had done something to them. Robin's eyes widened, "Oh no."
He quickly looked for a way in, the door to the room wasn't too far away from the entrance and very few people were inside the building. Robin ran in without saying anything to the rest of the team and they ran after him, Kid Flash spoke, "Dude, what's going on?"
"The cameras in one of the rooms are disabled, the same thing happened when he tried to kill the crime boss. He's able to somehow get into places without anyone seeing him so no one would know if he was already inside, he got here before us."
Now the rest of the team was shocked, they ran into the building and went straight to the room with the disabled cameras. They burst through the doors and found a horrifying sight, there was blood everywhere and a woman was pinned to the wall with knives. Phantom was standing in front of her with a knife in his hand and Robin saw that the woman had chemical burns.
The woman wasn't gagged like the crime boss had been and she shouted to the heroes, "Help!"
He held the knife to her throat and she shut up immediately, Phantom looked at the heroes, "Really, again?"
Aqualad spoke, "Let her go."
"Yeah not happening."
Robin walked just a little closer, "Phantom, put the knife down."
Phantom looked at Robin, "Sorry but no, I won't hurt you but I will hurt your friends if they try to stop me from killing this bitch."
Now everyone looked confused, Robin was more confused then any of them but he could think about that later. Miss Martian spoke, "She's innocent."
Phantom laughed a little, the sound got louder but it was still controlled despite how insane it made the killer seem. "Now that is funny, innocent, really, do you honestly believe that?"
The woman spoke frantically, "Please, I didn't do anything-."
She was cut off when Phantom slowly twisted one of the knives pinning her to the wall, "Don't try to lie to me."
Several of the heroes looked like they were going to be sick and when Phantom saw the look on Robin's face he stopped. The woman was crying now and Superboy chose to simply try and take the killer down without so much as a word to the others. Phantom didn't look surprised and he simply moved out of the way before kicking Superboy hard enough that he hit the ground.
Miss Martian tried hitting him with some boxes and he easily dodged them before taking out Miss Martian. Superboy got angry and tried to attack him but Phantom simply forced him to the ground and knocked him out. Aqualad, Artemis, and Kid Flash tried attacking, Phantom threw Kid Flash at Artemis and knocked the two out before sending Aqualad into a cabinet full of equipment.
Aqualad was unconscious now and Phantom looked at Robin, "I did warn you."
Robin looked completely shocked and he stared at the killer, "Who are you?"
Phantom tried to hide it but he looked a little sad, "So you really don't remember."
Robin looked confused, "Remember what?"
Phantom walked up to Robin and grabbed the front of his shirt, "Maybe this will help you remember." He pulled Robin closer and kissed him, the hero was shocked but then he remembered something. This feeling was familiar, but more then that this killer was familiar even though he was still different.
He remembered, and then he found himself kissing back which surprised even him but he missed this. He wasn't sure how long they were like that but Phantom was the one that pulled away, "Remember now?"
Robin stroked Phantom's cheek with his thumb, he couldn't believe it, or he couldn't let himself believe it, but he knew it was true. He felt like he might cry, "Danny, god Danny what happened to you?"
Danny moved away and smiled, it was so sad and broken that Robin just wanted to hug him but he stayed were he was. Danny looked like he might cry too, "Everything."
Robin was confused, then they heard the woman struggling to get away from the wall and Danny, or rather Phantom, groaned. "You are really pissing me off."
He walked over to the woman and she spoke again, "Please let me go."
He glared at her, "And how many of them said the same thing." The woman looked terrified and Phantom yelled, "How many?!"
She sobbed, "I, I don't know."
Robin looked confused, "Wait, what are you talking about?"
Phantom glanced at Robin before glaring at the woman, "Tell him."
The woman took a few seconds to breathe before speaking, "I had homeless people kidnapped to do experiments."
Phantom growled, actually growled, "But it wasn't just adults, you used kids too, then you killed them."
"They didn't survive the experiments, none of them did."
Phantom looked like he was going to kill her and he was definitely capable of that, Robin spoke, "Phantom, just let her go, she can go to jail."
"Why, so she can get out again and do the same thing?"
"You don't have to kill her."
Phantom sighed, "You still don't understand, but I'm not sure I want you to."
Robin was confused, then Phantom groaned, "Fine, I really don't see why you want her to live but whatever, plot progression I guess."
Phantom took out the knives and the woman continued to sob, Phantom did knock her out but she was still breathing. All of a sudden several people wearing lab coats ran into the room and when they saw that Phantom was covered in blood they took out guns. Phantom immediately pulled Robin behind him and when the guns went off Phantom was hit.
Robin expected him to get mad, or even look like he was in pain, but he just looked mildly annoyed and sighed, "This was my favorite coat."
Phantom walked toward the men and Robin panicked slightly, "Phantom, don't kill them."
He didn't even looked at Robin, "I'm not going to, unlike her they didn't do anything wrong." He closed the door to the lab and he heard shooting but that was in, there was no screaming like last time. He walked back in with the same amount of blood on him aside from his own and he looked slightly pale, he'd gotten shot several times.
He used his coat to hide the injuries as best he could and Robin ran over, Phantom shook his head to try and clear it but it wasn't working. Robin looked concerned, "Are you okay?"
He laughed, "You're really asking a murderer if he's okay, maybe I'm not the only one that went off the deep end." Robin paused when Phantom said that, when the teen started to collapse Robin caught him and looked at the injuries. Five gunshots to different parts of his body, his blood was soaking into his clothes and the color wasn't what he expected.
It was green, but he couldn't worry about that now, Robin called Batman and told him what happened, minus some personal details. Batman said he was on his way and hung up, Robin also called an ambulance for the woman and tried to keep her alive. Batman and the mentors got there before the ambulance, after helping the woman Robin did his best to make sure Phantom didn't bleed out.
Robin felt his hands shake slightly as he waited, he couldn't lose Phantom before he even figured out what was going on, he just couldn't.
I wasn't planning on updating today since I'm still sick and my head feels like it's trying to commit suicide but I just hit 400 watchers, I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I never thought this many people would read my stories so I had to say thank you, this is crazy to me.
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