^ (Might as well, since it's the only thing that works *eye roll*) VERY weird, and very old music video, but a good song nonetheless (I think so at least :B). The song is called Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel-your parents might know this one. Bonus points to whoever sees the guy with spikey hair who appears at the end!
Hola hola! Ok so since the stupid glitch happened and ruined any iOS user's day, and screwed up all the pictures, I'm just going to give you guys an update on what I've been doing in these dark times.
1- If you requested, it's probably done. If you want me to colour it, you can tell me now because with school winding down (it's my last week), I have some extra time on my hands.
2-I've done some other drawings, so here's a sneak peek:
~ I colour a dragon with markers, against my good judgement. :/
~ I find a pen I like and do what any other artist would do: draw with it.
~ I draw a person, with OK-ness, and I don't get what's happening there.
~ I once again find my self bored and practice shading.
~ I give the mystery dragon a name.
~ I review Bash's design and create Bash 2.0!
~ ShadeHunter has friends! And a book? (Maybe)
3- Lately, I've been creating dragon species based off of my REALLY old drawings. It got a bit out of hand, so I'm going to fix that up before I show you guys.
4- My friends and I planned an all-week camping trip, so once again, I leave. :(
This time I'm POSITIVE won't be wifi. But I don't leave until Monday, so I'm good until then. And mark my words, if the glitch isn't fixed by the time I'm back, Glitchpad blood will flood the streets.
Au revoir, mes amis!
Ps. Accepting requests until Monday!
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