23 /| dinner
"I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT I CANNOT, and will not be cooking all of this alone," Geneva said to Olten through the phone as she walked next to Steve. The younger man just chuckled.
"I promise we're gonna help," Olten said seriously. "I just want to have a good birthday dinner for once." Geneva sighed before bidding her friend goodbye.
She and Steve moved slowly down the aisle of the large market, their basket more than halfway full. Everyone wanted something different, but Gen was only willing to take a few suggestions of foods that would make everyone feel more at home. Steve pushed the basket further, throwing a few snacks in with the foods. Geneva's eyes darted to the items: three packs of oreos. "You go through those too quickly."
"They were pretty expensive when I was a kid, but I've always loved them. Then there was the rationing. Still, I'll share this time," he promised with a small smile.
"How kind of you," she replied, throwing in a bag of marshmallows. Her braided hair fell into her face and she quickly pushed it back.
They pushed through more aisles, the contents of their basket only multiplying. They silently made their way to the checkout. It was nice to do something so domestic. She hadn't gone grocery shopping in years. When she lived in Washington with Natasha, neither of them got out much, and they hardly ever went to the store. Their apartment looked un-lived in from the day they moved in to the day the moved out. It was a life they had to live, and Gen couldn't say she missed it.
"You sure you don't mind paying for all of this?" Steve asked, pulling her away from her thoughts. Her eyes darted to the price of it all, before she swiped her card.
"I've got it," she pressed a few buttons and smiled at the young cashier. The cashier, Will, returned the smile, but it slightly faltered as recognition flooded his face.
"You're an Avenger," he said stunned, eyes wide. He looked to Steve. "And you're—oh my God."
"I'm definitely not God, son," Steve replied gripping the shopping cart. She could see a bit of laughter in his eyes but she could tell he was slightly uncomfortable.
Geneva chuckled quietly. "Have a nice day, okay?" She told the boy. He nodded wordlessly.
The two made their way outside. "I'm definitely not God," Geneva mocked, laughing. She watched Steve walk ahead of her, his dark jeans and dark jacket a little too light for the weather.
Steve gave her a glance, laughing too. "Come on."
"So where did you learn how to cook like this?" Olten asked sitting down at the island. He'd just finished his assigned task for the day's meal. Anyone else who had something to do had already finished. Olten was just a slow worker, claiming that if he moved too fast he'd burn something with his hands.
Geneva moved some of the dishes around on the table. "Someone I knew a long time ago."
"Was it the guy who abducted you?"
Geneva paused to look at him. His expression was genuinely curious. He sat with his hands folded into his lap. Now that Geneva thought about it, he always did. She assumed it was out of fear for those around him more than it was out of fear for himself. "Yeah," she answered slowly. "How do you know about that?"
He shrugged almost apologetically. "I read your file, and everyone else's." She'd forgotten everything SHIELD had on her had been released to the public. He took a deep breath, his black t-shirt stretching across his shoulders. "So he taught you how to cook and how to hurt people? What exactly did he want from you?"
"That is a question I've asked him a thousand times over." She stared at the heated foods for a moment, memories threatening to kill her good mood. "All I can say is that he wanted me to be his proof."
"What do you mean?"
She tucked a braid that had fallen free from her neat bun behind her ear. "He had something to prove to the people who doubted him, and, because I was there for the taking, I was charged with being that proof." Her and the other girls. She hated to think about them because they were either dead or off the grid. They all resented her for not killing Louis, but she couldn't do it, and she couldn't let them do it either.
"Which is why he got fired from SHIELD." It wasn't a question.
"Yeah." She swallowed. "But I don't wanna think about him anymore today." Or ever really. "Food's ready," she shouted into the air, knowing they'd all hear.
Geneva was quiet as she watched her teammates. They were all smiles and laughter. The scene radiated a type of happiness she hadn't seen from them all in a long time. It was easy to feel like they were a family but other times she found herself questioning if they were even friends. Thor, Clint, and Bruce hadn't made it but that was to be expected.
