After Batman and the mentors had gotten to the lab they helped their proteges, Robin had at least lessened Phantom's bleeding by that time. He was too dangerous to leave there and he might wake up and run before the police got there so they had to think. They had no other choice but to bring him to the watchtower, at least there they could contain him and ask him questions.
Once they got there he was starting to wake up but only slightly so they put him in an interrogation room. They didn't take any chances, they cuffed his hands to the table and his feet to each leg of the chair. By the time he was completely awake he had been locked in the room with two cameras pointed at him and the heroes were just outside discussing what to do.
Phantom then shouted, "Hey, hey, I know you're out there, quite conspiring against me and let me out, I have places to be." They ignored him, "Oh now that is just rude, don't ignore me!"
After a few minutes of Phantom trying to get their attention Batman walked into the room and Phantom looked at him, "Finally!"
Batman looked very irritated but Phantom didn't seem phased, Batman glared at the teen, "What do you want?"
He laughed, "It's not about what I want, I'm here because you have questions."
Batman sat down and the two had a staring contest, it came as a surprise when Batman broke first. "What's your name?"
"Your real name."
"I don't use my real name anymore, I mean I've got no reason to."
Batman decided to drop the subject for now, "Why did you kill those people?"
Phantom laughed a little, "If you're asking me that I'm guessing you haven't figured it out yet." Batman simply raised an eyebrow and Phantom laughed again, "Now that is funny, truly hilarious. If you haven't figured it out yet I'm not telling you anything, I want to see how long it takes you to figure out."
Batman looked irritated, "This isn't a game."
"Except I've got all the time in the world to play games now, I mean you could just hand me over to the police but then you'll never get your answers." Batman looked mad now and Phantom laughed, that laughed soon turned into coughing and he turned to his left as blood escaped his mouth and fell to the floor.
He coughed for another minute or two and Batman actually looked shocked, why was Phantom coughing up blood, and why was it green? Phantom laughed a little, "I think there was a piece of my lung in there, that's not even a joke I'm pretty sure I coughed up part of my lung."
Batman took a minute to regain his blank expression, "Why are you coughing up blood?"
"Oh well that's a story, kind of like the one we're in." He paused, "Nevermind you don't want to hear about that, but long story short I killed someone and this guy that could use magic cursed me. Pretty sure the person I killed was their friend or something, anyway if I don't kill someone every so often I get sick and it'll just get worse until I die from it."
Batman leaned just a little closer to Phantom, "So you kill people to stay alive?"
He laughed, "Hell no, I kill people because I love it." Phantom got this malicious glint in his eyes, "I told you before, I kill because I want you and fight because I have to."
"But why did you start killing?"
He smirked, "Well I'm not just going to tell you." He pretended to think for a second, "Tell you what, if you can find the reason I killed those people I'll tell you why I started killing. I want to see what the 'world's greatest detective' can do, but keep in mind you do have a time limit because I really am going to die soon."
He coughed again and some blood came out of his mouth, Batman eyes narrowed at the teen, "How long do you have?"
"A week, maybe, the longest I've gone without killing is six days and I was damn near dead at that point." Batman paused and the other heroes were a bit disturbed by the news as well, Phantom apparently had less then a week to live. Phantom laughed a little, "What's this, you almost seem like you care that I'm going to die so soon."
Batman stayed quiet for a minute, on one hand Phantom was still just a teenager but on the other hand to live others would die. After a minute he spoke, "You may be a killer but you don't deserve to die."
Phantom laughed again and it sounded like he genuinely found what Batman said funny, "That's where you're wrong. I don't have any delusions about what I'm doing or what I deserve, I should have died long before this. Honestly this is just karma and I'm sure I've got a lot of it coming my way at this point."
"I mean honestly Batman the least you can do is not lie to me, you and everyone else will be happy to hear I'm dead."
Phantom tossed the handcuffs onto the table and propped his feet up on the table looking surprisingly content. Batman raised an eyebrow, "You're not going to try and escape?"
Phantom shrugged, "I'm cool chilling here for a while, I mean at this point I'll probably just die faster if I try to leave anyway."
Batman was silent again for a few seconds before he simply got up and left the room which left the killer alone in the room. Meanwhile, throughout the whole interrogation Robin though about what he should do now that he knew who Phantom was. He had to think about what he should do but for now he knew he shouldn't say anything since it could cause problems.
At the very least Phantom, no, Danny, didn't seem to have any plans to go anywhere so it should be fine. He had no idea what to do, he just found out that he knew this killer, not only that but his old feelings were obviously still there. It didn't even take Danny kissing him for the hero to realize that but now he was left with a tough choice.
He cared about Danny but he's killed people and Robin's a hero, logically speaking that would only end badly. Though he couldn't help but hope that maybe it could, but he did have the team to think about too, if they found out they'd be pissed. But he cared about Danny, a lot, and it didn't seem like he had a lot of time left so he needed to decide.
When Batman walked out of the room he looked at the other heroes, "Phantom is to stay in this room until I say otherwise."
Superman spoke, "Shouldn't someone watch him?"
They then heard Phantom cough again and when they looked there was blood coming from the corner of his mouth. The killer simply chose to get comfortable in the chair and close his eyes, Batman spoke, "We can watch him on the cameras. Either way if he was going to try something he already would have, he isn't much of a threat in his condition."
Batman walked down the hall instead of letting the other heroes continue to ask questions and they eventually dispersed. Robin chose to stay, at least for a bit, he could tell that Danny was already falling asleep which he actually felt relieved about. Killer or not it was still Danny, he acted a little different now but he was mostly the same aside from the fact that he killed people.
He noticed that the blood on Danny's clothes was drying and that couldn't be comfortable but Danny seemed like he was too tired to care. Robin watched Danny for another minute or two before walking away, he had a lot of thinking to do.
Hello! I'm finally feeling better so I'm back but now we have a dilemma. As many of you may be able to guess having some time to think will give you new ideas and now I'm working on those. So I decided to ask you guys if you'd rather wait for what might end up being a while for updates on this or other stories, depending, or would like some new stories I'm currently working on. I leave you all to decide.
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