Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Her Death
Soobin's POV
As I sat down, you were just smiling, while being laid down.
It was silent.
But, unlike before it wasn't really awkward.
It was a comforting silence.
We made eye contact, but it was broken by you sighing.
So, I quickly tilted my head to the side.
To show her, that I'm confused.
I think she finally got it.
And she sighed another time, before looking at me, with her eyes.
They were like hypnotizing, me.
But, before they even did.
I already talked to break it.
"Lia.... why did hide it?" I asked her.
She was surprised, based on her reaction.
She looked down, while still being laid down on her bed.
But, she quickly sat down, and was still looking down.
"Cause I want you to live, happily, with the others. I want you to have your own family. I don't want to see you being sad and lonely." She whispered, while trying to fight back all the tears.
"I know what I did was wrong. But, it was the only way, you can be free again." She said, and her tears started to flow out of her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Soobin! I didn't really want it... I didn't want us to break up like this." She said, and continued to cry.
Which broke my heart.
Seeing her in this state.
Just broke me.
Suddenly, I stood up and hugged her.
I'm sure she was surprised just as I am.
None of us spoke.
But, it was something that I know we both missed doing.
I was comforting her.
She was just letting it all out, of her system.
After, she was done doing her thing.
I began to speak.
"Lia," I started.
She quickly looked at me with her puffy red eyes.
I smiled, showing my dimples.
"Since, now that I know your situation... I want to get back with you." I said, and it took her by surprise.
But, she quickly composed herself.
"But, Soobin. You know my condition right?" She asked, and I just nodded.
"Then, why do you still want to have a relationship with me?" She asked.
I sighed, knowing she may smart academically.
But, in relationship smart, she's one of the dumbest persons I know.
First being Yeonjun hyung and Yeji noona.
"Lia... do I need a reason to like you?" I asked her.
Which completely shut her up.
"But--." She was about to protest, but, I quickly cut her off.
"Lia. No matter how hard you protest. Our relationship will be on going starting now." I said and smiled at her.
She smiled back at me.
And we started talking to each other, once again.
Just like back then.
It has been approximately three months, ever since I made up with Lia.
Today, I'm going to visit her, to celebrate our third month anniversary.
I have her favorite flower, cake, and a stuffed bunny.
As she said, she has wanted one for quite some time now.
But, little did she know it was a couple bunnies.
So one, meant for me.
And the other one meant for her.
I was busy walking towards her ward, when doctors suddenly came running towards the direction of her room.
But, I forgot that she wasn't the only patient in this floor.
I suddenly got a bad feeling about this.
So, I quickened my pace to reach her ward.
And when I did, I saw her, she had her eyes closed but, you can see tears running down out of them.
I was crying because there's a chance she might leave me alone.
But, we both knew that there was going to be a time for that, for the both of us.
And hers just came, right on our anniversary.
I was watching the doctors do their own thing, on her.
Just outside her ward's window, I was crying but, I was happy for her.
I was happy for her, because she can finally get some well deserved rest.
After all that she's been through.
She can finally relax.
The doctor came out, and he had that face that all the doctors have when, they are about to say that the person is dead.
I was crying, rivers.
I was a mess, again.
But, this time.
I know that she doesn't really, regret anything.
Because, we still love each other, and nothing can change that fact.
I wasn't ready to let her go.
She wasn't ready either.
Nobody was.
But, she was strong enough to let go.
I promise you, Lia. I'll love you until my next life.
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