"Thinking about work Switzerland?" A voice asked as they approached her. Tony. She smiled at him, bringing the sleeves of her white sweater up a little. She hadn't seen the man in a few months but he looked the same. His brown eyes were darkened by what she assumed was tiredness. She was surprised that he'd accepted her invitation to dinner, and even more surprised when he showed up alone. Yet, she didn't question Pepper's absence.
"Not this time," she answered, chuckling slightly. She hadn't really spoken to Tony since he'd left the compound. Geneva wasn't completely over his blatant distrust for the people who were supposed to be his teammates. Certain omissions or lies were understandable but not Ultron.
She never deluded herself into thinking her teammates told her everything, hell she hadn't even known of Clint's family until a few months ago. Steve had more secrets than she'd ever know, and Tony was... Tony, an open book with nearly indecipherable pages.
Thor and Bruce were reserved but that was to be expected. And Natasha was the same but Geneva had gotten past that a long time ago, the number of secrets they kept from one another was small.
Geneva was unwilling to rehash some of her past and that nearly made her unknowable, and she was okay with that.
Tony cleared his throat. "I brought the things you asked for," he said handing her a small expensive looking suitcase. Geneva smiled at that, taking the gift. "Your designs were great by the way, I think you might be in the wrong line of work."
Gen rolled her eyes but gave him a small 'thank you', for both the compliment and the contents of the suitcase. She looked back to the room, glancing over at Steve who was playing a game of cards with Olten. The younger boy seemed to be having trouble explaining the rules of the game to the confused Captain. As if sensing her gaze, Steve looked up at her, a smile immediately gracing his lips. His blue eyes shined under the light, and his blonde hair was ruffled. Dressed in a blue sweater he'd impulsively bought, along a pair of dark jeans, he looks good, she thought.
He tilted his head to the right. The movement was barely noticeable but she understood it to be him nonverbally questioning if she was alright. She nodded once. I'm fine.
"I'm happy for you two," Tony began a moment later.
"Thanks," she said once more, and she meant it. She patted his shoulder. "Take all the food you want Tony and don't forget to actually take a break since you're now retired. You're this close to looking like something straight out of the Walking Dead." She jokingly held her thumb and forefinger close together. He chuckled at her and moved to speak to Wanda and Vision.
Her eyes darted around the room, stopping where Natasha was seated, rolling her eyes at something Sam said.
"Come play Gen, the Captain is awful at this game," Olten called to her between bouts of laughter. Her attention left her other friends. Steve sighed muttering something about nonsense and cheating.
She approached the coffee table. "Please, he's just letting you win because it's your birthday. Right, hon?" Geneva looked at Steve, trying to hold back her laughter. His cheeks flushed slightly but she was unsure of the cause.
He laughed after a second. "Sure. Maybe you won't go so easy on him?"
Geneva sat down next to Steve on the couch, their legs brushing and their eyes not leaving the others. "I wouldn't dream of it."
Olten collected the cards. "Do you two ever not gaze into each other's eyes?" Geneva flicked his bare arm, and he swatted at her hand. "Keep those claws away from me." He continued to deal the cards as Steve bursted out laughing .
Her nails, which were painted white, weren't that long. "You're being dramatic."
"You're just like my sister," he murmured.
Geneva grew interested at that. He rarely ever spoke about his past, and no one would force him to but she would jump at the chance to learn more about him. "Your sister? Where is she?"
Olten paused his movements, but then began passing the cards. "Dead, I presume. If not then Wakanda maybe." So they didn't talk, she could relate to that.
That would explain his accent. "You lived in Wakanda?" Steve asked.
"Yes," he said simply. He steered the conversation to safer waters. "That's where I learned this game."
She gestured for him to continue, allowing for a new subject, which happened to be the rules to his game.
Gen made sure she won.
Hello everyone! I've been gone for over a month but this chapter has been in the works for a while. Happy Pride Month! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Everything that has happened over the past weeks has been overwhelming to say the least, and I had to take a break from this app. I've been staying informed and a lot of change is needed and so is justice. It was unsettling to see how easily Black Lives Matter became an out of sight out of mind thing for some people. It isn't a trend. Black lives still matter, they always have and always will.
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